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Say what you want be we are screwed!!!

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  • Mego Superboy Prime
    Career Member
    • Nov 27, 2009
    • 905

    Originally posted by darklord1967
    I for one have never been much for 2012 doomsday predictions.

    But I have gone on record here in the mego museum forums as being a believer in the probability of extraterrestrial visitation to this planet, and NASA/ government cover-up of evidence supporting this.

    No one has ever been able to adequately explain to me why it is that some NASA photos of the surface of our moon and photos of the surface of the planet Mars are actually CLASSIFIED by NASA and not shown to the public. If there is nothing to hide, why not let the public see ALL imagery / videos taken from these space missions? After all, those images are OURS, the American taxpayers'. We pay for it!

    Most Americans are ignorant of the fact that NASA's constitution requires it to co-operate with agencies directly concerned with national defense and specifically obliges it to "... withhold from the public information classified to protect national security...".

    I agree with the viewpoint that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

    The problem is, the term "extraordinary" is very subjective. I, for one, do NOT consider the notion of intelligent extraterrestrial life forms existing elsewhere in the universe to be "extraordinary". In fact, the thing that I consider to be "extraordinary" is the notion that intelligent lifeforms somehow ONLY developed on this ONE planet among the billions that exist in the cosmos. THAT is a claim that, to my sensibility, is not only "extraordinary"... and arrogant... it is one that indeed goes against the known functions of nature.

    Furthermore, the idea that any number of those extraterrestrial civilizations could be advanced enough to devise a technology that allows them to travel the tremendous distances to visit this planet is NOT a particularly "extraordinary" idea to me either. Not when you consider that mainstream science here on Earth, is slowly catching up to the advanced theories espouse by Heisenberg, Tesla, Einstein, Rosenberg... theories that propose the existence of "bridges" that could be made to connect two incredibly distant points in space. These bridges exist inter-dimensionally in a way where space and time are GREATLY compressed.

    Science fiction calls these bridges "hyperspace". But today's science fact (as always) is quickly approaching the science fiction of decades ago.

    I just believe that skeptics and pundits have (and always WILL) summarily IGNORE any presentation of the very "extraordinary evidence" that they claim is required simply because they do not wish to see / hear it, nor confront its revolutionary implications. They insist upon a standard of evidence that was NEVER applied to previous extraordinary scientific claims (like, for example, the existence of germs... invisible organisms when they were first speculated about ). In that instance, visual observation / photographic imagery was considered quite sufficient as evidence. Not so with possible extraterrestrial craft, their occupants, or their purpose of visitation here on Earth.

    The purported extraterrestrial visitation phenomenon HAS had "extraordinary evidence" to support its veracity. That evidence has taken the form of thousands of world-wide eyewitness accounts, NOT all of which come from weirdos, drunks, space cadets, and folks zonked out on dope (as doubters will have you believe). In the scientific community, repeated visual observation of an object, entity, or phenomenon is considered "extraordinary evidence" of its existence. Likewise, simultaneous visual observation by multitudes of individuals is considered "extraordinary evidence".

    And a large number of these "observations" are made by some pretty important, and reputable people. I'm talking about former US presidents (Jimmy Carter), countless commercial airline pilots, law-enforcement officers, respected NASA Astronauts (like Gordon Cooper), military personnel, the list goes on... and all with similar stories to tell.

    "Extraordinary evidence" has taken the form of actual US government conduct /policy all throughout the 1940's and 1950's where handbooks were actually printed instructing citizens what to do in the event of contact with an EBE (Extraterrestrial Biological Entity). I'm talking about the US government actually spending hundreds of millions of dollars setting up agencies (like Project Blue Book) to directly address this stuff... the very stuff they themselves summarily debunked as (misidentified objects, swap gas, meteors, hoaxes etc.) whenever reports were filed.

    Wherever one falls in terms of their own personal stance on this phenomenon, I think it is prudent (and certainly respectful) to steer clear of name-calling and/ or ridicule. At the very least, this is an issue that deserves far more open attention and investigation than it has received from the mainstream scientific community without fear of ridicule (and in some circles, persecution).

