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The Walking Dead on AMC

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  • YoungOnce
    Career Member
    • Aug 29, 2007
    • 966

    Originally posted by johnnystorm
    Well, guess that's the end of Noah's Arc...

    Sorry, couldn't help the pun.
    Ha! Good'un


    • emeraldknight47
      Talkative Member
      • Jun 20, 2011
      • 5212

      Originally posted by johnnystorm
      Well, guess that's the end of Noah's Arc...

      Sorry, couldn't help the pun.

      I bet Chris Hardwick could kick himself for not thinking of that one himself!
      sigpic Oh then, what's this? Big flashy lighty thing, that's what brought me here! Big flashy lighty things have got me written all over them. Not actually. But give me time. And a crayon.


      • Nostalgiabuff
        Muddling through
        • Oct 4, 2008
        • 11315

        wow, that was a gruesome end. they are killing too many characters too fast. will be interesting to see what the final 2 eps of the season do


        • hedrap
          Permanent Member
          • Feb 10, 2009
          • 4825

          It sounded like a rule, as said to impaled Aidan and by implied by the construction guy was, when under attack “run”.

          That’s what the construction dude meant about Abraham saving the one female. And she was ****ed because they were going to leave her, like she was not one of them.

          It seems like Alexandria uses new people as sacrificial lambs for tough jobs, and only the real insiders, the mission leaders, know the score.

          So Aidan knew if things get hot, leave Noah, Glenn, etc…as they’ve done that before.

          And when zombies attack the construction site, leave Abraham and whoever can’t get out in time.

          It looks like they're trying to parallel them against Terminus and the Hunters. Each group is becoming more deceptive than the last about using people to survive.

          That would also explain the Congresswoman’s actions. Rick’s the leader, but if he’s preoccupied “protecting” which is his natural job, then he won’t know what happens on missions.

          Daryl is the wild card, but if he’s on his own and out of the city, then the variable has been removed.

          Glen was sent to either keep everyone alive, or die trying. Abraham was military and a true physical threat.

          So Sasha, whose going to be played as nuts, will actually be right…and will probably die as a result of that.

          And it really fits the metaphor of her career, which is what I've been wondering about. It would be really strange to have the one Congressional person to survive be the DC equivalent of Mon Mothma.


          • sprytel
            Talkative Member
            • Jun 26, 2009
            • 6556

            It is an interesting theory, but it doesn't really explain why Abraham would then be promoted to the construction foreman...


            • Drzsmith
              Veteran Member
              • Jul 9, 2011
              • 261

              i dont think thats the case to sacrifice the group.


              • hedrap
                Permanent Member
                • Feb 10, 2009
                • 4825

                Originally posted by sprytel
                It is an interesting theory, but it doesn't really explain why Abraham would then be promoted to the construction foreman...
                I got the impression she didn't want to, but her hand was forced as the foreman was stepping down either way.

                I just have this feeling that when the crap hits the fan on missions, those who can, bolt, and they never deal with the repercussions of leaving people behind. So for the first time, the foreman saw you can survive an outing and keep your people alive. He's not capable of doing that and the rest know he's not, but they also they can survive if they listen to Abraham, which is why they stayed.

                There was a definite groupthink going on between Aidan and his sidekick so when things went awry, the sidekick instantly wanted to abandoned him - and then blamed Aidan for making him do it as that's the rule they've followed before, which he threw back in his face.

                Maybe it's not a hardset colony rule and the producers are having them act like animal prey, such as deer. That would play off of Neegan/The Wolves.


                • johnnystorm
                  Hot Child in the City
                  • Jul 3, 2008
                  • 4293

                  Deanna talks a big game about the community and all, but to me it always sounds like campaigning to keep her position as leader. It's telling that she doesn't seem interested in knowing what's outside, rather in handing out jobs and having parties. I mean, if you brought a group such as Ricks into your camp, obviously having some bit of trust for at least a few of the members, don't you think you would ask "What's happening out there? What happened to Atlanta?"
                  Of course, Rick stepping up and telling about people like the Governor, Terminus, the hospital, etc would make them see how they need to defend the place better. No, he has to act all cool and suspicious.
                  Noah had to go, Morgan is coming soon I guess.


