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Harrison Ford reportedly returns for Ep. 7.

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  • ctc
    Fear the monkeybat!
    • Aug 16, 2001
    • 11183

    >What will he change in Star Wars?

    Maybe take the Luke/Leia thing from the first movie into a whole new place?

    >I don't know how anyone looks at ST TOS and comes up with the Uhura/Spock storyline.

    Take the Spock/Chapel thing, amp it up and substitute more popular character?

    Don C.


    • Nostalgiabuff
      Muddling through
      • Oct 4, 2008
      • 11329

      Lucas just let slip that Hammel, Fisher and Ford were all already signed or just about signed, before the Disney deal even happened


      • Earth 2 Chris
        Verbose Member
        • Mar 7, 2004
        • 32590

        I'm right there with you. I don't know how anyone looks at ST TOS and comes up with the Uhura/Spock storyline. I was totally on board with everything else, but that whole concept sticks in my craw.
        Yep, it's the equivalent of Margot Kidder "rapping" "Can You Read My Mind" in Superman:The Movie. Doesn't belong there, and is kind of embarrassing.



        • MIB41
          Eloquent Member
          • Sep 25, 2005
          • 15632

          I don't think it's any mystery that Star Wars is the last reasonable chance Hamill, Ford, or Fisher have for a nice pay day. While Hamill is multi-talented as a vocal actor, I haven't seen him do any screen time for a while. And Ford and Fisher are simply too old to bring in big box office numbers from non-iconic projects. So I don't see where Lucas really did anything that wrong. It was abundantly obvious they would take the offer. They would be idiots not to.


          • Gorn Captain
            Invincible Ironing Man
            • Feb 28, 2008
            • 10549

            Originally posted by EMCE Hammer
            I'm right there with you. I don't know how anyone looks at ST TOS and comes up with the Uhura/Spock storyline. I was totally on board with everything else, but that whole concept sticks in my craw.
            Oddly enough, it kind of felt like "incest" to see Spock and Uhura do that.
            So I'm hoping that in Star Wars, the only Leia buns we'll see, will be the ones covering her ears....
            "When things are at their darkest, it's a brave man that can kick back and party."


            • MegoCapnMike
              Veteran Member
              • Feb 22, 2012
              • 384


              And a couple of things. First off, I didn't care at all for the Spock / Uhura thing that much. It just seemed so needless. However, upon going back to the original series (which I view regularly anyway) with this alternate time line in my head, it is obvious, especially in the early episodes of the first season, that Uhura very clearly was into Spock. At least two or three episodes had pretty subtle hints there. The one in the beginning of The Man Trap is the most obvious.

              So in an alternate timeline, I can kind of see how it may be possible. Spock is the main variable though. But who knows what happened to him different in the timeline that may have cause him to get with Uhura. Nobody seems worried about the fact that Kirk is trying to get with Uhura throughout the movie. He never did that in the show. Point is, I didn't like it that much, but it is the direction the writers went with it.

              As far as Star Wars, there will not be an alternate timeline, so I can't see them changing anything other than things that would change over a 30 year time frame.

              Thats just my two cents..
              Looking for:

              --Lion Rock "Mr Rock's" shoes/ boots (these may also be the same as the lion rock monster line boots)

              --Mystery Astronaught


              • Captain
                Fighting the good fight!
                • Jun 17, 2001
                • 6031

                Aw, c'mon. Who doesn't want to see a crotchety old Solo yelling at those " damn Ewoks" to stay off his lawn?
                "Crayons taste like purple!"

