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The Walking Dead on AMC

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  • Mikey
    Verbose Member
    • Aug 9, 2001
    • 47244

    Originally posted by Iron Mego
    It's a tube you force down someone's throat so you can make them drink water. They explained it on the Talking Dead.
    oh ok, thanks

    I never watch talking dead


    • fallensaviour
      Talkative Member
      • Aug 28, 2006
      • 5620

      Originally posted by Mikey
      oh ok, thanks

      I never watch talking dead
      You're really missing out Mikey.The host can be a little grating on the nerves sometimes but they do have the actors,creator of the show on often also directors and special f/x shots.You get alot of insight into the show.
      “When you say “It’s hard”, it actually means “I’m not strong enough to fight for it”. Stop saying its hard. Think positive!”


      • johnnystorm
        Hot Child in the City
        • Jul 3, 2008
        • 4293

        Originally posted by Mikey
        I started a non spoiler thread months ago but it didn't get much attention

        BTW, I hate how prison group calls them walkers and the Gov group calls them biters

        Wish somebody would call them ZOMBIES !!!

        So, why are the living dead referred to as "walkers" instead of zombies on "The Walking Dead"?

        One of the pleasures of watching AMC's new "Walking Dead" aftershow -- "Talking Dead" -- is the chance for fans to get answers to questions that one. "Walking Dead" comics creator and TV series producer Robert Kirkman (pictured with series star Steven Yeun) answered it on Sunday.

        In the world of "The Walking Dead," he said, the concept of zombies doesn't exist.

        "One of the things about this world is that people don't know how to shoot people in the head at first, and they're not familiar with zombies, per se," Kirkman said on "Talking Dead." "This isn't a world the (George) Romero movies exist, for instance … because we don't want to portray it that way, we felt like having them be saying 'zombie' all the time would harken back to all of the zombie films which we, in the real world, know about.

        "So by calling them something different, we're kind of giving a nod to … these people don't understand the situation. They've never seen this in pop culture, this is a completely new thing for them."

        Another Kirkman nugget: Animals can't become walkers/zombies. Only humans.


        • ddgaff1132
          Persistent Member
          • Oct 3, 2007
          • 1695

          Well they finally covered the "Burn the Zombies" Issue and totally bullocks it up. We human's are Highly Flammable living or dead. Add a little Hydro carbons and all the more flammable. The only thing on a human that doesn't burn well is bone. Also the consistency of the burns on the Zombie's (3rd Degree+++) would have neutralized any bio contaminant. The heat radiates inward cooking internal organs muscle and nerve tissues.
          Our guy the Guv is a psycho ain't he. If he cant torture the girl he wants. He'll settle for the one he has. I fear for Andrea.
          Yep add me to the list of people who think she's HOT!!!
          PS about the animal thing. Just because they live in the woods. Doesn't mean they don't have accidents there. If you spend enough time walking around the woods. You will find a few injured animals.
          Check out my picture library of Mego-ish compatible vehicles with ID data.
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          • ddgaff1132
            Persistent Member
            • Oct 3, 2007
            • 1695

            Oh I forgot to mention about the Black and White version on earlier in the day. its a way of getting around broadcast regulations. Something like the Walking Dead wouldn't be able to broadcast in my area in that time slot. I also think it is probably going to be edited up a bit. Ya know, So they can add more commercials too.
            Check out my picture library of Mego-ish compatible vehicles with ID data.
            MEGO MOTORS


            • ddgaff1132
              Persistent Member
              • Oct 3, 2007
              • 1695

              Anybody else notice the "Dawn of the Dead" Zombie walking out of the store towards Meryl's car.
              Check out my picture library of Mego-ish compatible vehicles with ID data.
              MEGO MOTORS


              • Wise4671
                • Aug 11, 2007
                • 1389

                I got 2 things to say about tonight episode.

                1) Dont you guys think the Walker that Glen took the ring from should be allowed to attend the wedding? Heck maybe even let her be the ring barer :-)

                2) Did you all notice that dead Lori was pregnant again this week? Even in the after life Shane cant keep his hands off Rick's wife :-P


                • Hector
                  el Hombre de Acero
                  • May 19, 2003
                  • 31852

                  Ok...despite the fact that this thread is not spoiler free...I'll give a heads up to people who didn't see tonight episode...

                  ...DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER!!!

                  What an awesome episode!

                  One of my all time favorites.

                  Merle finally redeemed himself...and went out like a hero...a very tragic hero...but a hero nevertheless.

