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No one else will say it. So I will. The new stuff looks bad.

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  • silentj76
    • Aug 25, 2009
    • 93

    I noticed that it just showed conan with his axe and not his sword and belt for the sword. I hope this is a mistake. Anyone else notice?


    • skid14
      Veteran Member
      • Aug 23, 2011
      • 396

      Looks like a bunch of crap to me....


      • noelani72
        • Jun 25, 2002
        • 4609

        Originally posted by Random Axe
        Eh, some of their figures are better than others, but the overall body of work they have released so far is impressive. They are releasing a bunch of stuff in quick fashion and maybe some items have slipped through the cracks of quality control. Can't say I'm surprised with the sheer amount of product they are getting into our hands in a rapid-fire rate. It's gonna happen, you can't hit a home run every time to the plate.

        As far as criticisms go, we ultimately vote with our wallets. If something looks sloppy and isn't to my liking I don't add it to my online cart. We here at the Museum are not the majority of the target commerce base but we do represent the baseline of opinion. You won't find any group of people more knowledgeable about figures in this scale. With that knowledge also comes the inevitable and widely varied debate on figure quality. Those vastly different viewpoints define this website and community. The opinions on new merchanside is rarely ever personal, but merely observation and action figure instinct. Case in point, I think the Kull and Solomon protos are pretty weak. I think the suits are sometime ill-fitting. Some of the rotocast heads are a bit wonky. These are not malicious comments, they're what I see. Nobody else sees with my eyes, so nobody else can argue my viewpoints.

        FTC is to be commended for their efforts so far. They've obviously put a lot of themselves into these projects and perhaps have been spread a little too thin. are some of the figures in the reveals today weak? Yes, absolutely. Are some of these figures pretty damn cool? Yes, absolutely. I think these protos will be tightened up in production, so no big worries from me. CTVT earned their often bad reputation on bodies, that's well documented. Like a phoenix, FTC has now earned the right to have benefit of doubt by their commitment to the genre and keeping this re-Mego revolution going. You take the good with the bad, and I'd say the ratio so far is 80/20, and that's a win in any toy book.
        Very well put and exactly how I feel.
        For me, I want to see ReMego succeed whether it's FTC, EMCE, BBP, etc...
        That desire for success is amplified when I see something that appears wrong (or poorly done).
        When my Batman Wave 1 came in and the broken-arm-syndrome was found - yea, i was furious and it was one more stone tossed at FTC/CTVT because their quality had been so lacking compared to the other companies doing ReMegos.

        My fury came from that desire for success...if this goes wrong, and no one spends money...line dies.

        My fury was amplified for desire to have it all too, but that clearly cannot happen because I don't have an endless stream of disposable income. I didn't get all the Lost, Flash Gordon, Happy Days, Married with Children, etc...simply because I had to make choices. So when I take my limited funds and decide what to buy, the importance of it being right is amplified. When those arms broke on batman wave 1 - I was done. I remember PMing Emce Hammer and just vented for about 17 paragraphs to him instead of on open boards just cuz I needed it off my chest (lol sorry Steve). I didn't buy any more FTC figs (family did buy me some KISS figs though) until I actually saw the 66' figs in my hands - then I bought because I really had no quality control issues with the product.

        Will I buy every single fig they announced this week? No. I don't have that kind of money. I think some look silly in their concept and execution.

        I think at this stage of the game, FTC has won. They've went far and above the first four Batman figs and there is no sign of slowing down. I am not a completest collector and I only have so much room in my house for stuff like this. Despite big-head-syndrome and poor hair root jobs, they are doing what we all have wished for.

        Now then. After three paragraphs of level headedness - if I could now please have FTC provide me with four replacement 12" DTK KISS heads with hair fashioned as seen in Farrow's prototype pictures...I'd be happy.


        • figureaddicted
          • Jun 29, 2014
          • 91

          Maybe its being prepped ahead of time on the head issue, but after recieving my Alfred and expecting to be a litte disappointed in the head size, i have to say it wasn't that bad to me. Larger than the others, yes, but being prepared for it took the potential sting out of it for me. Thats probably why the Bizarro head doesnt bother me too much. It would be nice if fixed before release. But I'm not too worried about it. The Conan figures look great........except for the 5 dollar increase. Still excited for those though. I didnt see the Tarzan stuff when i looked, so i wont comment on those yet. But,overall. I'm good with the reveals.


          • ThePlayerOnTheOtherSide
            • Feb 27, 2014
            • 1035

            I got shouted down when I tried to say this at the start of the thread, but the initial pictures from FTC of their figures usually look worse than the actual figures do. Every line has had people here complaining about how they look (remember the week-long tirades about how off the Frank Gorshin sculpt was for the first Batman 66 wave?), then when they get the figures, the consensus usually is 'well they look better in person'.

