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Star Wars feature films ranked.

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  • YoungOnce
    Career Member
    • Aug 29, 2007
    • 966

    Originally posted by huedell

    From what I can see in your posts, I predict that if you watch Last Jedi after a few years you might not despise it as much.
    Well, I never said that I despised it. They haven't made any movie yet that I despise. I either like something or I don't, in the same category of canned green beans... Meh, not my thing.

    I have no need to come back to Last Jedi. I saw it twice in the theatre... Once because it's Star Wars and second time because my daughter wanted to see it. It didn't get any better with the second viewing for me. If anything, I had more hang ups the second time around. Oddly enough, one tiny thing that bothered me that doesn't seem to bother anyone else was Yoda's behavior. Why was he acting all giddy and senile like in ESB when he was trying to fool Luke? That was all an act and Yoda never repeated that behavior in any other film did he? So why did the director think that that's the way Yoda acts?

    Anyway, that's just one nit to pick. No doubt, somebody out there just thinks that scene was just the coolest thing ever and so, who am I to pass judgement? I just know about me and that's all.


    • Makernaut
      Persistent Member
      • Jul 22, 2015
      • 1552

      I wanted to chime in with my experience in regards to the recent entries for the Star Wars franchise. I enjoyed "The Force Awakens", really liked "Rogue One" and saw "The Last Jedi". While I wouldn't say I hated "The Last Jedi", I did find myself kind of "looking at my watch", as it were, because I was wanting to just have it be over. And as I was reading this thread, I realized the biggest way I know the movie was of no consequence to me is because I did not go back for a second viewing. There has never been a Star Wars movie that I didn't see at least twice in the theater until "TLJ". So without any real hatred toward the movie or necessarily thinking it to be bad, I know my estimation of it is "meh" based on me not making any effort to see it again.

      On the flip side of that, I saw "Rogue One" four times in the theater. Partly because I really enjoyed the movie, but also because I kept having friends and family wanting me to see it with them. One of the four times, I had an afternoon to kill and went by myself. To me, that story could have been adapted to be about a small unit operating in WW2 (or any other conflict) and it would have worked as well as it did for a space opera. I like those kind of stories so it appealed to me. The Vader scene is the big payoff, though along with it flowing right in to Episode IV. Pretty satisfying to have everything come full circle and realize, "Hey, I just watched the crawl for Episode IV!".

      "The Force Awakens" was on TNT yesterday evening and I gladly sat through another viewing. It's a fun enough movie for me to watch again and again.


      • jacoblb
        Persistent Member
        • May 7, 2009
        • 1131

        I won't bother with a list, but I love Star Wars of all types. It doesn't mean I like it all equal, but I don't make it my mission in life to leave trace evidence everywhere online belly-aching how much the prequels suck and how childhoods were ruined like others did. Having been a child who suffered through terrible SW live action TV programming and not so greatSaturday morning cartoons, I will take the prequels anytime.

        I'd witnessed some old movie threads here that got ugly about Ridley Scott and SW so hopefully I don't stir the pot, just expressing my thoughts briefly.

        (I've not yet read any other comments except the thread starter one so I'm not wagging a finger at anyone who may discuss the prequels. I am not a prequel apologist.)

        It disturbs me how much hatred people have the for the prequels. I remember all the electric excitement leading up to and during the release of the movies, how people camped outside theater lines and watched the movies over and over, I wonder how much of it was them re-evaluating their lives and holding a stupid grudge over a movie that in hindsight didn't hold up after it was critiqued by all types of movie goers. The prequels got me back into collecting 1:6 figures and I've been a toy collector ever since.

        I liked Rogue One okay. I loved the ending best. Probably won't ever watch the movie again like I do with the original trilogy. No complaints about Force Awakens, but Last Jedi made some choices that I wish someone in charge stopped the writer/director from making. I liked it enough to buy today and hope the closing chapter makes some bold, interesting decisions despite being backed into a corner and how many plots sadly got resolved early.

        I wish everything modern Star Wars was an attempt to be as good as the ANH & ESB, because those are the cream of the crop for me. I accept it will never happen. I loved Rebels, some episodes were outstanding, some forgettable. Even the SW comics, back at Marvel, aren't as good as when they first came out.


        • Gorn Captain
          Invincible Ironing Man
          • Feb 28, 2008
          • 10549

          What surprised me in both Force Awakens and Rogue One, is that I liked most of the new characters. Finn, Rey, Poe, the crew of Rogue One, I felt the franchise was in good hands with these fresh faces. Kylo will always be Vader Light, though. He has some good moments, it's an interesting character, but he never has that feeling of "awe".
          "When things are at their darkest, it's a brave man that can kick back and party."


          • Hedji
            Citizen of Gotham
            • Nov 17, 2012
            • 7246

            Actually, I think Kylo Ren is a brilliant solution to the unsolvable problem of creating a Villain to replace Vader. The filmmakers were wise to realize, they can't, and never will, top Darth Vader. So they sort of in a meta kind of way, wrote it into the script with Kylo Ren. He wants to be the next Vader, but the fact that he'll never be so feared and powerful is his Achilles heel.

