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  • Earth 2 Chris
    Verbose Member
    • Mar 7, 2004
    • 32567

    I don't think Kenner or Mattel ever charged me for something and then made me wait for a quarter of a year for the product.
    Kenner or Mattel also don't have to have money up front to put specific figures into production. David and Jason have full time jobs and families. I can vouch for the fact they spend every free moment working on CastAWay products, packing and mailing out figures, making phone calls to China, sculpting, etc.

    These guys are producing factory-made figures that people want. They aren't a multimillion dollar toy company. They are two guys doing their best to make figures they'd like to see made, and they also know others would like them. It's not an exact science. There are variables involved that big companies can circumvent, but two guys working from home in their spare time can't. It's a constant struggle for them to get these figures made, and made right. I think the quality of the work speaks for itself. It's worth the wait.

    They are good guys. They will make all of it right. Give them a little time.

    FYI, I don't have any Phantom figures yet, and I designed the packaging. I told them to take care of their customers first before they got to me. So try a little patience.



    • Action Martin
      Persistent Member
      • Dec 30, 2007
      • 1845

      Patience is what I have been giving Castaway since the Captain Action EB. They make a decent product, I can't argue that. And I have no doubt that they are good guys. Dave does seem like a friendly fellow. But when you advertise something and don't deliver, I get a little fed up. Maybe things would be different if they actually kept in touch with their customers. How hard would have it had been to shoot off an e-mail: "Sorry that the Captain Action figures are late. Hopefully next month.", "Sorry that the Phantom figures will not have the promised EB outfit but we'll send that out as soon as we get them from China. In the meantime we will be sending you the standard Phantom and EB Achmed.", "Sorry we haven't sent the token yet...". I'm not saying they need to answer every e-mail personally but if there is a snag, send out a mass e-mail to your customers.


      • gaga4toyz
        Persistent Member
        • Aug 10, 2004
        • 1461

        Action Martin we know you and many others have been patient and we're thankfull for that. The reason we don't get to answer everyones emails is because there are way too many to respond to. People Pm us here, email our personal emails, call us at home and on cell phones, send us letters. We just simply wouldn't be able to ship anything if we answered them all. Our own form of self distribution has been very successfull for us. In a year and a half we have established a customer base of over 1000 people. That success has also made it very clear where are shortcomings are at. The smaller orders we make aren't always the first priority with our factory so shipping dates slip. We sell alot of pre-orders, everything ships to us, and then everyone thinks they're order will be shipped in the same week. People clog up the system by emailing all the time and saying they're order hasn't shown up yet, but usually don't post anything when they get it. Our comitment has always been quality first. We hand inspect each figure before we personally put it in a package. Our next focus is going to be communication. We are currently working on a vehicle to get the info out to everyone who's ordered. That may be a mass email sent to everyone who's ordered a certain product or a blog with monthly updates for pre-orders. Your ideas to improve this process are welcome. Dave and I have taken on a mountain of debt to make figures, and packageing the way we as collectors think they should be made. We stay up late every night filling orders, emailing the factory, making prototypes, trying to get new projects going, sewing, designing, sculpting etc. We do this for the love of toys. We haven't made a single dime off of this venture and in fact will be in debt until 2013. We're not the bad guys trying to get rich $25 at a time. We will continue to come up with innovative products, speed up production time, improve quality, and now improve communication. We will never be perfect but will commit to improve a little each time. Jason


        • Action Martin
          Persistent Member
          • Dec 30, 2007
          • 1845

          Jason, as I have said numerous times you guys are putting out a quality product. Sure, the wait does bother me but communication is the key. Just let us know and we should be happy. I know I would be. I hope you and David get rich or make a tidy profit from this venture, I really do. Thanks for responding!


          • GaryPlaysWithDolls
            Mighty Man/Monster Maker
            • Aug 14, 2007
            • 2347

            I'm not unreasonable and I'm not being a jerk. When I send my money out, though, I expect something to come back my way.

            I am so tired of hearing how all these mego-related companies are just two guys, a website and a dream. I feel like everyone is acting like these companies are doing us some monumental favor by producing these toys. Do you have time to go to Mego Meet? Is there product to sell to people there? I heard someone talk about Indiana Jones exclusives. Did they assemble themselves?

            I'm sure these guys are nice guys, but you know what? I don't care if they're nice. I would prefer total tools who sent me some product, reponded when I sent questions and made me feel confident that when/if I ordered something that I would one day see it.

            This is ridiculous, not just Castaway, but the Mego Store, Customslab disappearing act. I realize that Castaway isn't new, but in regards to the latest venture, I can't say I'm inspired to send them my money. I have FREE stuff coming. FREE, and I'm nervous about making an order.

            Maybe you're right about buying from mattel and Kenner. You can go into a store, pay money and get toys. Sounds good. OH, wait, you can do stuff like that at Mego Meet, huh?

            So, what am I doing wrong?

            Mina is the world's first Paranormal Petsitter in the new middle-grade book series by Gary Buettner, MONSTER PETS, coming in FALL 2014 from EMBY KIDS. Spooky adventure that's perfect reading for kids 8-12


            • gaga4toyz
              Persistent Member
              • Aug 10, 2004
              • 1461

              Gary if we have an outstanding order with you please email me at [email protected] include your order number if you have it and your full name and address.

              If you're looking for instant gratification we're not the company for you. We've said it before in several posts that if you order with us sometimes you will have to wait. If you're tired of the story 2 guys, a website, and a dream it doesn't change the facts. You have a choice of where to spend your money. We can only do as much as we can do. We will always try to improve, but some things are out of our control. With the small orders we place the factories could care less if we get our shipments when they promise us. When they mess up our orders and delay shipment to our customers they don't care. We've made alot of people happy with our products and some not so happy. Sorry if you're in the second category. Like I said send me an email so we can resolve this. I'd rather you go away happy and not order from us again then tell you we can make every transaction perfect.


