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Doctor Who Waters of Mars

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  • wolfie
    Persistent Member
    • Dec 31, 2007
    • 1567

    20 minutes until the start.


    • wolfie
      Persistent Member
      • Dec 31, 2007
      • 1567

      Well that was good, i enjoyed it.

      Very Alien, very Invasion of the body snatchers allthough spoilt a bit because it had to stay in the confines of a family show, i would have loved to see this episode made with no limits as to content.

      As for the last 5 minutes, Ooooohhhhh, bring on Christmas.


      • JPkempo
        Permanent Member
        • Jun 17, 2001
        • 4334

        I'll have to see if I can download it.


        • Mikey
          Verbose Member
          • Aug 9, 2001
          • 47245

          The whole thing is on youtube in great quality

          catch it before they throw it off

          all parts



          • jwyblejr
            galactic yo-yo
            • Apr 6, 2006
            • 11147

            So what are the other two specials BBC America is showing next month?


            • raider5gt
              Museum Tree Cutter
              • Nov 25, 2007
              • 1911

              Really enjoyed The Waters of Mars,it was the best special so far,the trailer for the next special looks good also,quite sad to see Tennant leave as the Dr.

              They will be showing a clip from "The End of Time" Christmas special on Friday November 20th on Children in Need night on BBC1

              Never stand behind a cow when it sneezes.


              • Mikey
                Verbose Member
                • Aug 9, 2001
                • 47245

                I thought Waters of Mars was ok and better then the past few stories, but nothing really great.

                I would compare it to The Impossible Planet -- which I think it was kind of like.

                I actually can't wait until they kill Tennant off already.

                All this build-up is really annoying me.
                Last edited by Mikey; Nov 16, '09, 3:43 PM.


                • Gorn Captain
                  Invincible Ironing Man
                  • Feb 28, 2008
                  • 10549

                  !!!!!SPOILERS BELOW!!!!

                  Mixed feelings.
                  At times I felt "Dawn of the Dead rip-off, boring". I felt like "we've seen all this before".

                  Other parts were really good.
                  I wish the Doctor had really walked off saying "This needs to happen. Let it happen the way it should be."
                  And at one point, I thought we were going to see something we had never seen: "Time Lord triumphant!"
                  I wish they had pushed this one step further. The Doctor unleashed.

                  So not bad, but it could have been better.
                  And as for the next ones: I'm not looking forward to the Master. I never liked this "manic version" of him.
                  If only they'd kept Jacobi. In an interview, he said that he had asked to do more episodes, but decided against it.
                  Yeah, kick out Derek Jacobi. Good idea.....
                  "When things are at their darkest, it's a brave man that can kick back and party."


                  • raider5gt
                    Museum Tree Cutter
                    • Nov 25, 2007
                    • 1911

                    I was just getting use to Tennant but prefer Ecclestone out of the modern Dr's

                    Only about 5 or 6 weeks to wait until we see the next instalment.

                    Never stand behind a cow when it sneezes.


                    • raider5gt
                      Museum Tree Cutter
                      • Nov 25, 2007
                      • 1911

                      Originally posted by Gorn Captain
                      And as for the next ones: I'm not looking forward to the Master. I never liked this "manic version" of him.
                      If only they'd kept Jacobi. In an interview, he said that he had asked to do more episodes, but decided against it.
                      Yeah, kick out Derek Jacobi. Good idea.....
                      Yeah they should of stuck with Derek Jacobi,not a real fan of The New Master,i will always remember him from the classic series,he looked like a villian back then,not a crazed maniac as he is now.

                      Never stand behind a cow when it sneezes.


                      • Gorn Captain
                        Invincible Ironing Man
                        • Feb 28, 2008
                        • 10549

                        Originally posted by raider5gt
                        Yeah they should of stuck with Derek Jacobi,not a real fan of The New Master,i will always remember him from the classic series,he looked like a villian back then,not a crazed maniac as he is now.
                        I prefer a Master that is cool, calm and collected.
                        Not in need of medication....
                        "When things are at their darkest, it's a brave man that can kick back and party."


                        • Mikey
                          Verbose Member
                          • Aug 9, 2001
                          • 47245

                          Well, when RTD leaves hopefully everything we can't stand about the New Series will leave with him include his version of the Master.

                          The new guy seems to love the Classic series, so hopefully the next Master will be more like Roger.


                          • Gorn Captain
                            Invincible Ironing Man
                            • Feb 28, 2008
                            • 10549

                            Type1Kirk is dead, Jim!
                            "When things are at their darkest, it's a brave man that can kick back and party."


                            • Mikey
                              Verbose Member
                              • Aug 9, 2001
                              • 47245

                              Originally posted by Gorn Captain
                              Type1Kirk is dead, Jim!
                              you just noticed ?


                              • raider5gt
                                Museum Tree Cutter
                                • Nov 25, 2007
                                • 1911

                                Originally posted by Gorn Captain
                                Type1Kirk is dead, Jim!
                                I thought it was a new member until i logged in

                                Never stand behind a cow when it sneezes.

