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Wrath of Kahn talk

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  • Mikey
    Verbose Member
    • Aug 9, 2001
    • 47246

    Wrath of Kahn talk

    Was just watching Wrath of Kahn for the 300th time ...
    There's a few things that always bug me ... today I thought i'd mention them.

    Carol saying, "can I cook, or can't I" .......
    Wouldn't the proper way of saying that be "can I cook, or can I cook"

    Their communicators are laughably too big.
    They look look like cocktail weenie tins

    The whole "hours would seem like days" coded speach .....
    Seems to me Mr Logical would not be able to understand that Kirk is giving him a code.
    Also, on that same note -- EVERYONE including Kahn should be able to see right through that code.

    When Kirk explains to Saavik how the Enterprise is going to lower the Reliants shields he says ..... TO PREVENT AN ENEMY FROM DOING WHAT WE'RE ATTEMPING ...
    Does this sentence sound right in the context of what's happening in the film ?

    Why does Captain Terrel not have any problem killing anyone -- but he'd rather commit suicide then kill Kirk ?
    Is he afraid he'll get in big trouble ?

    McCoy's clothes when he's visiting Kirk at Kirks house ....
    Did McCoy stop at Kirk's on the way home from the Blue Oyster Bar ?

    Would the man who slaughtered everyone on the space station actually show mersey and beam down the Reliant's crew to Ceti Alpha 5 ?
    and if this really did happen ... should we assume most are dead because of the harsh conditions ?
    I can't imagine Kahn giving them all a space suit.
    Maybe he beemed them all in his little living room.

    Also, how did Kahn manage to get the whole Reliant crew off the Reliant ?
    Ok, Terrel and Chekov were under Kahn's control, but what did they say to the crew to get them all to leave the ship ?

    Why does both Kirk and Kahn target eachothers impulse drives, warp drives and weapons areas ?
    Wouldn't it be smarter to target the bridge ?

    Just a few things that always bugged me

  • thunderbolt
    Hi Ernie!!!
    • Feb 15, 2004
    • 34211

    After watching Wrath of Khan 300 times, you'd think you could spell Khan.
    You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


    • fallensaviour
      Talkative Member
      • Aug 28, 2006
      • 5620

      Other than that though you did like the film right?...LOL

      I'll tackle a couple just because,meh why not.

      The coded speech yeah that was ridiculously easy,I think they did that for the benefit of the audience so as to not have them sitting there going ,huh?
      After being together for over 20+ years I'm sure Kirk had something worked out with spock just in case of an emergency such as this one.

      Next,yes the communicators were too big!!!

      As to Khan showing mercy to the reliant crew by stranding them,I think not he is a sadistic barbarian and having lived there and being super human he knew they would die slowly and painfully as many of his people did.

      As for how he got them off,Well once he was on board he bullied them into the transporter room and transported them away.I'm sure he killed a few before they decided to go off the ship.

      As for Terrel I can only think that he was scared of Kirk because he knew if he missed Kirk would pull out his Kirk-Fu and mess him up!!!
      “When you say “It’s hard”, it actually means “I’m not strong enough to fight for it”. Stop saying its hard. Think positive!”


      • jds1911a1
        Alan Scott is the best GL
        • Aug 8, 2007
        • 3556

        comminicators - especially when compared tothe wrist coms in TMP
        Terrell's kill spree - I always assumed that since the creature was matureing it was loosening his obedience to Khan so that was why he balked - his own personality came out in the end. as to phasering himself maybe it was the unbearble pain as the creature ate him from the inside out

        lower sheilds - I think it sounds right and this is probably the most "scientific" explanation of how the improbable idea that you can run a giant warship from a computer console can be explained

        bridge - exactly what is the enterprise crew trying to save the federation's ship budget by not destroying reliant? even if you take into account the shields are "thicker" around the bridge they have to be just as thick in other vital areas like engeneerind too (and the bridge is at the top of the ship with the least amount of hull around it).


        • ctc
          Fear the monkeybat!
          • Aug 16, 2001
          • 11183

          >Why does both Kirk and Kahn target eachothers impulse drives, warp drives and weapons areas ?
          Wouldn't it be smarter to target the bridge ?