    Even Dr J. Allen Hynek, noted US Astronomer, Professor and UFOolgist (skeptic and extraterrestrial debunker for the US Air Force) wrote:
    "Ridicule is not part of the scientific method, and people should not be taught that it is. The steady flow of reports, often made in concert by reliable observers, raises questions of scientific obligation and responsibility. Is there ... any residue that is worthy of scientific attention? Or, if there isn't, does not an obligation exist to say so to the public—not in words of open ridicule but seriously, to keep faith with the trust the public places in science and scientists?"
    This!!!! Great post!!!
    If you're a fan of old-school toys, toons and comics then my blog is the place for you!!!


    • thunderbolt
      Hi Ernie!!!
      • Feb 15, 2004
      • 34211

      You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


      • Brazoo
        Permanent Member
        • Feb 14, 2009
        • 4767

        Originally posted by Mego Superboy Prime
        No idea about 2012 but Aliens are as real as Megos. And the media can't hide it anymore.
        Based on the gibberish notes you posted that were declassified and the ridiculous youtube videos you posted? Also WHY would the media want to hide evidence of aliens visiting earth. The whole thing makes NO sense to me.

        Look, if I'm an idiot let's see if I can understand your strongest evidence. Let's see it.


        • Brazoo
          Permanent Member
          • Feb 14, 2009
          • 4767

          Originally posted by Hector
          While I believe that intellectual extraterrestrials do exist throughout the universe...they are simply not here on Earth...our distances are just too vast...even light speed is slow-motion in terms of interstellar travel.

          We are also not that important...but we like to think so.

          In reality...even if they knew of our existence...aliens don't give a damn about us...we are that insignificant....and that includes our puny that to VY Canis Majoris for a reality

          Ah...the vanity of man...

          100% and straight to the point.

          I'd also like to point out that ALL of the available evidence for alien encounters is astonishingly weak. People see things - our senses are not infallible. We also incredibly susceptible to perceiving illusions.


          • thunderbolt
            Hi Ernie!!!
            • Feb 15, 2004
            • 34211

            He's probably got one of those Alien Autopsy videos that is supposed to be real. BANG!!!
            You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


            • Brazoo
              Permanent Member
              • Feb 14, 2009
              • 4767

              Originally posted by darklord1967
              I for one have never been much for 2012 doomsday predictions.

              But I have gone on record here in the mego museum forums as being a believer in the probability of extraterrestrial visitation to this planet, and NASA/ government cover-up of evidence supporting this.

              No one has ever been able to adequately explain to me why it is that some NASA photos of the surface of our moon and photos of the surface of the planet Mars are actually CLASSIFIED by NASA and not shown to the public. If there is nothing to hide, why not let the public see ALL imagery / videos taken from these space missions? After all, those images are OURS, the American taxpayers'. We pay for it!

              Most Americans are ignorant of the fact that NASA's constitution requires it to co-operate with agencies directly concerned with national defense and specifically obliges it to "... withhold from the public information classified to protect national security...".

              I agree with the viewpoint that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

              The problem is, the term "extraordinary" is very subjective. I, for one, do NOT consider the notion of intelligent extraterrestrial life forms existing elsewhere in the universe to be "extraordinary". In fact, the thing that I consider to be "extraordinary" is the notion that intelligent lifeforms somehow ONLY developed on this ONE planet among the billions that exist in the cosmos. THAT is a claim that, to my sensibility, is not only "extraordinary"... and arrogant... it is one that indeed goes against the known functions of nature.

              Furthermore, the idea that any number of those extraterrestrial civilizations could be advanced enough to devise a technology that allows them to travel the tremendous distances to visit this planet is NOT a particularly "extraordinary" idea to me either. Not when you consider that mainstream science here on Earth, is slowly catching up to the advanced theories espouse by Heisenberg, Tesla, Einstein, Rosenberg... theories that propose the existence of "bridges" that could be made to connect two incredibly distant points in space. These bridges exist inter-dimensionally in a way where space and time are GREATLY compressed.

