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Lost Season 6

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  • The Toyroom
    The Packaging King
    • Dec 31, 2004
    • 16653

    Originally posted by kryptosmaster
    l or a book that delves into all the unsolved mysteries.
    Makes me wonder how many of our unanswered questions will be answered in the Lost Encyclopedia coming out in August...if it's anything like the WWE Encyclopedia that DK also put out it'll be huge. And with the price at $45, I thing it will be pretty hefty, so hopefully some answers will be in there.
    Think OUTSIDE the Box! For the BEST in Repro & Custom Packaging!


    • megoscott
      Founding Partner
      • Nov 17, 2006
      • 8710

      Originally posted by kryptosmaster
      Seems like the more people discuss the show and the finale, the more disillusioned they get.
      They have come to realize we all kind of got played in a way. That doesn't diminish the joy that we got from watching the show; it just makes us feel like we got cheated in the end.
      So many plot devices coming into play and then left on the wayside when it all came together at the end.
      Too many unanswered questions.
      Makes you feel like maybe it was all deliberate in order for them to still be able to milk the franchise (and fans) for more dough down the road when they do a tv special or a book that delves into all the unsolved mysteries.
      No, I can't believe that. I take them at their word that they told the story the set out to tell and I believe they did it in good faith. This was the most ambitious television show ever made, pretty much. It didn't all work, a lot of it did. It'll be interesting to see what we think in a few years. It's been an up and down week for me. I had my dark night of the Lost soul last night, I can already feel that shifting again. I love this show, plain and simple.

      From a creative standpoint it's really interesting to me to see what worked and what didn't. I think there will be a great book written one day about the making of Lost, breaking down what was planned, what was improvised, what was circumstance, what grew naturally from the actors, etc.

      Oh look, I just spent another 10 minutes of my life writing a post about Lost.

      And then they had to make Lost Megos. There's no escape for us, boys. Who's planning their Hurley custom outfit to replace that robe?
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      • megoscott
        Founding Partner
        • Nov 17, 2006
        • 8710

        Originally posted by The Toyroom
        Makes me wonder how many of our unanswered questions will be answered in the Lost Encyclopedia coming out in August...if it's anything like the WWE Encyclopedia that DK also put out it'll be huge. And with the price at $45, I thing it will be pretty hefty, so hopefully some answers will be in there.
        I bet it doesn't give a lot of answers. I'll get it, but I'm skeptical.
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        • Paul Evans
          Career Member
          • Jun 19, 2001
          • 545

          I've said it before in this thread...though I was just kinda joking then.

          But now I'm more serious: What if the show had ended after season 5 and had ended with Juliette's bomb detonation?

          What would everyone have thought then?

          We would still have all the questions that were never answered, but that finale would have followed Season 5, IMO the greatest season of them all. No one would have thought the whole season sucked, just to end this way. All the time jumps tying things together would have pleased alot of people, the action at the end would have been a great way to end it and the fade to white would have left everyone wondering if the bomb worked and they ended up back in LA...?

          Not having answered everything wouldn't have been such an issue because all that time never would have been wasted in the SideWays universe!


          The fade to white, followed by the first plane scene from Season 6...with Desmond saying something to Jack would have been a killer ending. Stop it right there and leave everyone wondering because Desmond wasn't on the plane the first time.

          There was lots of crafty stuff they could have done.

          Again, I say, I loved the show including all the bad with the good. But the writers really missed some great opportunities while being real cute with their writing.
          "They say no man can resist them."


          • The Toyroom
            The Packaging King
            • Dec 31, 2004
            • 16653

            So knowing what we all know now....metaphorically speaking...are you of the "get off the island" or the "half to go back" camp?
            Think OUTSIDE the Box! For the BEST in Repro & Custom Packaging!


            • The Toyroom
              The Packaging King
              • Dec 31, 2004
              • 16653

              ^ Or maybe you're of the "island isn't done with you" camp
              Think OUTSIDE the Box! For the BEST in Repro & Custom Packaging!


              • megoscott
                Founding Partner
                • Nov 17, 2006
                • 8710

                Originally posted by Paul Evans
                I've said it before in this thread...though I was just kinda joking then.

                But now I'm more serious: What if the show had ended after season 5 and had ended with Juliette's bomb detonation?

                What would everyone have thought then?
                That would have been rough. If you are asking do my problems with Season 6 make me willing to sacrifice it, the answer is no. I loved watching Locke as Smokie, I loved what I got of Jacob, I liked the Temple even. Going back for Claire, reuniting Sun and Jin, it's all good.

