CM: Any Personal Info you are willing to share: (married? Kids? Pets? Occupation? Where from? Other hobbies,/Interests?).
TY: Married 23 years with 3 kids (22, 18, & 9). I do CAD work for a small sheet metal company in Denver, Colorado. Other interests? I love to cook. If I had it to do all over again I would have gone to culinary school. Church tends to take up the rest of my time. My wife and I are involved with a number of different ministries.
CM: How did you get started collecting mego?
TY: I had a number of Megos when I was a kid, but at a certain point in my life, decided that they were for kids and moved on to other things. Eventually, I got to a place in my life where I had a little disposable income and, at the same time, started going to some of the collectors shows in the area. I ran into a guy selling Megos and . well, the rest is history.
CM: What is your favorite original mego figure and line?
TY: Aquaman was my first Mego, so there's a strong sentimental connection with that figure. Since I've been collecting, the Knights have become my favorite.
CM: What is, in your opinion, the biggest "hole" in mego's original lines. (what figure or figure line is missing that should have been done).
TY: My answer is going to be the same as most collectors. The Flash, Green Lantern immediately come to mind. After that, more villains would have been great, especially Marvel villains (Doctor Doom, Red Skull, Loki). Chekov and Sulu are curious exclusions, too. Merlin would have been a nice inclusion to the Knights line.
CM: What motivated you to start customizing?
TY: My intention was to paint. I had gone to art school and had started to get some notice around town. Unfortunately for me, painting and family didn't mix. When I paint I get very obsessive. I needed a creative activity that I could do and keep an eye on small kids at the same time. My son had a figure from the horrible Costner, Robin Hood movie. I picked it up and turned it into a Silver Age Sun Boy.
CM: What was your first custom?
TY: My first Mego custom was the 90's re-introduction of Robin. I think Neal Adams had a hand in the design.
CM: How did it come out? (looking back on it now)
TY: Horribly. Nothing of that custom remains.
CM: What have you done/learned that has improved your customizing skills?
TY: Getting familiar with a sewing machine. My eyes were starting to shrink down to the size of snow peas from hand sewing everything.
CM: What areas of customizing is your strongest points, or favorite things to do?
TY: That's easy. Sculpting. I've developed a style that's tight and recognizable. Now, if I could only do likenesses.
CM: What resources make it easier for you as a customizer? (is there a source for parts? Information? Etc. that aids you more than anything else?).
TY: Dr. Mego, The members of the Mego Museum, The members of Custom Board, The Smooth-On online store, The Yahoo Casting Group, The good people at Western Sculpting Supply, Google
CM: What is your favorite custom you've done and do you think it's your best work? If not, what do you think is your best work?
TY: Blue Beetle turned out clean and tight. I really like Fighting American. It's my first complete custom. With the exception of the wrist pins, I made every part of that body.
CM: Why do you choose the projects you choose?
TY: I started making the Golden Age, Public Domain characters because at the time there was a rash of Cease and Desist letters going to customizers and, quite frankly, I didn't want to get one. I didn't expect to fall in love with the period and the characters. Now, one can't pick up a comic without seeing these great characters splashed all over the pages. Project Superpower, Terra Obscura, Marvel's The Twelve. Even DC's Justice Society is pulling from their past to create some great legacy characters. It's wonderful seeing all these characters get some time.
CM: What are your favorite customs others have done and why?
TY: I love the steam punk look of Tbolts figures. Great stuff. Growing up a Star Trek fan, all the Trek customs make me happy. Captain Mego and I seem to be working toward to same goal. It's always good to see his latest figures.
CM: What is on your "to do" list in the near future?
TY: Iron Tiger Seven and the Golden Age Flash are on the table. I bought some fabric that I think will make a really cool dark blue chain mail, so I'm thinking about redoing Blue Beetle using that fabric. I want to get started on Cavebody 2.0. I want to get rid of the strings, add detail to the anatomy, and add articulation to the ankles.
CM: How do you think customizing affects the mego collecting hobby?
TY: Personally, I'm not buying many Megos now. Customizing has something to do with it. The money that would have gone to purchasing toys is now going to purchase casting medium and silicone. However, if I could justify the cost of Megos, even loose figures, I would buy a lot more then I am.
CM: Any tips or words of customizing advise to new customizers?
TY: We all start off with the "Just Like Mego" mantra going through our heads. And, I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with that. If that makes you happy then you should continue regardless of what anyone might say or write. What I am saying is that you shouldn't be afraid to do something crazy. Have fun with the hobby. Make it a personal expression. I know that I'm more interested in looking at customs when I feel like I'm learning something about the customizer.
CM: Do you sell custom figures or parts? If so, why?
TY: Oh yea. The goal is for the customs to pay for themselves and make me a little bank in the process.
CM: What does your family/friends think of your mego custom work/hobby?
TY: Honestly, I don't concern myself with what someone else might think. Be it positive or not. We all need a creative outlet. This has become mine.
CM: We really appreciate your participation Troy!
TY: Thanks for the honor. I really appreciate it.