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  • Makernaut
    Persistent Member
    • Jul 22, 2015
    • 1578

    You are amongst friends, amigo. After 20 years my closest friends have finally become tolerant.


    • Makernaut
      Persistent Member
      • Jul 22, 2015
      • 1578

      ^Oh, yes, Amigo !!! We are truly brothers!


      • Makernaut
        Persistent Member
        • Jul 22, 2015
        • 1578

        Originally posted by PNGwynne
        You should check out 3rd Son's repro footlockers. Filling those is a blast.
        ^Oh, yes, Amigo !!! We are truly brothers!


        • Makernaut
          Persistent Member
          • Jul 22, 2015
          • 1578

          Originally posted by drquest
          Oh I feel funny sharing pictures sometimes of the stuff I find interesting. My wife's not real interested, and my kids, especially my daughter calls them dollies.

          I may have another picture to show tomorrow or Saturday. Nothing as cool as the 69 stuff, but something vintage I've been trying to piece together for a few years now.
          Anything you have to share will give me ideas.


          • jwyblejr
            galactic yo-yo
            • Apr 6, 2006
            • 11147

            Originally posted by drquest
            Those were all hard fought for boxes you see there. The aquanaut and AA Adventurer box were both from the original owner, but were both from different collections. I worked that AA Adventurer box for what seems like a year before I was able to buy it. It came from someone in Canada, and I got a teal Airborne set from that same person. The Aquanaut I found on Etsy of all places a couple of years ago. I was so worried about it being mailed to me, sweated bullets until it arrived.

            Makernaut, I'm looking forward to seeing what you're going to show us.

            Etsy is actually a diamond in the rough when it comes to vintage Joes. I got my Bulletman from there without his arms for 50 bucks. Was surprised to get his outfit in halfway decent shape in the deal. Only thing that was a total loss was his helmet and boots.


            • drquest
              • Apr 17, 2012
              • 3839

              Originally posted by jwyblejr
              Etsy is actually a diamond in the rough when it comes to vintage Joes. I got my Bulletman from there without his arms for 50 bucks. Was surprised to get his outfit in halfway decent shape in the deal. Only thing that was a total loss was his helmet and boots.
              I agree, I also bought a triple TM first issue soldier box, with the original all brass rivets Joe inside it on Etsy a number of years ago. It's one of my favorites. If you can believe, it arrived on Christmas Eve, and the person that sold it to me sent it in a mailing envelope. I went to our mailbox and nearly fainted seeing the Joe coffin sized bulge in the envelope. It was indeed a Christmas miracle as the box wasn't damaged at all and contents were perfect.
              Captain Action HQ
              Retro shirts and stuff
              Stuff For Sale


              • drquest
                • Apr 17, 2012
                • 3839

                Originally posted by PNGwynne
                What is your favorite '69 set, folks?

                Mine: Mouth of Doom. Usually I would gravitate towards Eight Ropes or Shark's Surprise, but MoD's unique accessories and sarari suit grab me.
                Mouth of Doom for sure. I don't even have mine on display at the moment, shelves are too crowded. Maybe I should pull it out.
                Captain Action HQ
                Retro shirts and stuff
                Stuff For Sale


                • PNGwynne
                  Master of Fowl Play
                  • Jun 5, 2008
                  • 19811

                  I'm always watching ebay for that raft and crocodile. The Big Jim croc is a nice substitute.
                  WANTED: Dick Grayson SI trousers; gray AJ Mustang horse; vintage RC Batman (Bruce Wayne) head; minty Wolfman tights; mint Black Knight sword; minty Launcelot boots; Lion Rock (pale) Dracula & Mummy heads; Lion Rock Franky squared boots; Wayne Foundation blue furniture; Flash Gordon/Ming (10") unbroken holsters; CHiPs gloved arms; POTA T2 tan body; CTVT/vintage Friar Tuck robes, BBP TZ Burgess Meredith glasses.


                  • drquest
                    • Apr 17, 2012
                    • 3839

                    Here's what I've been working on forever it seems.