              Science fiction calls these bridges "hyperspace". But today's science fact (as always) is quickly approaching the science fiction of decades ago.

              I just believe that skeptics and pundits have (and always WILL) summarily IGNORE any presentation of the very "extraordinary evidence" that they claim is required simply because they do not wish to see / hear it, nor confront its revolutionary implications. They insist upon a standard of evidence that was NEVER applied to previous extraordinary scientific claims (like, for example, the existence of germs... invisible organisms when they were first speculated about ). In that instance, visual observation / photographic imagery was considered quite sufficient as evidence. Not so with possible extraterrestrial craft, their occupants, or their purpose of visitation here on Earth.

              The purported extraterrestrial visitation phenomenon HAS had "extraordinary evidence" to support its veracity. That evidence has taken the form of thousands of world-wide eyewitness accounts, NOT all of which come from weirdos, drunks, space cadets, and folks zonked out on dope (as doubters will have you believe). In the scientific community, repeated visual observation of an object, entity, or phenomenon is considered "extraordinary evidence" of its existence. Likewise, simultaneous visual observation by multitudes of individuals is considered "extraordinary evidence".

              And a large number of these "observations" are made by some pretty important, and reputable people. I'm talking about former US presidents (Jimmy Carter), countless commercial airline pilots, law-enforcement officers, respected NASA Astronauts (like Gordon Cooper), military personnel, the list goes on... and all with similar stories to tell.

              "Extraordinary evidence" has taken the form of actual US government conduct /policy all throughout the 1940's and 1950's where handbooks were actually printed instructing citizens what to do in the event of contact with an EBE (Extraterrestrial Biological Entity). I'm talking about the US government actually spending hundreds of millions of dollars setting up agencies (like Project Blue Book) to directly address this stuff... the very stuff they themselves summarily debunked as (misidentified objects, swap gas, meteors, hoaxes etc.) whenever reports were filed.

              Wherever one falls in terms of their own personal stance on this phenomenon, I think it is prudent (and certainly respectful) to steer clear of name-calling and/ or ridicule. At the very least, this is an issue that deserves far more open attention and investigation than it has received from the mainstream scientific community without fear of ridicule (and in some circles, persecution).

              Even Dr J. Allen Hynek, noted US Astronomer, Professor and UFOolgist (skeptic and extraterrestrial debunker for the US Air Force) wrote:
              "Ridicule is not part of the scientific method, and people should not be taught that it is. The steady flow of reports, often made in concert by reliable observers, raises questions of scientific obligation and responsibility. Is there ... any residue that is worthy of scientific attention? Or, if there isn't, does not an obligation exist to say so to the public—not in words of open ridicule but seriously, to keep faith with the trust the public places in science and scientists?"
              Darklord - I believe we've discussed our different opinions before. I do want to address some of the stuff you posted but I also want to say that while I disagree with you I wasn't trying to ridicule you or your opinions in any way.

              I was specifically siting the "Extraordinary claims..." axiom to address the idea that even if I believe that Leonid Elenin is a fake name it doesn't equal "end of the world and cover-up world-wide conspiracy".

              This thread is getting a little confusing because I think the doomsday conspiracy stuff got mixed into the alien UFO theories - which really shouldn't go hand-in-hand.

              Anyway - I don't have time right now - but I'll come back to this stuff soon!


              • Brazoo
                Permanent Member
                • Feb 14, 2009
                • 4767

                Originally posted by Mego Superboy Prime
                No idea about 2012
                Wait a sec. YOU started this thread and said "we are all screwed!!!" so now you're saying this has nothing to do with 2012 dooms day theories?


                • Tothiro
                  Kitten Mittens
                  • Aug 28, 2008
                  • 1342

                  I say we initiate a Save-The-Megos-Project. SEMP should collect resources to build a deep space vessel to house and safely transport Megos to the planet Krypton, whose special sun will imbue them with the powers of minty freshness.

