I'm ecstatic. Just ordered three sets. Cannot wait to see the retro packaging...bring on Destro and Cobra Commander!
No announcement yet.
Major Announcement Coming from Mego
Between the body, the outfits, the multiple high-quality accessories... these are the nicest figures that Mego has produced. I absolutely love them. I really hope Mego continues to pursue a mix of both the "toy shelf" figures and these kind of "collector" figures.
And Hasbro is such an exciting partnership. Just within GI Joe... so many possibilities. I'd love to see them do Super Joe!
Not to overstate things, but this really feels to me like a turning point for the company. Mego just leveled up.Comment
I ordered myself a set this morning. Yes, it's higher than two Megos, but they definitely upped the costuming and accessories, plus the license. And I would pay $40 for two Classified figures...and I can get two of these for nearly the price of one Super 7 figure.
This is a very exciting development. I can see this finally allowing Micronauts to return whole with the Mego/Hasbro/Marvel connection. I can also so potential for possible Marvel and Star Wars figures like many others.
Plus...more GI Joe! We at least need a Duke and Cobra Commander!
I hadn't quite imagined those possibilities until I read this, but Wow!.....that'd be more than I ever dreamed of. I did realize that the reveal could be more than, "Hey! We're getting Snake Eyes!" and it is going to be interesting to see where this could go. I could almost hear Obi-Wan say, "That's good! You've just taken your first step into a larger world." because that's what it seems to be.Comment
I'd be excited if it this deal lead to other lines in partnership with Hasbro, but the market is currently flooded with Marvel and Star Wars product and as much as I like Mego, I am just not up for more product from those brands in yet another format. However, if it led to Micronauts or Dungeons and Dragons lines, I would be all over it, especially with Hasbro/WOTC releasing new products featuring the classic cartoon and toyline characters next year as they recently announced (and a push on Dragonlance and Drizzt later this year as I was never able to manifest the Dragonlance customs I was trying to do a couple years back).
-M"Opinion is the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding." -PlatoComment
RAH was a little after my time.
Congrats to those of you who are happy about this news.
I would have rather had the Adventure Team.Comment
I'm more of an Adventure Team guy, myself.
Although, I would love them to do AT figures, it wouldn't be any fun for me if they didn't make vehicles or playsets, too, or offer different outfits and accessories for them.
It seems like they are only making figures these days, and nothing else to go along with them.Comment
I would love it if this leads down the road to classic GI Joe soldiers (60's, 70's & 90's) and would be over the moon if this collaboration eventually leads to Marvel.
Feet very well grounded for now though.Comment
It's a shame Eagle Force isn't with Mego anymore. Certainly GI Joe is a much bigger and better deal. but would have loved to have seen eight inch versions of eagle force characters. Oh yeah micronauts would be cool and on the same note eight inch micronauts characters like the japanese cyborg toy of the past would rock) And lastly it's really nice to see Marty enjoying this merger at this stage of his career.Comment