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Rank your favorite Star Wars films...

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  • MIB41
    Eloquent Member
    • Sep 25, 2005
    • 15633

    Rank your favorite Star Wars films...

    I was watching the 'prequel' trilogy the other day and started reflecting on this. Alot of people say your favorite installments in this series depends greatly on which generation you came from. I guess there can be some truth to that, but I think artistically, the films can be measured universally rather than just blind loyalty to one trilogy or the other. Here are my picks:

    1) Star Wars: A New Hope - Forever changed the way we see films and remains enchanting to this day. I prefer the theatrical version over the "enhanced" ones. I could go on and on but you get the picture.

    2) Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back - If this was Nascar, "Empire" would be artistically drafting the bumper of "New Hope" around every turn. Possibly one of the finest sequels ever created. And I wish Lucas had stayed with that treatment. There were no super human feats of heroism as much as raw courage on display here. And no one is safe from injury or possible death. The tension is palpable and forever paints Vader in the manner I will always see him - Unrepenting Evil.

    3) Stars Wars: Revenge of the Sith - Watching Hayden Christensen light up like a pack of luckies makes this film redeeming on principle alone. But seriously, I enjoyed his fall from grace and I liked the fact his demeanor did become so consumed by the "Dark Side" that he could no longer distinguish good from evil. Overall not bad and easily the best in that trilogy.

    4) Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - The only thing that keeps this film from plummeting to the bottom of my list is the simple fact it had better casting than the remaining two. Script-wise I hated this film. When we last saw Luke he was in the glutches of defeat, unsure of his place in the world, and feeling the weight of the revelation that Vader could be his father. What a great way to start another installment right? Wrong. Upon first glimpse we find that Luke is now a studly Jedi. His confidence is unexplained and he waltzes into Jabba's lair to rescue Han like he's bored and needs something to do on his lunch break. Jabba looks like a Tequila worm resident and offers little menace as suggested by Han's earlier fears. And don't even get me started on the Rebel Teddy bears...STOP IT! Don't even defend it. I'm not listening Hasbro.
    Darth Vader however is tampered with the most. This villian who cut his son's hand off without the slightest hesitation has suddenly developed "heart" and wants to be Dr. Feel with his son. He just kicked Luke's rear but unexplainably concedes, "You are all powerful as the Emperor has prophesized." HUH? Okayeee. Anyway the whole film runs opposite of Empire. Everyone becomes incredibly heroic, even when they don't seem to be trying and to bury the proverbial hatchet in my skull Darth Vader, evil incarnate, is revealed to be...Jonathan Winters. The real story here is that Lucas gave into the dark side of Hasbro. He completely sold out to commercialism and what should have been one of the greatest trilogies of all time ended with a thud... or is it a crack of plastic? I'm not sure which.

    5) Star Wars: Attack of the Clones - Where to start? Well I'll keep it short and sweet with one line from the film - "I am still haunted by your kiss." Can someone just knock him over the head and be done with it? Instead of being on the Jedi Council, he should have been appointed president for the Virgins R' Us society. God, I don't think I ever squirmed in a theater chair as much as I did weathering that horrid dialog. How Lucas could have conceived such a thing, let alone the delivery of it, is almost more than I can imagine. And Yoda fighting like Daffy Duck at the end was more than a stretch. If he can fight like that, can't he concentrate just a little to knock off the limp?
    I periodically put the film back in because I want to make sure I saw what I saw. Nothing has changed.

