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Star Wars feature films ranked.

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  • Hector
    el Hombre de Acero
    • May 19, 2003
    • 31852

    Thanks for your input...I watched it with an open mind, maybe too I had absolutely no problem whatsoever with anything that happened...except maybe a couple of things...


    Captain Phasma had way too little screen time. She was the only female Stormtrooper (that I know of), and an officer at that. She was played by Game of Thrones’ Gwendoline Christie (Brienne). She’s a big powerful individual...she should’ve smashed Finn, lol.

    I wished Rose Tico and her sister, Paige, would’ve switched roles. Rose dying and Paige Paige was the cuter of the two, lol...

    Leía doing a Superman impersonation was a bit silly, lol.

    I had no problems how Luke left the different than Obi Wan...



    • Hector
      el Hombre de Acero
      • May 19, 2003
      • 31852

      I like Poe, a fine Han Solo replacement...


      • spockoda
        Museum Super Collector
        • Jan 14, 2018
        • 198

        Originally posted by Hector
        Heck, if I was crazy enough to have any...I’d ship them all to you for free, no problem, lol...
        Darn, because that was starting to sound like a plan.


        • spockoda
          Museum Super Collector
          • Jan 14, 2018
          • 198

          Originally posted by Hedji
          Glad you enjoyed TLJ, Hec! It’s not for everybody, and I completely understand all points of view, but it’s very rewarding for those who enjoy it.
          Different people walk away with different things taken. For me, it was a chance to see the character of Luke in a Star Wars film presumably for the last time in my life.


          • spockoda
            Museum Super Collector
            • Jan 14, 2018
            • 198

            My list would probably be the OT movies in the order they came out, and the PT movies in reverse order in which they came out. Any Disney/Kathleen Kennedy movies are kinda grouped together in my mind, as in "I don't really care to discuss it" special category.


            • jwyblejr
              galactic yo-yo
              • Apr 6, 2006
              • 11146

              My turn:
              Third is close but I'll give it to Rogue One
              TLJ,I'd rank it ahead of TFA but Rose is the reason I dropped it down. BTW,I have no problem with Leia using the Force to pull herself back. It's funny. Kanan did pretty much the same thing in Star Wars Rebels when Maul threw him out of an airlock on the Ghost,yet no complaints.


              • Mr.Marion
                Permanent Member
                • Sep 15, 2014
                • 2733

                1. Empire
                2. Star wars
                3. Return of the Jedi
                4. Revenge
                5. Force awakens
                6. Attack of the Clones
                7. Rogue one
                8. Phantom Menace

                Haven't seen last Jedi yet so I will reserve judgement on that.


                • Hedji
                  Citizen of Gotham
                  • Nov 17, 2012
                  • 7246

                  Okay, here goes nothing. And I can almost guarantee my list ranks TPM higher than anyone on the forum.

                  Star Wars (could be the only one, and we'd still be talking about it)
                  Empire (because it's a masterpiece of color and symphony)
                  Return of the Jedi (the lesser of the originals still packs an emotional wallop)
                  The Force Awakens/The Last Jedi (I might shift these around after awhile, but I am enjoying the heck out of the sequels)
                  Phantom Menace (the best of the Prequels. For all the hate it gets, it feels most like a Star Wars film, has great environments, models, best saber duel, groundbreaking effects, score, and I like Jar Jar)
                  Revenge of the Sith (some days I like this better than TPM, but it is solid and Epic. There's a few writing disappointments, but it gets more right than wrong. Obi-Wan is excellent in this film.)
                  Attack of the Clones (There's a few great set pieces, but the biggest problem here is the pacing and dodgy effects. Why no practical Clone Troopers?)
                  Rogue One (I still love it, but it feels like a real chore to get to Act III, the characters are bland, and it could use more humor and alien characters)

                  That was hard. I love them all, warts and all. But if I have to rank them, this is how.


                  • huedell
                    Museum Ball Eater
                    • Dec 31, 2003
                    • 11069

                    Originally posted by YoungOnce
                    Well, I never said that I despised it. They haven't made any movie yet that I despise. I either like something or I don't, in the same category of canned green beans... Meh, not my thing.

                    I have no need to come back to Last Jedi. I saw it twice in the theatre... Once because it's Star Wars and second time because my daughter wanted to see it. It didn't get any better with the second viewing for me. If anything, I had more hang ups the second time around. Oddly enough, one tiny thing that bothered me that doesn't seem to bother anyone else was Yoda's behavior. Why was he acting all giddy and senile like in ESB when he was trying to fool Luke? That was all an act and Yoda never repeated that behavior in any other film did he? So why did the director think that that's the way Yoda acts?

