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Your Top Ten Sci-Fi movies of the last ten years or so.

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  • megoapesnut
    The name says it all!
    • Dec 3, 2007
    • 3724

    Originally posted by Hector
    I hope no one mentions the remake of Total Recall, I hated that movie, what a pile of garbage.

    On the other hand, Tom Cruise's Oblivion was not bad.
    Yes, but didn't Kate Beckinsale look SUPER awesome in it???

    And yes, I liked Oblivion also.


    • Hector
      el Hombre de Acero
      • May 19, 2003
      • 31852

      Originally posted by megoapesnut
      Yes, but didn't Kate Beckinsale look SUPER awesome in it???

      And yes, I liked Oblivion also.
      I prefer Jessica Biel...yes, Beckinsale is prettier face wise, but I'm a butt man...and Biel gots one nice big juicy booty, lol.

      Glad we agree on Oblivion, it was a throwback to the sci-fi flicks of the 70s, well done.
      Last edited by Hector; Sep 12, '13, 5:08 PM.


      • spacecaps
        Second Mouse
        • Aug 24, 2011
        • 2093

        Yeah Prometheus was a huge let down for me. I liked the movie when I saw. It was fun, entertaining, scary, and gross at times. It was visually stunning too. But the script....Did anyone read that before they filmed it? Was it one of the greatest science fiction movies I've ever seen? Not even close. First off, I think it's hard to put anything on an "best of all time list" without seeing how it holds up over time. You gotta let the cake bake before declaring something THE BEST EVER! I love Breaking Bad but is it one of the top 10 greatest TV shows of all time. I don't know. Ask me after the final episode airs. Declaring something like that when it's so current never made much since to me. If you had asked me if LOST was one of the greatest TV shows of all time during the first five seasons, I would have said HELL YES! After season five, not even in the top 50. It's a little different for movies but take a film like the Matrix. In 1999, it would have been on anyones top ten sci-fi films of all time list but two terrible sequels where the actual story ran out half way through the second movie and special effects that were considered cutting edge then that look like Playstation 2 graphics now didn't really help this movie stand up fourteen years later. Try watching it now and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about with the computer effects. They're cringe worthy.

        Anyway as for Prometheus, there was way too many problems for me. Here's what I wrote about it on this site after first seeing it when the movie came out.....
        Now remember I liked the film. Really enjoyed it but here's a few things that didn't jive. What I found more confusing was...why was there a face on the outside of the ship they kept showing in the wind storm? Why was there a big head in the cargo hold of the Alien ship? While those things seemed to serve as a visual, they served no purpose. And if you say the big head inside the cargo hold was some kind of idol, that be like putting a crucifix in a warehouse. It didn't make sense. The acting was something too. I don't think that's how people would behave on a space mission like that. Everyone was so wooden and stereotypical. The guy that's just in it for the money (that howls when he release the what was up with him showing up as a zombie alien monster towards the end after his face melted off earlier, the nerdy guy that wants to be everyones friend, the corporate ice queen, the archeologist and his wife that are totally unqualified to even be on a ship like that and will stop at nothing to get answers even though everything they find spits in the eye of her beliefs. The Asain guy and the other guy that had like three lines a piece in the movie about some stupid bet they had going on that are totally cool with ramming the ship and dying in the end when they totally could have lived. Also anyone here listen to music from 1880? Didn't think so but that pilot sure dug some 130 year old CSNY music. He even brought Stephen Still's accordion on the ship with him. The old guy showing up on the end was really dumb too. Oh, and lets make her Theron's father too. That had nothing to do with anything and did anyone care? Naomi Rapace was incredibly annoying the first half of the film but got better towards the end. The abortion scene will stay with you but not having the equipment to perform something that women have been doing on their own for centuries before that....And why was that really expensive surgical champer calibrated for a male? I'm guessing it was for Weyland but a better reveal would have been if Theron was a man. Anyway, as far as the characters, you really don't have any attachment to anyone. I think I would have preferred this had nothing to do with Alien at all. The Engineers created us, we created the Alien? Really? I'm sure some of you will know but what year does Alien take place in? The new Aliens created by the humans in 2094 have all of this ancient technology at their disposal (that some how still works) and have the knowledge to use it all. That's hard to believe. Also what the hell was going on in the beginning. I couldn't decide if that was by design or an experiment gone wrong. I didn't get it though. Those are some of the things that I found glaring in the film. Ridley Scott is supposed to be this huge stickler for detail but one other thing I picked up on was the inconstancy of the helmets. In the beginning when the two archeologist put them on and he gives her the "one small step for mankind" line, they clunk helmets together and they make a sound like to pieces of plastic clanging into one another. Later when the lizard like face hugger wraps around the guys arm and the other dude goes to cut it, the acid splatters all over his face and the helmet melts like plastic too. Later though when he shows up as a zombie and kills off most of the nondescript crew, he smashes their helmets and they break and shatter like glass. Even if he has super alien strength he's smashing space helmets and cracking them open like walnut shells. These helmets should be made from highly pressurized space age material not made of the same material as an Anderson window pane. I'm sure most didn't notice but the space helmets really bugged me when I left the theater.