    6) Star Wars: The Phantom Menace - I have but one question... How many people, upon leaving the theater after quiting their jobs or getting fired for standing in line to be the first to see this film, located the closest bridge and jumped? Surely it must be in the thousands. Even Lucas squirmed at the revolt against his picture. What can we say? One name - Jar Jar Binks. Only Jay Leno could answer this with a question - "What were you thinking about?" Of course that was never directed at Lucas but it sure fit the consensus of most ticket buyers. Jake Lloyd was as stale as a day old piece of bread left out. And the thought he would get it on later with Padme' made me more than a little squeamish. His abilities were over the top and the acting in general was stilted at best. Two high points - I liked Darth Maul but they didn't give him really anything to do and I thought Ewan McGregor was the best casting choice for Obi Wan. Outside of that, this was easily the most anticipated letdown of all time.
    Last edited by MIB41; Mar 19, '09, 4:04 PM.
  • Hotfoot
    Dazed and Confused
    • Dec 30, 2007
    • 2564

    Too much time passed between 6 and 1. Had he stuck to his original schedule releasing a film every 3 years the evolution in filmaking would have made more sense. Originally I believe he was going to make the 3 prequels than 3 more sequels.

    Episode 4 was the best. Unique and not sterile as Star Trek.
    Too many toys. Not enough space!


    • Mikey
      Verbose Member
      • Aug 9, 2001
      • 47253

      1. Star Wars

      2. Jedi

      3. Empire

      I don't like any of the others so they don't even rank for me.


      • Brue
        User without title
        • Sep 29, 2005
        • 4245

        Originally posted by type1kirk
        1. Star Wars

        2. Jedi

        3. Empire

        I don't like any of the others so they don't even rank for me.
        I don't know what you are talking about. There were only 3 movies.

        1. Star Wars by a landslide
        2. Empire Strikes Back by a mile
        3. Return of the Jedi

        Other things that added value to the Star Wars Universe: The original Marvel Comics series that started with the adaptation of Star Wars, The first Timothy Zahn Trilogy, Dark Horse's Dark Empire, and Troops. For nostalgia sake the Holiday Special is.. well.. Special.


        • GlobalObserver
          Persistent Member
          • Aug 12, 2004
          • 2220

          1. Empire
          2. Star Wars

          3. Jedi
          Last edited by GlobalObserver; Mar 19, '09, 5:03 PM.


          • Hector
            el Hombre de Acero
            • May 19, 2003
            • 31852

            1. Empire
            2. Star Wars
            3. Jedi
            436. The Fast and The Furious
            437. Star Trek V
            438. Bio Dome

            1007. Plan 9 From Outter Space
            1008. Glen or Glenda
            1009. The Creeping Terror
            34,965. Nell
            34,966. Catwoman
            34,967. Batman & Robin
            534,678. Limbo
            534,679. Venus' surface
            534,680. Hell
            1,000,024. Menace, Clones, Sith, all tied.
            Last edited by Hector; Mar 19, '09, 6:04 PM.


            • Mego Milk
              Custom Mego Maker
              • Jun 3, 2007
              • 2843

              AW YEAH...
              star wars
              CN cartoons
              Clone Wars Movie
              Fan Films
              holiday special

              did I gittem all?


              • BlackKnight
                The DarkSide Customizer
                • Apr 16, 2005
                • 14622

                1. Episode 3
                This movie really defined why Anikan/Vader is the Ultimate Evil in the Galaxy Far, Far Away .... He was Just a Face,.. that you pointed at & said,.. yeah, thats the Bad Guy,.. because they say so. They made the character of Vader More evil than he ever, ever was in any of the other movies prior to this one. The last light sabre Battle between ObiWan & Anikan was the greatest one ever.

                2. Episode 4
                The chemistery Between Ford, Hamil, & Fisher goes unmatched in any of the other Movies,.. & really set the tone & bar too high..

                3. Episode 2
                I personally loved the explaination with how the Stormtroopers were created..., & to learn that everyones Beloved Boba Fett, is nothing More than some different costumed Clone trooper. Yoda,.. Light Sabre Duel Ruled. The introduction to Christopher Lee to the Franchise was fantastic..., the only thing Missing was an F Bomb from Samuel L. Jackson.

                4. Empire. Episode 5
                The Bad Guys Won..., the movie left you hanging,... IS The Ultimate Evil in the Galaxy really the Hero's Father ??? Lando Rules.

