Carded mego Comic Action Heroes provided by Scott Arendsen, Clem So and BraIn
This extremely rare German three pack of Comic Action Heroes recently surfaced in a collection. It is amazing after 30 years, that Mego discoveries can still be made. It is unknown if "MC Toys" released any more "Comic Super Helden" in Germany.
US Mego cards came in two variations, it is believed the blank cards were earlier. See Hulk pic below. Like the 8" Kresge and Bend N Flex cards, the bubbles are always centered, later Pocket Superheroes releases featured bubbles on opposing sides depending on variant.
Grand Toys (Canada) Cards
The Comic Action Heroes was one of the first thing Canada's Grand Toys ever carried for Mego (the other products being Cher and Muhammad Ali dolls). The first series were the early blank generic cards which are identical to the US cards and most likely distributed only into parts of English Speaking Canada. The later runs enabled Grand to produce Bilingual packaging (important if you want to sell anywhere near the province of Quebec)
Above is an Aquaman on a Canadian issue Window Card, it is completely bilingual, note the early Grand Logo in the corner.
Above is the Grand Toys Four Window Card, this card is essentially generic. No other company produced a four window card like this, it is dated 1977 (possibly for a 1978 release?) similiarly to the German MC Toys 3 pack (see above). Note how the Grand Logo has been revised (which is essentially still the logo that appears today)
Denys Fisher UK Cards
Joker was issued in the UK without his jacket. The basic Denys Fisher card is generic and staple bound so essentially, each figure has the same card. The main difference is that figures do not come with their stands, hard to tell why but it was most likely a cost cutting measure. Stapled in the card is a small CAH catalogue, I'd love to see it but can't open the card to do so. Anyone have one they'd like to share scans of?
This Comic Action Heroes three pack is from, Denys Fisher who is the only distributor known to have produced this style of three pack. It is unknown if a Marvel Comics 3 Pack exists but variations of this one (with other DC heroes) have been sighted.
Many thanks to Raj for many of these Denys Fisher Cards
Other Galleries of Interest
Carded Pocket Superheroes Gallery Carded Bend N Flex Gallery