        So that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

        Honest Trailers really sums it up perfectly. Even if you liked the movie, you'll enjoy this. If you've never seen Honest Trailers, you're in for a treat.

        Become a Screen Junkie! ►► more Honest Trailers ►► the creator of one of the most beloved...
        "Many Shubs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Sloar that day I can tell you."


        • Hector
          el Hombre de Acero
          • May 19, 2003
          • 31852

          No one said, at least me, that Prometheus was the greatest movie of all times, I just listed it as one of my top ten favorites of this past decade, come on man, lol.

          Isn't this thread of the last ten years and not all time?

          Yes, it deserves a top ten for this past decade, it wasn't exactly the golden age of sci-fi movies, you know.

          Prometheus was way better than most crap put out these past ten years, certainly.


          • Hector
            el Hombre de Acero
            • May 19, 2003
            • 31852

            Originally posted by spacecaps
            Yeah Prometheus was a huge let down for me. I liked the movie when I saw. It was fun, entertaining, scary, and gross at times. It was visually stunning too. But the script....Did anyone read that before they filmed it? Was it one of the greatest science fiction movies I've ever seen? Not even close. First off, I think it's hard to put anything on an "best of all time list" without seeing how it holds up over time. You gotta let the cake bake before declaring something THE BEST EVER! I love Breaking Bad but is it one of the top 10 greatest TV shows of all time. I don't know. Ask me after the final episode airs. Declaring something like that when it's so current never made much since to me. If you had asked me if LOST was one of the greatest TV shows of all time during the first five seasons, I would have said HELL YES! After season five, not even in the top 50. It's a little different for movies but take a film like the Matrix. In 1999, it would have been on anyones top ten sci-fi films of all time list but two terrible sequels where the actual story ran out half way through the second movie and special effects that were considered cutting edge then that look like Playstation 2 graphics now didn't really help this movie stand up fourteen years later. Try watching it now and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about with the computer effects. They're cringe worthy.

