Henshin Cyborg
I never thought I would have this guy in my collection again. Prices have been going up and this guy was for years way outa my range.. This guy was missing hands and outer head. He also had badly stretched leg elastic. I think that's why I got lucky. I used the Youtube Toy Poloi method of repair. Leave metal elastic clips on hip rivets open wider and replace elastic while still on place. My repair was a little looser than I would like but it sits on my shelf so I am OK as is. Was hopping to use grey reissue wrist pegs but were to big for vintage arms. I had vintage white pegs and clear 40th Gijoe Club hands. So I like the look and am pleased. Hoping to get a reissue clear outer head and I am golden.
20200911_120924 (2) by edtime5, on Flickr
I never thought I would have this guy in my collection again. Prices have been going up and this guy was for years way outa my range.. This guy was missing hands and outer head. He also had badly stretched leg elastic. I think that's why I got lucky. I used the Youtube Toy Poloi method of repair. Leave metal elastic clips on hip rivets open wider and replace elastic while still on place. My repair was a little looser than I would like but it sits on my shelf so I am OK as is. Was hopping to use grey reissue wrist pegs but were to big for vintage arms. I had vintage white pegs and clear 40th Gijoe Club hands. So I like the look and am pleased. Hoping to get a reissue clear outer head and I am golden.