            Honestly, I think there's always been an 'anti-repro' crowd here, and it appears some don't like all the gushing that FTC has been getting lately. As others have said, the hobby is big enough for vintage Mego collectors, and 're-mego' collectors as well.

            FTC's figures aren't perfect, but neither were the originals. But they ARE addressing their mistakes and correcting them. For all the complaining about the big heads, how many of you noticed that Korak's head was perfectly sized? All the talk on the size of Bizarro's head is missing that his suit is great, the necklace is a wonderful touch, and the card design is probably the best FTC has done so far.

            I love em, but I can understand why some are complaining about some issues. The hobby is big enough for all of us.


            • enyawd72
              Maker of Monsters!
              • Oct 1, 2009
              • 7904

              Originally posted by ThePlayerOnTheOtherSide

              I love em, but I can understand why some are complaining about some issues. The hobby is big enough for all of us.
              That's all I ever wanted...*sniffle*


              • willykfg
                Museum Patron
                • Apr 24, 2010
                • 136

                I saw the price increase as well but wasn't too worried since I don't plan to buy the entire Conan line, however I wonder if all prices will be increased on future waves?
                Originally posted by figureaddicted
                Maybe its being prepped ahead of time on the head issue, but after recieving my Alfred and expecting to be a litte disappointed in the head size, i have to say it wasn't that bad to me. Larger than the others, yes, but being prepared for it took the potential sting out of it for me. Thats probably why the Bizarro head doesnt bother me too much. It would be nice if fixed before release. But I'm not too worried about it. The Conan figures look great........except for the 5 dollar increase. Still excited for those though. I didnt see the Tarzan stuff when i looked, so i wont comment on those yet. But,overall. I'm good with the reveals.


                • jayraytee
                  Career Member
                  • May 27, 2011
                  • 724

                  My brother and I have ran a website for a band and sold their product for about 15 years. There will always be the cheerleaders that love everything, and there will always be the people that can never be satisfied. I think most of us here fall somewhere in the middle; happy that they are being made, but unhappy with some aspects. But one thing we all need to remember is that we all feel passionate about these Mego-like figures and many of us are artists in our own right and therefore have a lot of perfectionist attention for detail.

                  I personally never liked CTVT at all, I have stated many times how I thought their quality was pure crap. I have changed my position to a large degree when it comes to FTC, I was cautiously optimistic with their Super Hero lines, and have been surprised by their quality as compared to their old CTVT stuff. I have always bought them with the intention of fixing some things, because I am a perfectionist. If the bodies suck, I will swap them out. Which tends to work out well since their bodies are usually small and the heads and suits look a little large.

                  Even Mego started with low quality standards and as they made more money they improved retooling their bodies from type 1 to type 2 among other improvements. I think FTC is doing the same thing, I think they are improving, which is understandable, and a good thing. Mego produced some great figures and some uglier ones and FTC will do the same, not everything will be a home run.

                  FTC is putting out so much product that I personally will pick and choose the ones I want, I will pick the ones I think look the best and skip the others. Their business model of producing each figure in a limited run and then putting that figure out again later only changed is interesting. So like if you hate the current Tarzan, which is a repro of Megos, then if you wait there may be an improved updated Tarzan later anyway. Just like they said they would do with Batman, and put out a different version of him later. A Batman with an improved head would be great, I loved my Mego Batman, it was my favorite toy as a kid, but I thought his head was a little bulbish and cartoony, an improved sculpt would be awesome.
                  My posts were needlessly deleted ...


                  • rlkrefft
                    Veteran Member
                    • Mar 14, 2010
                    • 306

                    I think the only fail in the retro Batman waves was Batgirl, between the short boots and funny neck I think she was the only weak link. When I look at my original Mego figures and the redo ones by FTC Batgirl is the only poor one. Alfred does have a big head, but I still think Batgirl is worse looking.

                    The '66 stuff so far I have no complaints about. Loved them. My only minor issue is I think I would have liked Batman to not have wire in his cape. I wish I knew if I could remove it without damage.

                    I did decide to skip the fist fighters only because the FTC bodies still have issues with arms and I feel the fighting action will break as soon as I use it once. I think a lot of people are gonna have issues with these.


                    • MIB41
                      Eloquent Member
                      • Sep 25, 2005
                      • 15631

                      I'm applying the prototype rule here and waiting until the production pieces hit. The heads should fix themselves in production once their sized and molded in the materials as the others.


                      • madmarva
                        Talkative Member
                        • Jul 7, 2007
                        • 6445

                        I think the majority of people posting about FTC and it's figures are genuinely pulling for the company. In the grand scheme, FTC really is delivering on what we want, and I think we all realize this.

                        But if we do not voice what we do not like about the product to a company that has shown it does respond to to critiques and complaints (tight bodies have improved) that they find valid or that they can adjust within the production process, then we are actually doing FTC a disservice. We also need to be just as specific about what we like. And that might be where we have dropped the ball to a degree.