            Anyway as for Prometheus, there was way too many problems for me. Here's what I wrote about it on this site after first seeing it when the movie came out.....
            Now remember I liked the film. Really enjoyed it but here's a few things that didn't jive. What I found more confusing was...why was there a face on the outside of the ship they kept showing in the wind storm? Why was there a big head in the cargo hold of the Alien ship? While those things seemed to serve as a visual, they served no purpose. And if you say the big head inside the cargo hold was some kind of idol, that be like putting a crucifix in a warehouse. It didn't make sense. The acting was something too. I don't think that's how people would behave on a space mission like that. Everyone was so wooden and stereotypical. The guy that's just in it for the money (that howls when he release the what was up with him showing up as a zombie alien monster towards the end after his face melted off earlier, the nerdy guy that wants to be everyones friend, the corporate ice queen, the archeologist and his wife that are totally unqualified to even be on a ship like that and will stop at nothing to get answers even though everything they find spits in the eye of her beliefs. The Asain guy and the other guy that had like three lines a piece in the movie about some stupid bet they had going on that are totally cool with ramming the ship and dying in the end when they totally could have lived. Also anyone here listen to music from 1880? Didn't think so but that pilot sure dug some 130 year old CSNY music. He even brought Stephen Still's accordion on the ship with him. The old guy showing up on the end was really dumb too. Oh, and lets make her Theron's father too. That had nothing to do with anything and did anyone care? Naomi Rapace was incredibly annoying the first half of the film but got better towards the end. The abortion scene will stay with you but not having the equipment to perform something that women have been doing on their own for centuries before that....And why was that really expensive surgical champer calibrated for a male? I'm guessing it was for Weyland but a better reveal would have been if Theron was a man. Anyway, as far as the characters, you really don't have any attachment to anyone. I think I would have preferred this had nothing to do with Alien at all. The Engineers created us, we created the Alien? Really? I'm sure some of you will know but what year does Alien take place in? The new Aliens created by the humans in 2094 have all of this ancient technology at their disposal (that some how still works) and have the knowledge to use it all. That's hard to believe. Also what the hell was going on in the beginning. I couldn't decide if that was by design or an experiment gone wrong. I didn't get it though. Those are some of the things that I found glaring in the film. Ridley Scott is supposed to be this huge stickler for detail but one other thing I picked up on was the inconstancy of the helmets. In the beginning when the two archeologist put them on and he gives her the "one small step for mankind" line, they clunk helmets together and they make a sound like to pieces of plastic clanging into one another. Later when the lizard like face hugger wraps around the guys arm and the other dude goes to cut it, the acid splatters all over his face and the helmet melts like plastic too. Later though when he shows up as a zombie and kills off most of the nondescript crew, he smashes their helmets and they break and shatter like glass. Even if he has super alien strength he's smashing space helmets and cracking them open like walnut shells. These helmets should be made from highly pressurized space age material not made of the same material as an Anderson window pane. I'm sure most didn't notice but the space helmets really bugged me when I left the theater.

            So that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

            Honest Trailers really sums it up perfectly. Even if you liked the movie, you'll enjoy this. If you've never seen Honest Trailers, you're in for a treat.

            All that is still better than pyramids located at this make-believe jungle at Mexico-USA border in Monsters, and annoying pretentious cartoons drawn over Keanu Reeves in A Scanner Darkly, lol.


            • Hector
              el Hombre de Acero
              • May 19, 2003
              • 31852

              It's all in jest, they are just movies...spacecaps is cool in my book.


              • spacecaps
                Second Mouse
                • Aug 24, 2011
                • 2093

                Originally posted by Hector
                No one said, at least me, that Prometheus was the greatest movie of all times, I just listed it as one of my top ten favorites of this past decade, come on man, lol.

                Isn't this thread of the last ten years and not all time?

                Yes, it deserves a top ten for this past decade, it wasn't exactly the golden age of sci-fi movies, you know.

                Prometheus was way better than most crap put out these past ten years, certainly.

                No doubt it's all in jest!

                I was simultaneously responding to your post and the post by Access when he said, "Spacecaps, you didn't dig Prometheus?! I can't remember the last time a movie has been so "talked about" in scifi circles! Aside from a few holes that I assume we're left in for entertainment purposes, it has made my top 10 list "of all time" scifi movies along with the classics everyone loves! The buzz is only building for the next one, and I feel sorry for Ridley as I don't know if he can make a movie that exceeds or meets the expectations of the base."

                That's where the best all time comment came from.

