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Dr Who 50th anniversar special - not good news

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  • Mikey
    Verbose Member
    • Aug 9, 2001
    • 47244

    Dr Who 50th anniversar special - not good news

    I know wikipedia is not the place for accurate info, but lately it's been getting better.

    That's not a good thing considering I just read this .........

    Christopher Eccleston discussed plans for the anniversary episode with Moffat, but eventually declined to return as the Ninth Doctor.[17] Sylvester McCoy, who played the Seventh Doctor, has claimed that none of the surviving actors who portrayed the Doctor prior to Eccleston have been contacted regarding the special.[18] Colin Baker confirmed this while being interviewed on Australian television alongside McCoy and Paul McGann.[19] However, McGann went on to say that he could still be in the 50th but at the last moment.[20] Freema Agyeman[21] and John Barrowman,[22] who played Tenth Doctor companions Martha Jones and Jack Harkness, respectively, have both stated they will not be in the 50th, but may return to the show at some point. Barrowman stated that he would have liked to be in it, but speculated that the producers wanted to try some different things.[22] John Simm, who played the last incarnation of The Master, also stated he never got a call to be a part of the Anniversary.[23]

    I'm guessing it will star and be about River Song

    Last edited by Mikey; Apr 28, '13, 1:43 PM.
  • johnmiic
    • Sep 6, 2002
    • 8427

    I think Chameleon, Fi-Fi and The Mara will be in it.


    • Mikey
      Verbose Member
      • Aug 9, 2001
      • 47244

      I want Tom Baker

      If Tom Baker is in it i'll be able to die happy


      • johnmiic
        • Sep 6, 2002
        • 8427

        I think JJ Abrams is directing it. Story by G. Lucas.


        • jds1911a1
          Alan Scott is the best GL
          • Aug 8, 2007
          • 3556

          I know big finish will get it right even if Moffet doesn't


          • Nostalgiabuff
            Muddling through
            • Oct 4, 2008
            • 11315

            I was watching the 4th doctor special last night and thought, man Tom Baker has really aged well, it would be so cool if they put him back in it, without all the CGI crap and just write a great story


            • Gorn Captain
              Invincible Ironing Man
              • Feb 28, 2008
              • 10549

              Billie Piper was on The Graham Norton show, saying she wanted to be in the special, but wasn't asked.

              I think the special will be Matt Smith, sitting in a chair, eating fish fingers and custard, talking about his life so far....
              "When things are at their darkest, it's a brave man that can kick back and party."


              • Bruce Banner
                HULK SMASH!
                • Apr 3, 2010
                • 4335

                Ideally, I really don't want Colin Baker or Sylvester McCoy anywhere near it... or at least keep their appearances fleeting and minimal.
                Same with Jack Harkness and River Song.

                But it would be cool to see McGann in there, even if just for a cameo.

                Not sure why Eccleston decided not to participate... maybe he has issues with the character/show?

                The newest issue of Doctor Who Magazine confirms that David Tennant and Billie Piper WILL appear in the 50th anniversary episode.

                And John Hurt is also confirmed to appear, although his character hasn't been revealed yet.

                Last edited by Bruce Banner; May 1, '13, 3:27 AM.
                PUNY HUMANS!


                • Captain Big Trousers
                  Veteran Member
                  • Jan 14, 2012
                  • 333

                  I predict some wibbly wobbly timey wimey problem, which will be resolved with a crack or a hole or possibly a vortex. Vortexes are cool. Matt Smith will do enthusiastic and slightly sinister. Tennant will do inspirational and sentimental.

                  At the end we'll all wish Tom Baker was in it.
                  Even My Henchmen Think I'm Crazy.


                  • jwyblejr
                    galactic yo-yo
                    • Apr 6, 2006
                    • 11146

                    ^You forgot to mention that Tennant will tell you how sorry he is. Maybe even tell you how sorry he is this will stink.


                    • Mikey
                      Verbose Member
                      • Aug 9, 2001
                      • 47244

                      I always hate seeing so many missed opportunities everytime a Classic Doctor Who actor dies.

                      The Brig was the best example ---- Also Tom Baker, if they dont use him on the 50th special

                      It's like the new series picks and chooses who they personally like and don't care about the fans.

                      They'll bring Sarah back and even give her her own new series .... but they'll poop on most others

                      I think there's a lot of politics involved behind the scenes

                      There has to be

                      It's no secret Tom Baker would tell ANYONE where to get off if he don't like them


                      • palitoy
                        live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                        • Jun 16, 2001
                        • 59275

                        Screw you thing I haven't seen! This is the equivalent of getting in an argument by yourself in the car ride to the family reunion.
                        Places to find PlaidStallions online:

                        Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


                        • ctc
                          Fear the monkeybat!
                          • Aug 16, 2001
                          • 11183

                          >Screw you thing I haven't seen!

                          Hmmmm.... from this and a few other threads you seem stressed. Wanna talk?

                          I can understand the debate and discussion about what's coming. I think that's a byproduct of the incredible hype machine behind EVERYTHING these days. You're innundated with info well before the whatever actually shows. (I work really hard NOT to hear about stuff that I want to see because of this. I shouldn't have to work so hard.) I think it's starting to backfire though. The internet runs on negativity.... accidentally, 'cos "Ilike it!" doesn't lend itself to conversation like "I HATE IT!!!!" does. Hence why so many folks talk themselves out of things. (And yet, still partake. Folks is weird.)

                          That being said, I don't think it pays to get too concerned with the conjecture. Until it's actually out, you can't REALLY know. So.... I still look forward to this. And secretly pray for an Abslom Daak guest appearance. But I won't cry if it doesn't happen. (Not where anyone can see me, anyhoo....) and even if it's the worstest thing I've ever seen it's free. So my trauma will be short lived.

                          Don C.


                          • Bruce Banner
                            HULK SMASH!
                            • Apr 3, 2010
                            • 4335

                            It will certainly be a missed opportunity if they don't at least reference some pre-Eccleston Doctors and companions in some way.

                            It was very underwhelming when they announced that Tennant and Piper were returning for the 50th anniversary episode.
                            PUNY HUMANS!


                            • palitoy
                              live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                              • Jun 16, 2001
                              • 59275

                              Originally posted by ctc
                              Hmmmm.... from this and a few other threads you seem stressed. Wanna talk?
                              No, I already know how to get to Cracked, thanks.

                              And no, I'm not stressed but I think a lot of folks are taking out the frustration of daily life on something that they shouldn't. The thing that is supposed to offer them some escape from the drudgery. Everything that is brought in these days is hated from first glimpse, that's not healthy, it's actually kind of sad.

                              The internet runs on negativity....
                              And there is nothing wrong with pointing out how pathetic and terrible that is. We're in an age of riches and all we do is moan about how we want it to be like the old show that we also used to complain about....
                              Places to find PlaidStallions online:

                              Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:

