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MAN OF STEEL Trailer is UP!!! Let the discussions begin....!

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  • ctc
    Fear the monkeybat!
    • Aug 16, 2001
    • 11183


    One thing I've been thinkin' on: everyone gets upset with the weird changes they make from comic to movie, and yet the ,kovies always dfo much better than the comics, and a successful movie doesn't translate into comic sales. Is there an odd correlation at work here?

    Don C.


    • madmarva
      Talkative Member
      • Jul 7, 2007
      • 6445

      The general public is no more tied to specifics of a character's story or mythos than a studio is. The general viewership just wants a good time at the movies and the studio just wants to make money.

      The specifics are for hardcore fans. Unfortunately, these movies aren't made just for us, the invested fan, they are made for what the studios believe will sell and what might stroke the ego of the talent or ideas they believe the general public will support.

      As has been noted by many, Warners hasn't got a clue how to please anyone with their superhero characters other than Batman's broad audience.
      Last edited by madmarva; Jan 31, '13, 11:54 AM.


      • Earth 2 Chris
        Verbose Member
        • Mar 7, 2004
        • 32582

        ^I think that's one reason that the origin is needed. Yeah, they could do without it, but it hasn't been on the big screen in 35 years. Yep folks, the first Reeve movie is almost 35 years old. There are tons of moviegoers who haven't seen Krypton go ka-blewy on the screen. Sure, it's been in TV adaptations, but even Smallville never showed the entire origin on screen. And we all know WB didn't want to cater to that fairly small TV audience, so I think a reintroduction, and a complete break from the Reeve films thanks to Returns lukewarm reception, is a bit necessary.



        • MIB41
          Eloquent Member
          • Sep 25, 2005
          • 15632

          I think the problem with Superman is he's always been a one trick pony on film. Once you tell his coming of age, he doesn't really have mainstream stories the public, in general, bond to. And since Kyrptonite is always his crutch, that makes for a predictable dilemma in the stories that do try to branch out. So, to me, this film needs to reach beyond those obvious plot devices and find a story arc that allows the audience to root for the hero and not just connect the dots to a logical ending. But even if it IS done well, I can't see this character having a massive box office tally on a second reboot. That's too much to assume since recent history shows that even after a long hiatus, Superman Returns did not produce a big first weekend haul at the box office before people formed an opinion on the film. So it's hard to believe, outside of the standard fan base, this film will draw the curious in on the brand alone. I don't know how much Warner Bros invested this time around. But if it's more than the last one, then they've set themselves up for another disappointment. I just don't think the demand is there to suggest big returns. If a 19 year hiatus didn't get people in for "Returns", what reason do they have after that one underperformed? It's going to be interesting to watch.


          • johnmiic
            • Sep 6, 2002
            • 8427

            I think the biggest flaw in Superman Returns was Singer established the re-invention of Lex Luthor as a wealthy business man, (inherited in this film), and went nowhere with it. Lex swindles that widow out of her money & assets and has all these resources yet he doesn't use them to defeat his enemy. It's back to the real estate scam plot. The story should have built up to a one-on one knck-em-down fight between Supes and Lex in the Kryptonite armor. Maybe throw in Bizarro and Metallo along the way as failed experiments and the film would have been boffo.


            • madmarva
              Talkative Member
              • Jul 7, 2007
              • 6445


              Your point is taken. The Box office will tell the tale. IF MOS bombs, it may be the last big screen incarnation of Superman we'll see. DC tends to do better with TV and animation. maybe it should just maximize that.


              • Earth 2 Chris
                Verbose Member
                • Mar 7, 2004
                • 32582

                If I were the marketing folks at WB, I'd hit folks with lots of action NOW. The trailer has been well received, I believe. I've had several people ask me about it, but I think we need to see more of the action, and less of the introspection, in the next trailer, and in commericials, etc.. We got bags of introspection with Returns, and we saw how that went over.



                • Figuremod73
                  That 80's guy
                  • Jul 27, 2011
                  • 3017

                  Wish we had the resources and talent to put one really well made fan film together. I'm beginning to think thats the only way were gonna get the type of WB films we really want. The short films ive seen are usually only so so. (There are some pretty well made Star Wars fanfilms out there though.) Of course, alot of people would probably be fighting over its content if they had anything invested in it.

                  Hope this is a good supes movie but I dont like that JLA chances of being made are riding on it.