                  I now despise Rick more than ever...what an indecisive arshole...he tells Merle to hand Michonne over to the Governor...and then takes it back...what a weasel move. Poor Merle did what he was told...but his conscious and love for his brother, made him do the right thing, and let Michonne go. Then like a true warrior...becomes the Pied Piper, brought along a bunch of walkers (using a blasting car stereo)...and proceeded to take out as many of Governor's men as he could...finally going down on his shield...the Governor shot him in the chest...let him become a Walker...and an emotionally distraught Daryl had to take him out, wow, great intense episode.

                  I'm so sick and tired of Rick's' visions of his departed annoying two-timing wife Lori...enough with that already.

                  Now Rick pulls a 180...and now says it's a democracy...and no longer a Rick the expense of poor Merle and Michonne. he used both of them like pawns on a chess board...God...I wish he would get eaten alive by a dozen Walkers, but I know that's not going to happen.

                  So here's to Merle...the former racist redneck...who became a baddarse superhero...I'm drinking an ice cold beer in his name...may he rest in peace...

                  P.S. BTW, you finally see how brutal the Governor is...the way he took out Merle...the dude is a vicious dog, lol.


                  • Hector
                    el Hombre de Acero
                    • May 19, 2003
                    • 31852

                    Originally posted by Mikey
                    oh ok, thanks

                    I never watch talking dead
                    You should, the show is awesome (although the host can be a tad annoying at times) get tons of insight, behind the scenes stuff...and exclusive previews of upcoming episodes.

                    You would also get a kick of watching the actors sit together and featured David Morrissey (the Governor) and Michael Rooker (Merle) yapping and joking with each's fun to see mortal enemies in the show, interact in such a friendly way (out of character) in person, lol.


                    • HumanWolfman
                      Type3Toys Has Transformed
                      • Oct 5, 2011
                      • 1574

                      I dont know Hector, but I dig the way Rick is being portrayed. He is in a constant struggle and is forced to make the hard choices. Lori appears as his conscience. Keep in mind, Shane was the bad guy in the triangle, not her. Shane lied to her about Rick being dead. In her mind, she was single. As soon as she found out he was alive, not only was she ****ed, she wanted to be with her husband. It is like he and the Govenor are polar oppisites, right and wrong, good and evil. As Rick shows, we all have both tendancies, yet he always retuens to his humanity. The Govenor has allowed his to slip away. He is also draw out the remaining humanity from those who follow him. This is really close to real life too.
                      The one thing I struggle with is the Gov being able to whip Meryl hand to hand. This needs to be explained in some kind of sidebar story, a flashback to real life where we can see who and what the Gov was before the walkers came.
                      View My Customs
                      or check here


                      • Nostalgiabuff
                        Muddling through
                        • Oct 4, 2008
                        • 11320

                        man, what a great episode. I did not see that coming at all. figured Merle would be around as an antagonist for the rest of the group for a while. poor Darryl


                        • johnnystorm
                          Hot Child in the City
                          • Jul 3, 2008
                          • 4293

                          Awesome ending, they can really deliver a gut punch now & then...the reveal of Merle was up there with Sophia in the barn. I expected Daryl to find the remains being chewed on by walkers, instead we get this emotional ending and Merle is redeemed as a human being, ironically by having his humanity stripped away by the Gov & the zombies.

                          As for the Governor being able to beat down on Merle, one Merle was not totally in control both emotionally and physically. He was drinking up to the point he entered the shed, and he clearly was confused as to what he should do. But more importantly, Merle was actually AFRAID of the Governor, knowing the things he did about what he is capable of. And that is very telling about how ruthless the battle next week is going to be...if the baddest, dirtiest, meanest guy we knew on the show is scared, what can the others expect?


                          • HumanWolfman
                            Type3Toys Has Transformed
                            • Oct 5, 2011
                            • 1574

                            Got make you wonder in Andrea is gonna make it out of this alive. The Gov has really done it now. He has gone and made this some kind of Wyatt Earp vendetta ride by killing Meryl. I can here Daryl now..."you called down the thunder, well now you got it. Go and tell all the kirds Im coming, tell them Im coming and hell's coming with me!"
                            "Why Govenor, you look like someone just walked over your grave".
                            View My Customs
                            or check here


                            • Mikey
                              Verbose Member
                              • Aug 9, 2001
                              • 47244

                              A bit off topic

                              Was suprised to see the guy who directed this episode played the blonde Army guy in Day of the Dead ---- cool zombie connection


                              • Hector
                                el Hombre de Acero
                                • May 19, 2003
                                • 31852

                                So you are watching Talking Dead after all, lol.