                Hey, I was thinking about your college roomates analogy. It doesn't really hold up--the Losties spent 3 years together either in 1977 or 2007 so it was longer than just the beach time. And a lot of that time they were trying not to be killed, so even Boone and Shannon in their brief time went through some profound experiences with the group. They kind of went to war together. The bonding they alluding to in the Sideways isn't preposterous, but I still don't see why Miles didn't move on.
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                • The Toyroom
                  The Packaging King
                  • Dec 31, 2004
                  • 16653

                  Originally posted by MegoScott
                  The bonding they alluding to in the Sideways isn't preposterous, but I still don't see why Miles didn't move on.
                  Well he was in the Sideways, but maybe like Ana Lucia he's "not ready"?
                  I really think though that the only people they wanted to "move on" for the sake of the story were the original Desmond. Cuz Charlotte and Daniel were also in the Sideways world but not in the Church. And I have NO idea what was going on with Eloise and Charles in SW....And even though it was cool to see Jack finally catch up with his father, when you break it all down Christian shouldn't have been there either....
                  Think OUTSIDE the Box! For the BEST in Repro & Custom Packaging!


                  • Paul Evans
                    Career Member
                    • Jun 19, 2001
                    • 545

                    Originally posted by MegoScott
                    Hey, I was thinking about your college roomates analogy. It doesn't really hold up--the Losties spent 3 years together either in 1977 or 2007 so it was longer than just the beach time. And a lot of that time they were trying not to be killed, so even Boone and Shannon in their brief time went through some profound experiences with the group. They kind of went to war together. The bonding they alluding to in the Sideways isn't preposterous, but I still don't see why Miles didn't move on.
                    The Dharmaville people are the ones who TRULY bonded. No one should have been closer than Juliette, Sawyer, Jin and Miles. They were in a small group trapped on an island for 3 years. But Miles wasn't included in the reunion even though his bond should have been stronger than many who were included like Boone or Shannon.

                    Those who escaped the island spent 3 years off the island, but they didn't spend them bonding together. Hurley's in the looney bin, Sayid is killing people and building houses, Jack and Kate are together for awhile, Sun is back in Korea. How did those people do any bonding over 3 years?

                    Here's another analogy for you: Many war veterans return home after far more horrific events than what happened on the island, only to return to their families and never see their brothers in arms again.

                    My father was in the Korean War and with 1 or 2 exceptions, he didn't see anyone from his outfit for like 30 years. These guys lived together, fought together, died together and survived together. I'd rather have been on the island with Kate, Juliette and Claire over the Korean War any day. But most war veterans don't bond to the point of wanting to spend the afterlife together.
                    Last edited by Paul Evans; May 28, '10, 9:46 PM.
                    "They say no man can resist them."


                    • megoscott
                      Founding Partner
                      • Nov 17, 2006
                      • 8710

                      Yeah, I see what you're saying. The whole idea of spending the afterlife with a group is kind of odd anyway. In the end it was just a TV convention, a metaphysical verison of the Mary Tyler Moore group hug.
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                      • Nostalgiabuff
                        Muddling through
                        • Oct 4, 2008
                        • 11320

                        I don't think S6 sucked at all. I enjoyed every minute of it. I think in order to truly appreciate it you need to watch the whole season in a marathon. that way you pick up on more of the nuances of what is said and what is revealed. While I understand the need to understand more of the mystery here, I do not understand all this *****ing about the finale. It was agreat tale, well told and well ended. are there still questions? of course, but that was kind of the point. they wanted people to come up with their own interpretations.


                        • kryptosmaster
                          • Jun 14, 2008
                          • 0

                          Originally posted by Nostalgiabuff
                          I don't think S6 sucked at all. they wanted people to come up with their own interpretations.
                          I don't think it sucked either. What i do think is that after all is said and done it was essentially pointless. They basically promised us all these answers; led us on this merry chase through Wonderland and ended up with more questions than we started with.
                          There's nothing wrong with leaving some vagueness and leaving some things open to interpretation but they went overboard with that. They left EVERYTHING open to interpretation. I think we deserved a little more than that.


                          • Paul Evans
                            Career Member
                            • Jun 19, 2001
                            • 545

                            We would have had alot less to complain about if the show had simply been canceled after season 3 or 4. That's when the ratings really started to dip when people started turning the show off. I have several co-workers who quit watching right around that time.

                            I was a big fan of Twin Peaks. It had lots of questions and weirdness about it. Before we could get all the answers, it got canceled. No one said "those writers SUCK!". Everyone still watching said "oh man! Now we'll never know...".

                            In a way, the writers only hope to not look bad was to be canceled before they were forced to give up the secrets. In the end, the didn't or couldn't give up the secrets so they ended up looking bad (at least in some people's eyes).
                            "They say no man can resist them."


                            • megoscott
                              Founding Partner
                              • Nov 17, 2006
                              • 8710

                              Mmm, I don't quite get that, Paul. Can't go there with you on that one.

                              I definitely don't think 6 sucked. Having seen the whole thing I wish they'd have made different choices, but that doesn't diminish what it was to me. I looked forward to every single episode of Lost and I thoroughly enjoyed every episode of the last 2 seasons. There's plenty to debate about, plenty to discuss, it's not all *****ing.
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                              • megoscott
                                Founding Partner
                                • Nov 17, 2006
                                • 8710

                                Look! Miles was at the chruch after all! Here he is giving fake baby Aaron a cigarette.

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