          Spaceship fights are always problematic. In the Trek universe, it's supposed to be difficult to aim at a specific target and the bridge is a tiny target. If you remember the orginal show, the guns work like old school navel guns; with tenders, loaders, etc. When the helm gives the order to fire it sends the gun room into action. So they're kinda slow and inaccurate. Moreso than you'd think for a high tech weapon. In the movie era they still mwork like that; but with imporved systems. (Many robotic: as I recall they show the arms that work the torpedo tubes.)

          It's one of them weird bits that got lost as the setting moved on. I'm betting it's 'cos Roddenberry had a good handle on how the military works (and StarFleet was DEFINITELY modeled after the Navy) and his progeny didn't. Since it seems like the systems are fully automated byt the old new Trek era, but it was still just as tough to target specific areas on later series'.

          Perry Rhodan had a good take on ship fights: they were ALL automated. Once the command was given the ship compter took over, 'cos it could react a lot faster than any living being could. (Ship fights usually lasted a few seconds in those books....) But there's been a running thing in Trek that people don't like to have machines running things: it's a cultural limitation more than anything else. Up until Data. (And even THEN there were a lot of folks NOT on the Enterprise that seemed leary of him.) In the later series' that sort of goes away. (Right around the point the individual-detesting Borg get emotions and start carrying around a spare nekkid chick....) Again, I suspect ;'cos the folks working on the show either had a loose idea it was there at all, or 'cos it was just easier to ignore.

          Don C.


          • The Toyroom
            The Packaging King
            • Dec 31, 2004
            • 16653

            Originally posted by thunderbolt
            After watching Wrath of Khan 300 times, you'd think you could spell Khan.
            Too funny....
            Think OUTSIDE the Box! For the BEST in Repro & Custom Packaging!


            • Mikey
              Verbose Member
              • Aug 9, 2001
              • 47246

              Another thing I never noticed ....

              During Kahns "as you left her - buried alive" and Kirk's "KAHN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" speach .... they used old series background music

              Here's just the music without the vocals
              YouTube - Star Trek II The Wrath Of Khan OST SE (15) Buried Alive



              • thunderbolt
                Hi Ernie!!!
                • Feb 15, 2004
                • 34211

                ^^^ And he's still misspelling it.
                You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


                • Mikey
                  Verbose Member
                  • Aug 9, 2001
                  • 47246

                  Originally posted by thunderbolt
                  ^^^ And he's still misspelling it.
                  I'm guessing you must me an elementary school teacher because anyone else in the world would not care


                  • thunderbolt
                    Hi Ernie!!!
                    • Feb 15, 2004
                    • 34211

                    ^^^ My wife's a English degree holder and a proof reader sooooo she bugs me about stuff so much that I notice it easy. Besides, the Kahn spelling reminds me of the hot dog brand. And Madeline Kahn.
                    You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


                    • The Toyroom
                      The Packaging King
                      • Dec 31, 2004
                      • 16653

                      And Jenette Kahn

                      Think OUTSIDE the Box! For the BEST in Repro & Custom Packaging!


                      • UnderdogDJLSW
                        To Fear is Not Logical...
                        • Feb 17, 2008
                        • 4883

                        Getting back on track to the original question.....and if one REALLY wants to nit-pick.

                        How could Reliant go to a solar system and not notice that one of the planets were missing? If the old Enterprise could scan entire solar systems (for example during Doomsday machine) you would think that Chekov could have noticed that Ceti Alpha 6 was nothing but space dust?

                        I also wish for fun there was a seen rather than Kirk noticing Khan on screen during the first battle and Khan saying "You still remember..." Kirk just standing up and going "who are you you gray haired are??????" lol
                        It's all good!


                        • Earth 2 Chris
                          Verbose Member
                          • Mar 7, 2004
                          • 32591

                          The real question is: Were Ricardo's pecs real or rubber? I've heard people testify to both. I guess I'm bad at identifying stuff like this, because I just can't really decide. But I haven't seen it in a while.



                          • Nostalgiabuff
                            Muddling through
                            • Oct 4, 2008
                            • 11335

                            actually, didn't they know a planet had blown up but thought it was 5 and not
                            6? That was the whole premise for why Kirk bever went back to check on the survivors.


                            • Mikey
                              Verbose Member
                              • Aug 9, 2001
                              • 47246

                              It's a well known urban legend Ricardo wear's a fake chest in WOK.

                              In reality, he doesn't

                              Those pecs are 100% Ricardo's

                              Besides being very fit to start with, he trained for the roll bigtime.