                  • johnmiic
                    • Sep 6, 2002
                    • 8427

                    Originally posted by Mikey
                    Am I the one who noticed a zombie in tonight's episode that looked exactly like "Bub" from Day of the Dead ?
                    I lost the link to the article but if you ever see a zombie on TWD that looks like a zombie from another show or film it's intentional. The make-up people like to slip these winks and nods to other shows/films into the series when they can. If it looks familiar-it was intentional. Just wish I could find the link to the article where I read it. It had a breakdown of all the ones they did up till when Glen and Maggie reunited.


                    • Gorn Captain
                      Invincible Ironing Man
                      • Feb 28, 2008
                      • 10549

                      I'm trying to figure out what Deanna is all about.
                      She's giving each one of the group what that person "wants". Putting them in a position where they would normally be happy.
                      The most obvious case is Darryl. She knows he's an outsider, so the ones reaching out to him are the gay couple, who just happen to have a garage full of motorcycle parts. It's obvious that they aren't mechanics, so this is the carrot to lure Darryl in.
                      My only theory so far is that Deanna is aware that her regular people aren't capable of handling the job, and she's letting natural selection take its course, getting them eliminated and putting more skilled survivors (our group) in their place. Remember, she was in politics.

                      It's either that, or Deanna is a lizard alien in disguise, trying to take over the planet.

                      Btw, I never expected a "regular" TV show to display so much graphic death and violence. These last few deaths haven't pulled any punches. Gutsy move...
                      "When things are at their darkest, it's a brave man that can kick back and party."


                      • fallensaviour
                        Talkative Member
                        • Aug 28, 2006
                        • 5620

                        Who's DEANNA?!?!?!?......LOL
                        “When you say “It’s hard”, it actually means “I’m not strong enough to fight for it”. Stop saying its hard. Think positive!”


                        • johnnystorm
                          Hot Child in the City
                          • Jul 3, 2008
                          • 4293

                          What a lousy constable you chose Deanna! First perp he runs into almost kicks his butt. Where's the Rick that rips out your throat with his teeth?!

                          Rick must have been one of those cops that sits behind the billboard and hands out tickets for going 40 in a 30 zone. Aren't cops trained to subdue an attacker in a domestic situation?im guessing that without the apocalypse Rick and Shane would have been bringing donuts to Chief Wiggum.

                          Seriously though, he's become Shane now hasn't he? And he doesn't even know this girl, more than two or three conversations...
                          This is not going to end well for someone.


                          • emeraldknight47
                            Talkative Member
                            • Jun 20, 2011
                            • 5212

                            And how about that "Scarol" from the previews for the finale? I think she is probably more dangerous than Rick because she'll do what needs to get done with the pomp and circumstance and the hapless citizens of Alexandria still don't think she even knows how to handle a gun (yet....!).
                            sigpic Oh then, what's this? Big flashy lighty thing, that's what brought me here! Big flashy lighty things have got me written all over them. Not actually. But give me time. And a crayon.


                            • hedrap
                              Permanent Member
                              • Feb 10, 2009
                              • 4825

                              They certainly love to misdirect in the "next week" teasers. Last week, they made it appear as if Sasha opens fire on Deanna and the people inside. This week, Rick's dialogue sounds like he's referring to the community, but I think he's talking to Daryll about The Wolves.

                              They seem to be shaping towards a Neegan Mad Max world for sure. It would be something to morph a zombie show into Road Warrior, where the zombies are an incidental concern.


                              • emeraldknight47
                                Talkative Member
                                • Jun 20, 2011
                                • 5212

                                I haven't read any of TWD comics or trades, so what I know of this Neegan is just what I've gleaned from other people and from the Internet. I do agree, however, that I think Neegan will be the central crux of Season 6 and that the show will likely only last one more season past that to kind of attempt to wrap things up for this group. That way, AMC can say the show went out while it's ratings were high and, if TWD companion show is thriving, they'll still have that to fall back on, plus, they could always develop a third series, as well. I'd be interested in seeing what's happening in an urban environ like New York, Chicago or maybe even London.
                                sigpic Oh then, what's this? Big flashy lighty thing, that's what brought me here! Big flashy lighty things have got me written all over them. Not actually. But give me time. And a crayon.