              • Fuzzysnail
                Persistent Member
                • Feb 18, 2007
                • 1048

                I am amazed at the people who constantly whine about not having their stuff. I dont know how many times Castaway has to explain that there are only so many hours in each day. They have to reeeeeaaaallly love what they are doing. EMCE Toys, Catsaway Toys, CTV, and everyone else who has attempted to make money selling these toys have all ended up in the red, negative cash flow, seeking bankruptcy, including MEGO itself, and in return they get to read disparaging e-mails about their attempts. I wish there was something I could do to help you out. My hat goes off to you guys.

                You put out an incredible figure in the Phantom. Thank You for that. You took on a huge project and probably 95% of your customers are extremely happy that you made the effort and succeeded on such a great scale. The other 5% are very vocal, and I blame the "me" generation and the instant gratification that computers have brought to our sometimes spoiled society. Keep up the good work!!, Keep your heads up, and God bless.


                • txteach
                  • Jun 17, 2005
                  • 3769

                  No offense to anyone but If you offer a product you need to ship it. I love the figures that have come about and think it's good that there are so many. I just think if you start a business, even a side one, customer service should be #1. I don't seem to understand the whole " you guys are whinning" attitude I see. Everyone who ordered a figure worked hard for the money they sent and deserve their stuff, plain and simple.


                  • CaptainTrenchcoat
                    Career Member
                    • Jul 6, 2006
                    • 858

                    Actually, I thought the Customslab closing for awhile to get caught up was a good strategy. Since they weren't able to get everything finished and shipped while new orders came in, they didn't accept new orders. Seems like good sense to me. Maybe Castaway shouldn't accept anything new until they get caught up? I wish I could help them out. Got laid off from FAO and haven't found anything yet, bored out of my mind right now.


                    • 60'schild
                      Silver Haired Silver Ager
                      • Mar 27, 2009
                      • 0

                      The Tiny Ship was Tossed ...

                      It is encouraging to hear that the guys behind Castaway are vowing to make communication their new top priority. Customer goodwill is NOT infinite and it's very easy for it to erode over time, regardless what "nice guys" might be running the company or what their intentions are.

                      It would be tragic if, over time, the customers start regarding THEMSELVES as the TRUE Castaways, cut adrift after their orders are placed, wondering if they will ever be "rescued" (when their order or at least news of it, arrives). If enough customers become "castaways", then even great products by a great bunch of guys will "sink the ship."

                      Here's hoping that won't happen!!

                      "If not for the courage of the fearless crew, the Company will be lost..."


                      • Fuzzysnail
                        Persistent Member
                        • Feb 18, 2007
                        • 1048

                        Originally posted by txteach
                        No offense to anyone but If you offer a product you need to ship it. I love the figures that have come about and think it's good that there are so many. I just think if you start a business, even a side one, customer service should be #1. I don't seem to understand the whole " you guys are whinning" attitude I see. Everyone who ordered a figure worked hard for the money they sent and deserve their stuff, plain and simple.
                        I dont think Castaway Toys ever stated they would not ship. They did state that they were putting orders out as fast as they humanly can. Complaining doesn't add extra hours in the day. I guess they should endanger their homes and families in order to further indebt themselves and hire some help. That would surely be the responsible thing to do. (that last line there was dripping heavy with sarcasm in case anyone missed it.)

                        Its just my opinion and one that appears to be unsupported. I'll let it be. I ordered from Castaway knowing they were dealing with China over seas, and saw what they have put Paul through, I expected the same with Castaway. I will order from them in the future if they are brave enough to try again. My wife would divorce me, I wish them well.


                        • txteach
                          • Jun 17, 2005
                          • 3769

                          Hiring help would endanger their families? My whole thing is if you have a business do it right. When a lot of people "whine" don't complain that you have a family and other obligations. You started a business, either be good to your customers or do something else. I like most everyone likes castaway stuff and want them to be successful. One way not to do that is to make excuses and ignore your customers.


                          • 60'schild
                            Silver Haired Silver Ager
                            • Mar 27, 2009
                            • 0

                            Perhaps changing their ordering software to one which would let folks look up the status of their orders online?? (by order#) If they kept it up to date, it would eliminate the need for folks to post asking status questions and for them to waste valuable time scanning the threads for them.... or am I missing something here??

                            (Of course that would mean they would also have to update their site....coming in April... the Phantom.... hmmm )


                            • Earth 2 Chris
                              Verbose Member
                              • Mar 7, 2004
                              • 32567

                              Guys, product IS shipping. Stuff is going out. The guys are trying to make things right. It's not like they are off the radar on the beach somewhere while product to mail out collects cobwebs.

                              I can't speak for them, I'm only the guy who helps out a tiny bit with the packaging design, but I'm sure they appreciate constructive criticism. But much of what's been said here goes beyond that. I would think that we could afford them a little slack, and allow a few hiccups on the way as they try to improve their practices, and produce figures that we can all be excited about.



                              • BlackKnight
                                The DarkSide Customizer
                                • Apr 16, 2005
                                • 14622

                                Originally posted by CaptainTrenchcoat
                                Actually, I thought the Customslab closing for awhile to get caught up was a good strategy.
                                Ohh,.. you got all your Stuff ?
                                Good For you to be one of the Lucky ones Kev.
                                BTW... that can be said on the boards,.. all fine & dandy,.. but reality told a different story.
                                Last edited by BlackKnight; Jun 15, '09, 3:05 PM.
                                ... The Original Knight ..., Often Imitated, However Never Duplicated. The 1st Knight in Customs.

                                always trading for Hot Toys Figures .