                  And as always if anyone needs the street address of Krypton just PM me.


                  • darklord1967
                    Persistent Member
                    • Mar 27, 2008
                    • 1551

                    Originally posted by Hector
                    While I believe that intellectual extraterrestrials do exist throughout the universe...they are simply not here on Earth...our distances are just too vast...even light speed is slow-motion in terms of interstellar travel.

                    We are also not that important...but we like to think so.

                    In reality...even if they knew of our existence...aliens don't give a damn about us...we are that insignificant....and that includes our puny that to VY Canis Majoris for a reality

                    Ah...the vanity of man...

                    Originally posted by Brazoo
                    100% and straight to the point.

                    I'd also like to point out that ALL of the available evidence for alien encounters is astonishingly weak. People see things - our senses are not infallible. We also incredibly susceptible to perceiving illusions.

                    With all due respect to Hector's "straight and to the point" viewpoint, it is one, that in my view, ignores the very spirit of curiosity and hunger for new knowledge that science represents. Here on Earth, new species of life-forms are scientifically discovered constantly... species that from one point of view (non-scientific) are simply "...not that important...". But from the point of view of science, these species are most certainly worthy of note and acknowledgement simply for EXISTING. That is the main tenet of science and exploration. For any species to consider any other species "... just not that important..." is the height of arrogance, and it goes against the very spirit of science. We ARE that important. From the point of view of science and discovery to a race that is learning about us, we most certainly are. Scientifically speaking, we are no less "important" than the myriad of other life forms that are undoubtedly spread out throughout the cosmos. There is nothing vain in acknowledging that.

                    Look, even WE here on Earth are still a civilization in its industrial infancy. And yet even WE have spent a tremendous amount of energy and resources just to explore and catalog not only everything from our deepest oceans to our highest mountains, but also our neighboring planets and heavenly bodies as well. The quest for knowledge is a never-ending one, because science continuously reveals that there is always something new to discover. This principal is true no matter how technologically advanced your society is. How far out we have ventured into the cosmos in the spirit of exploration and science has only been limited by our available technology. Science considers ALL life... in whatever form it takes... to be worthy of discovery, observation, and acknowledgement. I would imagine that the same would be true from the point of view of a scientifically advanced civilization capable of interstellar travel.

                    While I acknowledge that this is all conjecture of BOTH mine and Hector's part in terms of guessing at the motivations of a hypothetical extraterrestrial race, I, at least, am trying to base my conjecture on the hunger for new knowledge that scientific discovery and exploration always represents.

                    Furthermore, the issue of tremendous distance would simply NOT be an obstacle IF the civilization in question were advanced enough to devise a technology that permits for inter-dimensional travel. This argument of distance is one that ONLY considers conventional, linear space travel. But our most respect physicists here on Earth (Einstein, Cavalos, Heisenberg) have long ago demonstrated that space is NOT linear, and that it is directly linked to time. Galactically speaking, traveling between two points using conventional linear transport is like taking the slow, scenic route. Saying that planet A is too far away from planet B for visitation is (galactically speaking) tantamount to saying that art cannot move beyond a flat cave wall painting. We know this to be untrue. Art began as 2-dimentional cave wall paintings, yes. But it advanced, and became 3-D sculptures, which in turn became architecture, etc. etc. Mainstream science here on Earth is now catching up to this stuff. it is no longer conjecture or science fiction. About 13 years ago, in a controlled laboratory experiment, scientists even succeeded in getting a single particle to occupy two different locations simultaneously. When considering these things, we must be careful not to place the limitations of our own technological knowledge on a hypothetically vastly advanced extraterrestrial civilization.

                    The "astonishingly weak" evidence for alien encounters which you point to, Brazoo, can only be described as such by a viewpoint that considers the entirety of the VAST number of encounters to be the product of imagination, mis-identification, hallucination, or intoxication. But I propose that even when you separate out the considerable number of the encounters that fall under those categories, you are still left with an astonishingly large number of alien encounter / evidence of alien visitation to Terra-Forma cases that defy those classifications with flying colors. You are still left with a sheer number of observers and observations (all with common details)... you are still left with astonishing physical evidence in the form of ancient artifacts and structures found on this planet that even mainstream science considers applicable as a "extraordinary evidence"... but that pundits and skeptics will ALWAYS deny.