                    Anyway, that's just one nit to pick. No doubt, somebody out there just thinks that scene was just the coolest thing ever and so, who am I to pass judgement? I just know about me and that's all.
                    Revisiting this from 4 months ago...I'd like to say my take on the Luke Last Jedi plot points being perfect hasn't changed.... exactly.

                    I'm starting to accept that its reasonable to expect that fans expectations for Luke's attitude to be more heroic AT THE START OF THE FILM are "acceptable" expectations.

                    Can't say I agree... but I guess that's reasonable.

                    As far as your question about Yoda's jokey approach?

                    See, if you deconstruct Luke in the Last Jedi, you'll see it was an attempt to just copy past Luke moments, and "perfectly" bring them into this modern era/The Last Jedi. I think they 100 percent achieved this, and that includes the logic of the jokey Yoda that was jarring to you.

                    The way I see it: Yoda was FOOLING and TESTING Luke in BOTH the ESB and TLJ.

                    Fooling Luke to test his patience in ESB...and, in TLJ, fooling Luke to get him to look inside himself (a callback to ANH's "Feel the Force" theme) for a solution to aiding Leia and dealing with Kylo... so it only makes sense for Yoda to approach Luke in the same jokey way.

                    Additionally (and this is even more based on opinion rather than the plot integrity of TLJ screenplay), I think Yoda has FUN being jokey. Why not?

                    "No. No no no no no no. You done got me talkin' politics. I didn't wanna'. Like I said y'all, I'm just happy to be alive. I think I'll scoot over here right by this winda', let this beautiful carriage rock me to sleep, and dream about how lucky I am." - Chris Mannix


                    • CrimsonGhost
                      Often invisible
                      • Jul 18, 2002
                      • 3574

                      Hey I just realized I didn't rank the movies...I don't think I did anyway. But now there's Solo to add so:

                      Star Wars
                      Return of the Jedi
                      The Last Jedi
                      The Force Awakens
                      ...and then the ones I don't care if I never see again:
                      Attack of the Clones
                      Phantom Menace
                      Revenge of the Sith
                      Rogue One

                      There it is. Not thrilled JJ Abrams is back for the Episode 9. I fear he's going to not see the merits of Last Jedi and just create another mystery box or load it with fan service.
                      Expectation is the death of discovery.


                      • YoungOnce
                        Career Member
                        • Aug 29, 2007
                        • 966

                        Originally posted by huedell
                        The way I see it: Yoda was FOOLING and TESTING Luke in BOTH the ESB and TLJ.

                        Fooling Luke to test his patience in ESB...and, in TLJ, fooling Luke to get him to look inside himself (a callback to ANH's "Feel the Force" theme) for a solution to aiding Leia and dealing with Kylo... so it only makes sense for Yoda to approach Luke in the same jokey way.

                        Additionally (and this is even more based on opinion rather than the plot integrity of TLJ screenplay), I think Yoda has FUN being jokey. Why not?

                        Maybe. i didn't catch any clues that made me think that was what they were going for. The reason that crazy-Yoda worked in ESB was because Luke didn't know who he was talking to at the time. Then after the reveal that he was the Jedi master that Luke was looking for, no more goofiness. We never saw "giddy-Yoda" again, until now.

                        But hey, maybe the afterlife has that effect... After all that drama, Yoda deserves to be happy. I'm happy for him.


                        • Brue
                          User without title
                          • Sep 29, 2005
                          • 4243

                          I started this thread before Solo.

                          I read the Solo and Lando novels in the 80's - so you know where I am coming from.

                          It wasn't great, but I liked it a lot. I think I like it more than others did. I would rank it around Return of the Jedi (number 6 on my list)


                          • Megotastrophe
                            Permanent Member
                            • Jun 29, 2018
                            • 2763

                            Any list that doesn't have the Ewok movies lacks legitimacy. And I like Rose.


                            • Brue
                              User without title
                              • Sep 29, 2005
                              • 4243

                              Originally posted by Megotastrophe
                              Any list that doesn't have the Ewok movies lacks legitimacy. And I like Rose.
                              Ahhh -but you must have missed them on my original post.
                              I have a list of the feature films with the other stuff - they tied at 11/12

                              After Eleanor (age 9) cried seeing the Ewok die in RotJ we popped in the firt Ewok movie - I forgot an Ewok dies in that too.
                              So we watched the other Ewok movie. Yep, dead Ewok.

                              PS - Glad you like Rose.


                              • B-Lister
                                Eccentric Weirdo
                                • Mar 19, 2010
                                • 2968

                                Pretty solid list.
                                Looking for Green Arrow accessories, Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver, and Japanese Popy Megos (Battle Cossack and France, Battle of the Planets, Kamen Rider, Ultraman) and World Heroes figures