                        I'm sure FTC knows that some of the heads are out of scale. With limited production runs and retirement of figures, Alfred is in the books with a large head, but maybe future heads can be adjusted in a cost-effective way. Maybe not for figures that are currently in the pipeline, but possibly down the line.
                        Last edited by madmarva; Jul 19, '14, 9:52 AM.


                        • markp67
                          • Jun 22, 2010
                          • 54

                          For what it's worth, I think the new figures look good overall. I don't like Bizarro, but I don't think Bizarro has ever looked cool in any incarnation, so I'm not too bothered by it. I think Supes and Supergirl look fine and will likely look a bit better when the final versions come out. Tarzan looks good to me (always been a huge fan of the original Mego version), as does Conan, Kull, and Solomon Kane.

                          I've been collecting toys for a long time--but I've never had the resources to really build the kind of Mego collections I read about on this site. What FTC is doing now is literally what I'd have done if I owned a toy company. Some figures will end up looking better than others, but that's true of every figure from every line.


                          • ThePlayerOnTheOtherSide
                            • Feb 27, 2014
                            • 1035

                            Originally posted by madmarva
                            I think the majority of people posting about FTC and it's figures are genuinely pulling for the company. In the grand scheme, FTC really is delivering on what we want, and I think we all realize this.

                            But if we do not voice what we do not like about the product to a company that has shown it does respond to to critiques and complaints (tight bodies have improved) that they find valid or that they can adjust within the production process, then we are actually doing FTC a disservice. We also need to be just as specific about what we like. And that might be where we have dropped the ball to a degree.

                            I'm sure FTC knows that some of the heads are out of scale. With limited production runs and retirement of figures, Alfred is in the books with a large head, but maybe future heads can be adjusted in a cost-effective way. Maybe not for figures that are currently in the pipeline, but possibly down the line.
                            Agree with all of this. If anyone is really worried about the big heads then the fact that they nailed Korak's head is a very good sign. Unfortunately, in many ways I think these first several waves are the ones where FTC is working out their kinks. It just so happens that in order to get the line off the ground, most of these first few waves also have to be some of the most popular figures Mego made and the most desirable characters.


                            • sprytel
                              Talkative Member
                              • Jun 26, 2009
                              • 6556

                              Originally posted by MIB41
                              I'm applying the prototype rule here and waiting until the production pieces hit. The heads should fix themselves in production once their sized and molded in the materials as the others.
                              When we saw the pre-release shots of the Batman 66 figures, I was convinced that the baggy costumes were already made and past the point of fixing. And they did a nice job fixing those. So you never know. But I'm still not optimistic about the heads. We have seen the factory shots, and they have bins full of those heads.


                              • megoscott
                                Founding Partner
                                • Nov 17, 2006
                                • 8710

                                It's all just geek opinion, I guess, so here's mine.

                                The Alfred head is laughably large and looks pretty much like the prototype did, which means Commissioner Gordon is in the same boat. The Batman 66 are a little bloated, but close enough, they did a beautiful job on them for the most part. But Alfred is a different species.

                                Until proven otherwise think any head FTC makes that isn't a direct copy of a Mego is at high risk of being out of scale.

                                I'm glad that people are taking a positive attitude, even those who recognize the problem and are prepared to live with it. I too will buy them and enjoy the experience of new ReMegos coming out and the excitement and energy it brings to the community. My son wants that Alfred and I will let you know if he cares about the head.

                                I recognize I'm a little "touched" when it comes to this stuff.

                                But it IS important to me and I consider it a REAL SHAME. These new characters have been a very long time in coming and there is really only ONE chance to get it right. The Battlestar Galactica figures are physically deformed as far as I am concerned, and no one is ever going to correct that. It's likely no one will ever spend the money to license and tool that line in Mego scale again so there was one chance to get it right and add them to the Mego lineage where they properly belonged.

                                FTC is doing a great job is sticking to the Mego script---The goal, in my mind, is to create new WGSH that fit pleasurably next to the originals---to continue the original line and correct historical oversights. So I can live with botching Alfred and even the Commish, minor characters I didn't need in my childhood toybox----but if the same thing happens with FLASH, GREEN LANTERN, HAWKMAN, etc, then it's a real shame because it's probably the last chance to get it right.

                                They may sell them out regardless, they may have lots of adoring fans on Facebook as they should---but from my perspective if they do not look like the same species as the original they've failed and a great opportunity was missed.

                                I say that and immediately acknowledge that this FTC line represents a SECOND chance for some characters that were less than successful as Retro Action Mattels (though aside from the horrible bodies the costumes and heads were FANTASTIC). But that's gotta be the last time, right? I doubt someone is going to come along in 10 years and correct FTC's mistakes, and even if they did we'd all be too old to care!

                                It's not life and death. It's not curing cancer. They are just toys.

                                But they are important enough that we've loved and obsessed over them for 40 years. So please, get it right.
                                This profile is no longer active.

