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Harrison Ford reportedly returns for Ep. 7.

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  • acrovader
    Career Member
    • Jan 19, 2011
    • 591

    Harrison Ford reportedly returns for Ep. 7.

    I wish if they bring him back, they keep him on for the other 2 movies. It's a pretty much a forgone conclusion that Solo will be killed off in Ep. 7.
    I am more than machine. More than man. More than a fusion of the two.
  • Werewolf
    • Jul 14, 2003
    • 14676

    Originally posted by acrovader
    It's a pretty much a forgone conclusion that Solo will be killed off in Ep. 7.
    That was always my feeling too. That's why I had hoped that if they continued the original story line the characters would be recast with younger actors. I didn't wait this long for more stories set in the original trilogy just to have a 70 year old Han and a 60 year Luke and Leia get killed off in the first couple of minutes. I want to see the characters, just like I remembered them, like in the new Dark Horse comic set right after the end of New Hope. After enduring Jar Jar and creepy whiny Anakin I'm not all that exicted for a "We are too old for this" passing of the torch movie. Ah, well, the planned pre-rebellion Han Solo movie should be awesome.
    You are a bold and courageous person, afraid of nothing. High on a hill top near your home, there stands a dilapidated old mansion. Some say the place is haunted, but you don't believe in such myths. One dark and stormy night, a light appears in the topmost window in the tower of the old house. You decide to investigate... and you never return...


    • Earth 2 Chris
      Verbose Member
      • Mar 7, 2004
      • 32646

      I want to see the actors return, but that's just me. In an ideal world, they would have done this at least 10 years ago, but they didn't.

      Casting actors as the characters before the films is okay, but I'd have a hard time with someone replacing them AFTER Jedi.



      • torgospizza
        Theocrat of Pan Tang
        • Aug 19, 2010
        • 2747

        I suspect they'll shave some years off them digitally, like Jeff Bridges in Tron: Legacy.


        • JediJaida
          Talkative Member
          • Jun 14, 2008
          • 5671

          Considering all of the novels and comics that have been written about what happened after Jedi, would there really be a point to Harrison re-hashing his role?

          Not unless it stars him as a grandpa telling a story of the Old Republic to his grandchildren, or even his childhood on Kashykk being raised by the Wookies.

          They have to cast all new actors for the next set of stories, and take the stories in a completely different direction.

          Either thousands of years in the past or the future, where no one has heard the names Skywalker, Solo, Vader, Palpatine, etc.

          I'd like to see the beginnings of the Jedi Order, the Sith, or even how Coruscant became the center of the galaxy.


          • Timothy2251
            Jerks beef with Ten Bears
            • Mar 15, 2008
            • 1959

            My guess is the old crew will be in the new trilogy as extended cameos. Luke will probably be in it the longest, as he's the default Obi Wan/Yoda for the next generation of Jedi. I'll bet a Solo or Skywalker kid will be the star of the next trilogy since the whole saga is more or less centered on the Skywalkers and their kin (really liked the idea of using Chloe Moretz as the star - she's such a great actress, and could easily pass for Luke's granddaughter or something), so enter Han and Leia. The droids will be around, I'm sure, as will Chewie.

            I'd also wager we'll eventually get origin flicks or TV shows re: the origins of the Jedi and Sith. There's SO much material to be mined, and Disney will be more than happy to do it.
            "It's sad that governments are chiefed by the double tongues. There is iron in your words of death for all Comanche to see, and so there is iron in your words of life. No signed paper can hold the iron. It must come from men. The words of Ten Bears carries the same iron of life and death. It is good that warriors such as we meet in the struggle of life... or death. It shall be life."


            • toys2cool
              Ultimate Mego Warrior
              • Nov 27, 2006
              • 28605

              Bring Captain Solo and the wookie to me
              "Time to nut up or shut up" -Tallahassee

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              • acrovader
                Career Member
                • Jan 19, 2011
                • 591

                However, the guy in the interview makes it sound like Han Solo will be in all 3 movies of the new trilogy. If they want to kill off Solo, do it in Ep.9. We'll see.
                I am more than machine. More than man. More than a fusion of the two.


                • UnderdogDJLSW
                  To Fear is Not Logical...
                  • Feb 17, 2008
                  • 4891

                  Will he survive a Death Star blast by hiding in a refrigerator?.......Just kidding.......
                  It's all good!


                  • ctc
                    Fear the monkeybat!
                    • Aug 16, 2001
                    • 11183


                    I dunno.... if this is true it pretty much ensures Solo's back for the new movies, which I'm not thrilled about. I would SOOOOO love to see them start something new with the franchaise. Or at least bring back someone who's story hasn't been explored in minutia over the decades. (HINT: NOT Boba Fett!) You'd think the galaxy was big enough a place that not everything interesting happened to a handful of people.

                    Don C.


                    • MIB41
                      Eloquent Member
                      • Sep 25, 2005
                      • 15633

                      I'm just looking forward to seeing the Falcon back in action.


                      • Nostalgiabuff
                        Muddling through
                        • Oct 4, 2008
                        • 11363

                        i think they have to bring back the original cast. too many fans were less than thrilled with the prequels. they need something big to bring all generations of fans back


                        • Earth 2 Chris
                          Verbose Member
                          • Mar 7, 2004
                          • 32646

                          ^Yes, AND while all of the novels, comics, etc are popular, the movie has to tap into the audience that likes Star Wars, but won't read a novel that isn't official "canon" other words not on the screen. All the published sequels don't mean squat to most if they weren't filmed.



                          • huedell
                            Museum Ball Eater
                            • Dec 31, 2003
                            • 11069

                            The treatment that I wrote for 7-9 (as an excited fan) had Solo on a distant planet away from his Jedi Master estranged wife and the government that they helped establish. Solo come back into the picture in the third act of the first movie because two of his children are hunting down the third child on that very planet.

                            This brings Solo back into the Skywalker's lives at the close of Ep. 7. Then I have him killed off in the first act of Ep. 8. I know it must sound odd and vague but I had my reasoning. Without going into drawn out detail, that plotting was how it came to me. very comfortably. And one of the reasons it came to me to kill Solo at the end of act one of Ep. 8 is that it felt like a good place to finally let go of the character and allow the next generation to stand more on it's own.

                            I believe Ford' s role could be spectacularly satisfying in this new trilogy... but, we'll see how they handle it.
                            "No. No no no no no no. You done got me talkin' politics. I didn't wanna'. Like I said y'all, I'm just happy to be alive. I think I'll scoot over here right by this winda', let this beautiful carriage rock me to sleep, and dream about how lucky I am." - Chris Mannix


                            • Gorn Captain
                              Invincible Ironing Man
                              • Feb 28, 2008
                              • 10549

                              My hope was that they would recast the whole thing. I have no desire to see Grandpa Solo playing ball with the grandchildren, or accidentally getting run over by a landspeeder during the first five minutes.

                              I want to see these characters progress, closely following the battle of Endor. Other actors with similar looks would be my choice.
                              "When things are at their darkest, it's a brave man that can kick back and party."

