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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny trailer
I liked it. It wasn't a passing of the torch movie and I liked the way Indy grabbed his hat at the end. I think it ran maybe a hair long other than that it was fine. -
I watched it last night on pirate tv. I went in with low expectations as I'd heard a lot of bad press about it...
but it was ok! Not up there with Raiders, but far from being a bad movie.
Helena Shaw wasn't even annoying or anything!
They did Mutt dirty though...Leave a comment:
i went and saw it over the weekend. I really enjoyed it and thought it was a good end for the series. or at least the series with Ford in it. i have to watch again but after one viewing i do put it last in terms of favorites, but that being said, i still really enjoyed it and want to see it againLeave a comment:
I will say, the reasons I don't like it are the fact that Kate Capshaw is all but useless. Nearly all of her lines are just her screaming.
and the fact that most critics of Crystal Skull will damn it for the fridge, while overlooking using a raft as a parachute.
As for Kennedy, I disagree that she's mismanaged anything. I've enjoyed most of her output.
Back when GL first announced her as becoming the new president of Lucasfilm, I was quietly optimistic. After all, she'd been involved in every Indiana Jones movie, and she had decades of producing experience under her belt. What could go wrong?
Well, quite a few things, apparently.
Examples of her mismanagement are the high profile box office failures and underperformances of several key movies, multiple firings of directors, often well into a movie's production (Josh Trank, Lord & Miller, Colin Treverrow, even Gareth Edwards having the ending of Rogue One reshot by another director), several projects announced to great fanfare only to be quietly cancelled or shelved, the failure of the Galaxy's Edge attraction, the well documented chaos surrounding the production of The Dial of Destiny, and of course the mishandling of the SW Sequel Trilogy by allowing it to essentially become a game of round-robin storytelling without a cohesive narrative vision underpinning it.
Now, you might say that every studio suffers such mishaps, and that it's simply par for the course in the movie industry. But Kennedy has undeniably taken a production company of sure-fire money-making IPs and (seemingly) gleefully overseen their degradation and devaluation.
So yeah, I think it's time she moved on.Last edited by Bruce Banner; Jul 5, '23, 6:16 AM.Leave a comment:
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Well, she's been entrenched in popular 80s film franchises since the early 80s so a little too late for someone to be disgruntled about that.
Personally, I think it's an instance of figureheads (regardless of gender) catching all of the flak when fans feel slighted that things dont go their way. Post-prequels, leading up to the Disney sale, seems like most fans didn't think too fondly of Lucas (and McCallum) either. Only difference now is opinions are even more amplified.Leave a comment:
That's your opinion. Not everyone shares it. For me, it's the second best Indy movie. Far better than Last Crusade, Crystal Skull and Dial of Destiny.
Her gender has nothing to do with it, at least not as far as I'm concerned. Her staggering mismanagement of Lucasfilm's franchises is the primary reason why I want to see her tenure as president come to an end.
I didn't say you were wrong for liking it, or even for disagreeing with me.
I will say, the reasons I don't like it are the fact that Kate Capshaw is all but useless. Nearly all of her lines are just her screaming. Add to it the horrific depictions of Asians, and the fact that most critics of Crystal Skull will damn it for the fridge, while overlooking using a raft as a parachute.
As for Kennedy, I disagree that she's mismanaged anything. I've enjoyed most of her output.Leave a comment:
I wonder if I'm a misandrist too, since I hated the Star Wars prequels and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull?Leave a comment:
This is a moderated forum, and we don't allow relational conflict; it gets zapped. I've seen some truly combative and caustic posts, and over what? Movies and Toys?
That's what moderation is, you're making sure the pot doesn't boil over, or things don't go off the rails. I've had to kill a lot of threads here over the past few months because they seem just to devolve into something political or horrendous.
Since you asked publicly, I've noticed a trend where you jump on members here. I won't allow that.
Also, you don't know me; you don't know my sensibilities because I don't share them here. I just try to make sure everybody gets along and has fun.
I've had it mentioned to me (by people who contact me privately) that they that their opinions are being shouted down. That concerns me, and we will take care of the community. You can choose to participate and keep it civil or not, but please don't publicly demean the job I do because you're offended by what someone else said.Leave a comment:
Well I missed some fun on this thread, but to get it back on track, my family and I went to see Dial of Destiny this afternoon and I got back a little bit ago.
I was worried from when this was announced that it might be a train wreck. Crystal Skull was just a pretty terrible movie, and I love the franchise and didn't want another bad memory.
I found Dial of Destiny well exceeded my expectations and I'm happy to say that. Perfect movies don't exist today IMO, and nostalgia smooths over the rough edges of movies we saw in our youth, and I know that. But honestly this movie was fun to watch, not perfect, had some pacing issues and some interesting plot choices, but I left the theater ready to see it again. That's usually my barometer for was it good or not if I'd come back and put my $$ down again to see it.
Here's my Indy order, Raiders, Temple of Doom, Last Crusade, Dial of Destiny, Crystal Skull.
I almost even put Dial of Destiny in front of Last Crusade....Leave a comment:
Well, she's been entrenched in popular 80s film franchises since the early 80s so a little too late for someone to be disgruntled about that.
Personally, I think it's an instance of figureheads (regardless of gender) catching all of the flak when fans feel slighted that things dont go their way. Post-prequels, leading up to the Disney sale, seems like most fans didn't think too fondly of Lucas (and McCallum) either. Only difference now is opinions are even more amplified.Leave a comment:
Personally, I think it's an instance of figureheads (regardless of gender) catching all of the flak when fans feel slighted that things dont go their way. Post-prequels, leading up to the Disney sale, seems like most fans didn't think too fondly of Lucas (and McCallum) either. Only difference now is opinions are even more amplified.Leave a comment:
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