                    Jettison to Safety 1975-76

                    On a Muscle Body Joe. The tan pants and shirt are late issue and specific to this set. This included parts from the earlier sets, the Rocket Pack and the Thermal Terrain Scanner. But in different colors. The rockets are silver in this version, and white in the Rocket Pack set. The Thermal Terrain Scanner is red in this version and a brown color in the earlier set.

                    Overall this is a weird mix-match of sets, but I think it's cool.

                    Captain Action HQ
                    Retro shirts and stuff
                    Stuff For Sale


                    • PNGwynne
                      Master of Fowl Play
                      • Jun 5, 2008
                      • 19811

                      I like that combo and admire both of the component accessory packs. I could see Jettison to Safety as a 12" Super-Joe figure.
                      WANTED: Dick Grayson SI trousers; gray AJ Mustang horse; vintage RC Batman (Bruce Wayne) head; minty Wolfman tights; mint Black Knight sword; minty Launcelot boots; Lion Rock (pale) Dracula & Mummy heads; Lion Rock Franky squared boots; Wayne Foundation blue furniture; Flash Gordon/Ming (10") unbroken holsters; CHiPs gloved arms; POTA T2 tan body; CTVT/vintage Friar Tuck robes, BBP TZ Burgess Meredith glasses.


                      • Makernaut
                        Persistent Member
                        • Jul 22, 2015
                        • 1578

                        Originally posted by PNGwynne
                        You should check out 3rd Son's repro footlockers. Filling those is a blast.
                        I got excited when you mentioned 3rd Son's repro footlockers because I had been working on filling the ones I picked up for a while now. Just hadn't snapped any pictures and couldn't tip my hand at that time.

                        Still need a plasma bottle and a black paddle, but this is close enough to complete.



                        • Makernaut
                          Persistent Member
                          • Jul 22, 2015
                          • 1578

                          I still have a little ways to go on my GI JOE 1969, but here are a few snaps of what I have so far. The lockers are repros from 3rd Son Books. I have stickers to make an Aqua Locker out of a repaint to a military era foot locker. Haven't quite got that finished.


                          Last edited by Makernaut; Apr 11, '20, 4:55 PM.


                          • Makernaut
                            Persistent Member
                            • Jul 22, 2015
                            • 1578

                            Here's the figures and outfits I have. There are original and repro parts mixed together. I don't mind repro parts, but sometimes they are placeholders until I find an original part. Boxes are all repro, of course.



                            My favorite is the Aquanaut

                            Last edited by Makernaut; Apr 11, '20, 4:46 PM.


                            • PNGwynne
                              Master of Fowl Play
                              • Jun 5, 2008
                              • 19811

                              It's great to see all this, they look good! Thanks for posting. I just have the Aqualocker--the Aquanaut is my favorite, too.

                              I was just chatting with 3SB about the adventure locker, as I have a Club repro Adenturer. What are you using for the tan cap--Cotswold? If so, is it good? My repro figure has a repro Hasbro tan cap.

                              I've never thought about filling the Astro locker--it's challenging to get a mine detector or even a repro astronaut suit.
                              WANTED: Dick Grayson SI trousers; gray AJ Mustang horse; vintage RC Batman (Bruce Wayne) head; minty Wolfman tights; mint Black Knight sword; minty Launcelot boots; Lion Rock (pale) Dracula & Mummy heads; Lion Rock Franky squared boots; Wayne Foundation blue furniture; Flash Gordon/Ming (10") unbroken holsters; CHiPs gloved arms; POTA T2 tan body; CTVT/vintage Friar Tuck robes, BBP TZ Burgess Meredith glasses.


                              • Makernaut
                                Persistent Member
                                • Jul 22, 2015
                                • 1578

                                ^ Yes. Tan cap is from Cotswold. I had to do just a little bit of reshaping with hair dryer heat and pressure while it cooled to the piece I got, but it came out nice. If I find an original, I'll swap it in, but I am okay with the Cotswold version. The pants are original ones that I found on eBay.


                                3SB and Cotswold are both excellent to deal with and I am glad they both exist! I missed out on their Aqualocker. It was sold out by the time I found 3SB.

