Jet Jungle: Original Accessories and Known Repros
Loose Batman


Jet Jungle's shirt has been factory reproduced by Classic TV Toys. The material of the repro is more slick and shiny. It has cuffs and the sleeves and a waistband, the original does not. The collar on the repro is larger, and lays flat compared to the orignial.


Like the shirt, CTVT's repro pants are made of the same slick and shiny material. Original JJ pants flare at the bottom, the CTVT's do not, they are made to tuck into the boots.



The original JJ emblem is rounded around the corners. The CTVT emblem is pointed at the corners and is VERY large when compared to the original.


Original JJ boots are short combat style boots. They are the same boots found on the Planet of the Apes Astronaut and in Action Jackson's Navy set. CTVT's reproductions are modeled after POTA's Soldier Ape boots, which are also found in many Action Jackson sets. The repro's are very soft and rubbery compared to the originals, and are unmarked.


Jet Jungle features a repainted Bruce Wayne head. The neck is unmarked. The CTVT repro is made of a softer material and is shaped a little different. It's a little wider in the chin and more squat. It is unmarked.