                My point with Prometheus is and always has been there are too many errors in the movie, acting and story-wise. Ridely Scott is supposed to be some sort of Machiavellian director and he can't bother to proof-read his script, or direct his actress to run left or right when a huge pillar is about to turn her into a pancake. I liked the movie and was entertained but I didn't think it to be "GREAT" which is basically how I feel about most movies. Also, streamline the movie. I don't want to have to read some obscure interview, pages of dissertation, and the deleted scenes that appeared in the script in order for a movie to make sense. You've got 2-2 1/2 hours to tell your story with a beginning, middle, and end and when a movie can't do that in the allotted time, it bothers me.

                Pyramids in Monsters didn't bother me one bit. I really didn't even notice them to be honest. I've never been to Mexico to realize. If you've been there or study up on it, it's probably more noticeable. I guess that's like calling B.S. on Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle. The movie takes place in New Jersey and anyone who lives here knows that there is a White Castle every five miles. Did anyone mention Hunter Prey? That got a lot of hype when it came out but I turned it off. The used painted over toy clone-trooper helmets and nerd guns for props and it was so obvious I couldn't get past it.

                Hec, you agreed with most of films and one you didn't see. I'd say it's a pretty good ratio. Personally, I loved Scanner Darkly's animated style and it's cerebral approach. There's almost no action in it and it's not for everyone. I had to drive 30 miles to an "Art Theater" just to see it. I liked it so much I went back the following night! If you don't like Blair Witch style shaky cams, then there's no way you're going to enjoy Apollo 18 and Cloverfield. They don't bother me at all. Tell me you watched that Honest Trailer though. Like the movie or not, that @#$% is funny. The other previews they do are great too.
                "Many Shubs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Sloar that day I can tell you."


                • clemso
                  Talkative Member
                  • Aug 8, 2001
                  • 6188

                  Weird, i watched something last night, just woke up this morning and i can't remember a thing about what i watched, title, what it was about. It must have been really bad.


                  • BlackKnight
                    The DarkSide Customizer
                    • Apr 16, 2005
                    • 14622

                    Prometheus Sucked
                    ... The Original Knight ..., Often Imitated, However Never Duplicated. The 1st Knight in Customs.

                    always trading for Hot Toys Figures .


                    • Bionicfanboy66
                      Career Member
                      • Jul 30, 2012
                      • 872

                      Star Trek 2009
                      Star Trek Into Darkness
                      Revenge Of the Sith
                      The Clone Wars
                      Rise Of the Planet Of the Apes
                      Tron Legacy


                      • BlackKnight
                        The DarkSide Customizer
                        • Apr 16, 2005
                        • 14622

                        Does Man of Steel Count ? ...
                        I think it should .
                        ... The Original Knight ..., Often Imitated, However Never Duplicated. The 1st Knight in Customs.

                        always trading for Hot Toys Figures .


                        • MegoCapnMike
                          Veteran Member
                          • Feb 22, 2012
                          • 384

                          Originally posted by BlackKnight
                          Prometheus Sucked
                          Round if applause for you sir. I could not agree more.
                          Looking for:

                          --Lion Rock "Mr Rock's" shoes/ boots (these may also be the same as the lion rock monster line boots)

                          --Mystery Astronaught


                          • Operation:Mego
                            I'm the Star Spangled Man
                            • May 21, 2011
                            • 3350

                            Originally posted by BlackKnight
                            Does Man of Steel Count ? ...
                            I think it should .
                            I was going to put that too, along with Thor, Avengers, Lantern, and a few other superhero films that I thought would also count as Sci-Fi films as well.
                            The event where the fans are separated from the true fans.


                            • Bionicfanboy66
                              Career Member
                              • Jul 30, 2012
                              • 872

                              As of today, Gravity has rocketed to the top of my list. Holy (blank). I highly recommend this movie.


                              • z3zep
                                The Girl Next Door
                                • Sep 30, 2006
                                • 1725

                                Some that I like that have not already been mentioned: (maybe older than 10 years)

                                Vanilla Sky
                                I am Legend
                                The Butterfly Effect
                                Book of Eli