                    Ultimately, this comes down to one's basic belief system.

                    There are those who are prone to accept the overwhelming number of reliable cases that have been presented over the decades as evidence of bonafide paranomal events... just as they would if any other (less sensational) phenomenon were as extensively reported.

                    And then there are those who are pre-disposed to IGNORE ALL presented evidence as "un-reliable" and/or false (regardless of its integrity) merely because of its extraterrestrial implication.

                    Clearly, I fall into the first camp.
                    Last edited by darklord1967; Apr 27, '11, 8:20 PM.
                    I... am an action figure customizer


                    • darklord1967
                      Persistent Member
                      • Mar 27, 2008
                      • 1551

                      Originally posted by Brazoo
                      Darklord - I believe we've discussed our different opinions before. I do want to address some of the stuff you posted but I also want to say that while I disagree with you I wasn't trying to ridicule you or your opinions in any way.

                      I was specifically siting the "Extraordinary claims..." axiom to address the idea that even if I believe that Leonid Elenin is a fake name it doesn't equal "end of the world and cover-up world-wide conspiracy".

                      This thread is getting a little confusing because I think the doomsday conspiracy stuff got mixed into the alien UFO theories - which really shouldn't go hand-in-hand.

                      Anyway - I don't have time right now - but I'll come back to this stuff soon!

                      As always, I look forward to that Brazoo. And I was certainly not referring to you or anyone here specifically when I referred to the expression of ridicule for opposing viewpoints. It was merely a general statement.

                      And while I actually agree with you that doomsday conspiracy stuff has probably gotten inappropriately mixed up with Extraterrestrial lore in this thread, there are those that nevertheless make a connection between the two.
                      I... am an action figure customizer


                      • livnxxxl
                        Megoholic RocketScientist
                        • Oct 23, 2007
                        • 3903

                        Originally posted by Hector
                        While I believe that intellectual extraterrestrials do exist throughout the universe...they are simply not here on Earth...
                        So are you changing your mind about Tila Tequila being an alien then?

                        Originally posted by Hector
                        In reality...even if they knew of our existence...aliens don't give a damn about us...we are that insignificant....
                        I totally agree. It is more like we care more about finding out about them and their technology then they do us. From all of the stories that I have heard anyway they are supposedly way more advanced then we are so as you stated why would they even give a crap about us.

                        earthlings = mosquito droppings
                        Enjoy what you like, and let others enjoy what they like. (C) Azrak 2009

                        Too much space. Need more toys!

                        Check out the ever growing Mego like sized vehicles data base.


                        • jimsmegos
                          Mego Dork
                          • Nov 9, 2008
                          • 4519

                          For me the toughest nail to chew on is the fact that with ALL of the cameras both still and video that exists today that more solid proof hasn't been captured much more often by more people. While I think that the odds are in favor of E.T. life out there, I just can't understand why aliens would want to mess with us anyway. Still it would be cool to have Yoda show up at the door and tell me I'm one of the chosen ones. Ah, dreams!


                          • Hector
                            el Hombre de Acero
                            • May 19, 2003
                            • 31852

                            Darklord...wake up and smell the coffee...

                            Sorry...we are NADA...pura CAGADA...



                            • Hector
                              el Hombre de Acero
                              • May 19, 2003
                              • 31852

                              Originally posted by thunderbolt
                              He's probably got one of those Alien Autopsy videos that is supposed to be real. BANG!!!
                              This time I like your BANG!!!



                              • Hector
                                el Hombre de Acero
                                • May 19, 2003
                                • 31852

                                Anyone familiar with The Pale Blue Dot photograph?

                                Pale Blue Dot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                                You can't even see friggin' Earth...and that's from within our very own Solar System with our Sun's

                                Come on now.