            So much smarter than if they were to give us Darth Revan or Darth Nihilus. Now those dudes are Vader Lite; Kylo, on the other hand, is clearly not even in Vader's ballpark. He's just a hot mess, and I love the way he's written and performed.

            I'm really not looking for moments of awe with him, but Driver's performance when he was trying to get Rey on his side was pretty powerful and emotional.


            • spockoda
              Museum Super Collector
              • Jan 14, 2018
              • 198

              I have seen and heard a lot of people say they liked Rogue One. I did not, I rank it under the prequel movies. I can't put it under the Holiday Special because nothing could be that bad without trying. And I'm not saying the prequels are without their own flaws but I wanted repeat views on those movies plus if you don't get anything out of Anakin and Obi-wan's fight in ROTS or Yoda picking up a lightsaber in AOTC you should maybe check your pulse. I can't give TFA or TLJ super high marks because if it wasn't for at least a few of the OT characters I doubt I would have even gone to see them. Rogue One is why I'm not going to see Solo and I'm not sure about any other movies on the horizon, time will tell. Since all the characters I gave a hoot about are dead, in the movies or real life outside of Chewie, C3P0, and R2 what's my draw to go see Episode IX?


              • Brue
                User without title
                • Sep 29, 2005
                • 4243

                If you enjoyed The Holiday Special, this is a must see:



                • Hedji
                  Citizen of Gotham
                  • Nov 17, 2012
                  • 7246

                  Yeah, that is a hoot! I do enjoy the Holiday Special, so I can appreciate a bizarre time capsule like that.


                  • Hedji
                    Citizen of Gotham
                    • Nov 17, 2012
                    • 7246

                    Originally posted by spockoda
                    Rogue One is why I'm not going to see Solo
                    I'd reconsider giving it a chance on its own merits. It may recapture the fun and swashbuckling adventure we associate with Star Wars. Why not?

                    Honestly, if someone told me as a kid I'd be getting this much Star Wars, I'd have been beside myself. It's a great time to be a fan.


                    • toothaction
                      Career Member
                      • Jul 15, 2017
                      • 714

                      My favorite:
                      >>> Looking for a few Bif Bang Pow! pretties. Please click to see if you can help!


                      • palitoy
                        live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                        • Jun 16, 2001
                        • 59278

                        I really consider "Rogue One" a litmus test in terms of what people's expectations of SW are. While I disliked it, I do enjoy discussing it with those who adore it mainly because it gives me insight into what they like about SW in the first place.

                        Generally, I've noticed the majority of Rogue One fans dislike the new trilogy, I think it has a lot to do with the entire SW universe having a "comfort food" appeal to many. That's not a dig in anyway, certain things just become ingrained in us and we form biases. When we're taken out of our comfort zone, it can be upsetting, happens to me all the time.
                        Places to find PlaidStallions online:

                        Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


                        • Earth 2 Chris
                          Verbose Member
                          • Mar 7, 2004
                          • 32567

                          Star Wars/Empire (I change my mind regularly on these)
                          Force Awakens
                          Last Jedi
                          Return of the Jedi
                          Rogue One
                          Revenge of the Sith
                          Attack of the Clones
                          Phantom Menace

                          A few months later, and I would switch the ranking of the two "Jedi" films.

                          So, as of today, this is my ranking:

                          Star Wars/Empire (I change my mind regularly on these)
                          Force Awakens
                          Return of the Jedi
                          Last Jedi
                          Rogue One
                          Revenge of the Sith
                          Attack of the Clones
                          Phantom Menace


                          • Hedji
                            Citizen of Gotham
                            • Nov 17, 2012
                            • 7246

                            Very well put, Palitoy. I really like when they shake up the formula, and TLJ blew all predictable outcomes out of the water. And while TFA was light on surprises, it hit all the right emotional beats. I'm sure I'm pretty easy to please, but my requirements for "good" Star Wars are more about my gut and less about what I think they should be doing with it. Just tell me a dramatic emotional space opera story, and I'm pretty happy.


                            • Gorn Captain
                              Invincible Ironing Man
                              • Feb 28, 2008
                              • 10549

                              I'll give all new SW a shot, including the new Solo movie.
                              The way I see it, you can't have too much SW. It's great to be able to pick and choose. So far, I've seen two new SW movies I loved, and one I didn't. Not bad. Certainly better than the new Trek movies did for me.
                              As long as they keep doing well financially, there will be more stuff to pick and choose from.
                              "When things are at their darkest, it's a brave man that can kick back and party."


                              • Nostalgiabuff
                                Muddling through
                                • Oct 4, 2008
                                • 11318

                                i love them all. just at different levels. Prequels being the lowest level, LOL.

