CM: Any Personal Info you are willing to share: (married? Kids? Pets? Occupation? Where from? Other hobbies,/Interests?).
DS: No Kids thank God!LOL! I work at a Bakery: J.J.Nissen, Hostess, Wonder Bread on the Shipping Dock. Hobbies.Customizing , Skiing, Guitar, Racquetball, Movies, Comic Books, and More...
CM: How did you get started collecting mego?
DS: I went a Star Trek Convention to see Sulu.and found Kirk & Spock Megos still on the Card. I was AMAZED! That started it all!
CM: What is your favorite original mego figure and line?
DS: Favorite Mego is RC Batman! Still have Mine form 1972(It was My 7th Birthday). Favorite Line? Man,that's tough.I love the ALL, MWGSH's, Star Trek, & POTA!
CM: What is, in your opinion, the biggest "hole" in mego's original lines. (what figure or figure line is missing that should have been done).
DS: Doctor Doom. They made the Fantastic Four and no Doc Doom for them to fight? What were they thinking. Oh I know, it cost 2 cents more than Ironman. LOL!
CM: What motivated you to start customizing?
DS: Charlie Flatt! I saw his work and wanted to own some of his stuff so bad, but couldn't afford to. Then I met my friend Scott Metzger and he got me started customizing.
CM: What was your first custom?
DS: DareDevil. And I sold him on eBay and didn't save a pic.
CM: How did it come out? (looking back on it now)
DS: Not to bad really.I shave the Horns off of a Dinosaur Eraser, but use the wrong kind of paint. It took month to dry!
CM: What have you done/learned that has improved your customizing skills?
DS: I guess I'm still trying to progress. Sew more of my own suits & stuff(use bulked up Bodies). I get a lot of peer pressure from BlackKnight & Megospidey if I don't. LOL!
CM: What areas of customizing is your strongest points, or favorite things to do?
DS: Strongest abilities would be sculpting over existing Heads, and sculpting Hair.
CM: What resources make it easier for you as a customizer? (is there a source for parts? Information? Etc. that aids you more than anything else?).
DS: I'm glad You brought that Up! You may have heard Me refer to Myself as a lazy Customizer, or cheater..because I'll use every and any Item that our fellow Museum Members have to offer. Wither it be Brian Leitner to sew Me a Suit, Dyescreened Suits, China made parts.or anything that gets Me the look I want for the Figure. It not just laziness though.but not enough free time.
CM: What is your favorite custom you've done and do you think it's your best work? If not, what do you think is your best work?
DS: Well.My favorite Custom is My Year One: BATMAN. But since Troy Younger sculpted the Head.I don't deserve a lot of credit for it. So for one I made (sculpted the Head over a Mego Head, sewed the Suit, made the Belt, etc.)I'd have to say My FLASH.
CM: Why do you choose the projects you choose?
DS: Either it's a Mego that I wanted to see done better that Mego did.or it's just a favorite Character.
CM: What are your favorite customs others have done and why?
DS: Let's see..EVERYTHING BlackKnight & Megospidey have done(I hate those Guys! LOL!), James Brady's Gorn, Khan, Kang, etc.As far an example.BK's Wolverine is out of this World! He's the right height, the Costume is pure art.just everything about it is AMAZING(and I OWN IT!!!!!)
CM: What is on your "to do" list in the near future?
DS: Well.I'm making a few Customs for Me (Adam West Batman, Nightwing, Jim Lee Wolverine in classic X-Men Costume). ÿBut right now I'm working on a secret Project that I can't talk too much about.I'm now a Prototype designer for a Friend I haven't seen for 20 years, and just Released His NEW Comic line.and wants help promote it with a Mego Figure line to back it up! It's really exciting.and it's making Me think in different ways of Customizing. I now have to consider the cost of manufacturing.to bring them in at a certain price point(like trying to use as many China made Parts, as apposed to Hand casting). As Customizers.We can do anything We want, because We are making art.and only one Copy.
CM: How do you think customizing affects the mego collecting hobby?
DS: It's great for the Hobby! It keeps interest in a long defunked Toy Company.
CM: Any tips or words of customizing advise to new customizers?
DS: Certainly.everything You need to start customizing can be found right here on the Mego Museum .thru Members who make every thing You need (Costumes, Heads, Accessories, You name it!).
CM: Do you sell custom figures or parts? If so, why?
DS: I sometimes make Custom to sell.just for Hobby Money. It keeps the Wife off My Back.LOL!
CM: What does your family/friends think of your mego custom work/hobby?
DS: They find it interesting.
CM: Thanks for taking the time to chat with us Dane!
DS: I'm just happy to be part of such a GREAT Community.what an incredible group of People! I'm proud to be a Member. And thanks to all the GREAT Customizers that have inspired Me.and continue to do so! Thanks Everybody.