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Major Announcement Coming from Mego

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  • TRDouble
    Permanent Member
    • Jul 10, 2012
    • 2662

    Although I haven’t purchased G.I. Joes since what I called the original third wave back in the 80s (1985?), with the exception of a Snake-Eyes and Storm Shadow in a couple other formats, I like these enough to make them my third exception, with those same two characters. Mego definitely upped the ante on the clothing and accessories with this release. I don’t have the space or money to go down a long G.I. Joe:RAH rabbit hole with Mego, but I can definitely see myself purchasing a few more select characters. My interest is much higher in Mego versions than Marvel Legends style Joes.

    I hope I am wrong, but I don’t see Marvel or Star Wars in the near future. But Hasbro and Mattel (with MOTU) have really been licensing out their owned IPs lately, at least with the Joes and MOTU.


    • SpideyDude73
      • Jul 5, 2019
      • 75

      I am SO excited about the Snake Eyes Stormshadow set. I couldn't enter my credit card information quick enough...


      • jwyblejr
        galactic yo-yo
        • Apr 6, 2006
        • 11147

        We might get Star Wars and Marvel Megos down the road,we might not. What this gives us is a slim chance it could happen.


        • nubee
          Career Member
          • Feb 15, 2010
          • 527

          I want Bullet Man.


          • TRDouble
            Permanent Member
            • Jul 10, 2012
            • 2662

            Originally posted by nubee
            I want Bullet Man.
            An 8" Bullet Man would be incredible! I loved that figure. Removable helmet to reveal a Bruce Wayne looking face and boots that I could never, ever figure out how to peel off, LOL! Even when I lost the helmet and even though he was bigger than the majority of my figures ta the time (I did have a 6 Million Dollar Man; 12.5" Megos would come later), I still had a blast playing with Bullet Man.


            • PNGwynne
              Master of Fowl Play
              • Jun 5, 2008
              • 19811

              Originally posted by nubee
              I want Bullet Man.
              I do, too and I think Mego fans would love one.
              WANTED: Dick Grayson SI trousers; gray AJ Mustang horse; vintage RC Batman (Bruce Wayne) head; minty Wolfman tights; mint Black Knight sword; minty Launcelot boots; Lion Rock (pale) Dracula & Mummy heads; Lion Rock Franky squared boots; Wayne Foundation blue furniture; Flash Gordon/Ming (10") unbroken holsters; CHiPs gloved arms; POTA T2 tan body; CTVT/vintage Friar Tuck robes, BBP TZ Burgess Meredith glasses.


              • ODBJBG
                Permanent Member
                • May 15, 2009
                • 3179

                I hope these do well, truly, because there is some great potential but I definitely think this missed the mark in a few ways.

                Joe fans don't seem to be receiving these very well, which really isn't a surprise, RAH Joe fans (which make up 98% of the Joe fan base) are mostly 3 3/4 collectors with subsets among them (O-ring only, new figs, etc) and a small growing 6 inch fan base. They have no real interest in these. They're a hard bunch to sway to be honest.

                Vintage Joe 12 inch collectors would probably dig some Mego versions of the classics (like the AT) but that's not happening (yet?)...

                And it seems the Mego community is largely split, and this is the only community I'm seeing genuine excitement in.

                And then there's just the sort of "Whoa this is a new kind of GI Joe" collectors who might would bite on these just for the novelty sake, but Mego's announcement comes after Mezco, Minimates, Super7, etc all just launched "new types" of GI Joe lines.

                Perhaps the popularity of Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow will be enough that these will be a hit regardless and I understand the logic in choosing them, but I'm just getting a tepid reception vibe overall.

                Feels like had Mego been able to wrangle the Joe license but do something different than what everyone else is doing, it might have hit a little harder. With the new body, GI Joe AT with flocked beards and such probably would have went over like rover, even if it wasn't as big as Snake Eyes, etc. Making some exclusives like that, and then perhaps later doing these characters, might have worked better. But again, probably wasn't possible.


                • JoeMego
                  New Member
                  • Oct 29, 2018
                  • 41

                  Yeah, I'm a HUGE GIJOE fan. Have thousands of $$$ worth of 12" and 3 3/4" figures.

                  I'm gonna pass.

                  I think it should be (at MOST) a $39.99 set. The other Mego 2-packs were $29.99.

                  So I'm not interested in paying a $30 "Hasbro tax."

                  If you buy one, GREAT. Have fun with it. Me... It's a hard pass.


                  • Retro76
                    • Aug 4, 2012
                    • 55

                    I agree the price point is a hurdle but I get the sense this is not necessarily targeting existing Mego fans but more towards the GI Joe RAH fan base. That being said the Joe RAH fan base is spread across not only the 3-3/4" line but also the highly articulated and sculpted 6" Classified line with average price point of $22.99 both online and retail plus online only 7" Joe RAH 80's cartoon based versions from Super7 - price point $55.00 (!), and Mezco 1/12 scale exclusive preorder only figs going for $95-$100 (!!). Based on this I think it will be up to the diehard RAH fans to pickup these Joe Megos. I agree with other posters that I do not think the vintage traditional 12" Joe base will be interested in getting these. Also, I think the $30 Mego Joe price point is not only due to the Hasbro licenses cost but may be a mandate by Hasbro to avoid competition with their other Joe lines. In any case I hope these are successful and hopefully lead to Mego Joes at retail (hopefully at a smaller price point) as well as expand to vintage pre-RAH Joes as well as other Hasbro lines including Marvel.
                    Last edited by Retro76; Jul 28, '21, 5:12 PM.


                    • LonnieFisher
                      Eloquent Member
                      • Jan 19, 2008
                      • 10917

                      Maybe some of the accessories can be used with future Mego figures. The nunchucks are way better than the ones released with Bruce Lee.


                      • TheNewGiJoeWithKungFuGrip
                        Veteran Member
                        • Jun 18, 2015
                        • 451

                        Originally posted by JoeMego
                        Yeah, I'm a HUGE GIJOE fan. Have thousands of $$$ worth of 12" and 3 3/4" figures.

                        I'm gonna pass.

                        I think it should be (at MOST) a $39.99 set. The other Mego 2-packs were $29.99.

                        So I'm not interested in paying a $30 "Hasbro tax."

                        If you buy one, GREAT. Have fun with it. Me... It's a hard pass.
                        My thoughts exactly. Was totally gonna get this and then I saw the trademark Hasbro pricing.
                        The hands that grip.


                        • powersthatbe
                          Persistent Member
                          • Sep 27, 2010
                          • 2041

                          I'm sorry if I didn't catch this. but will Mego do other GI Joe ARAH characters other then snake and storm in the near future?


                          • LonnieFisher
                            Eloquent Member
                            • Jan 19, 2008
                            • 10917

                            Originally posted by powersthatbe
                            I'm sorry if I didn't catch this. but will Mego do other GI Joe ARAH characters other then snake and storm in the near future?
                            Nobody knows.


                            • thunderbolt
                              Hi Ernie!!!
                              • Feb 15, 2004
                              • 34211

                              Originally posted by LonnieFisher
                              Nobody knows.
                              Surprised you don't know
                              You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


                              • Mego Newbie14
                                Veteran Member
                                • Jul 25, 2018
                                • 305

                                Think they did mention there would be more during one of the streams.