                5. Episode 6
                ... The chemistry between the 3 was back,.. & the whole jaba scene was fantastic.... Sadly,.. I seriously got lost, when the Ewoks showed up.... too kiddy,... & I don't possibly believe that a group of furry Migets can take on the Empire. Whatever.

                6. Episode 1.
                ... I guess every story needs a starting Point.
                Anikan was Horrible... , way to much focus there... Pademe,.. Her character as someone in power,.. was just a little far fetched to me... she just seemed to young,.. & didn't seem like she could possibly run anything. Jar Jar,.. nuff said there... DarthMaul,.. very cool character..., but he died,.. as quickly as he was introduced... I guess the only plus about this movie,.. was to show you Just how Bad Arse ObiWan was. Thats the only coolness I got,.. & that final Light Sabre Scene was probably the Best,.. next to Episode 3's.
                ... The Original Knight ..., Often Imitated, However Never Duplicated. The 1st Knight in Customs.

                always trading for Hot Toys Figures .


                • megoscott
                  Founding Partner
                  • Nov 17, 2006
                  • 8710

                  I have soured on the last three movies so much that I've come to believe they should have stopped after Star Wars 1977. SW was a perfect movie, and as much as I enjoyed Empire, I'd sacrifice it if it meant I never had to see Revenge of the Sith.
                  This profile is no longer active.


                  • toys2cool
                    Ultimate Mego Warrior
                    • Nov 27, 2006
                    • 28605

                    I loved episode 1

                    1-ROTJ (The Jabba desert and aliens scenes are my faves)
                    2-Episode 1
                    5-Episode 3
                    6-Episode 2
                    "Time to nut up or shut up" -Tallahassee

                    My stuff on facebook Incompatible Browser | Facebook


                    • Hector
                      el Hombre de Acero
                      • May 19, 2003
                      • 31852

                      Originally posted by BlackKnight
                      The last light sabre Battle between ObiWan & Anikan was the greatest one ever.
                      You GOT to be kidding me.

                      As much as I hate the new trilogy...the one with Darth Maul is so much better (much faster and furious)'s not even funny.

                      No talking in that lightsaber duel either...unlike Obi Wan and Anakin's encounter...nothing but whining like a couple of school girls in that one....back and forth, back and forth, back and forth...
                      Last edited by Hector; Mar 19, '09, 6:30 PM.


                      • The Toyroom
                        The Packaging King
                        • Dec 31, 2004
                        • 16653

                        1. Star Wars
                        2. Empire Strikes Back
                        3. Revenge of the Sith
                        4. Return of the Jedi
                        5. Attack of the Clones
                        6. The Phantom Menace
                        Think OUTSIDE the Box! For the BEST in Repro & Custom Packaging!


                        • kerowack
                          Career Member
                          • Feb 27, 2008
                          • 637

                          I knew what was going to be in this thread before entering (I actually searched Star Wars to see what's been talked about here). Older men, in my experience, wouldn't even give the prequels a chance. Phantom Menace was a chore, but the last two (ESPECIALLY SITH) were good. Return of the Jedi is the worst of them all because, like the original poster said, Empire left off on such a note that the movie took what had been built up and pooped all over it.

                          I love the Clone Troopers. I have loved the CGI show too. The last three episodes were great.


                          • BlackKnight
                            The DarkSide Customizer
                            • Apr 16, 2005
                            • 14622

                            Originally posted by Hector
                            You GOT to be kidding me.

                            As much as I hate the new trilogy...the one with Darth Maul is so much better (much faster and furious)'s not even funny.

                            No talking in that lightsaber duel either...unlike Obi Wan and Anakin's encounter...nothing but whining like a couple of school girls in that one....back and forth, back and forth, back and forth...

                            Look at it this way...
                            you like Movies...,
                            Lets say for the Sake of trying to get into your Narrow Minded views for a minute,.. you can Humor me....
                            Say you Had a Brother,.. Say your Brother Killed your Entire Family,.. & it was your Task to Deal with Him...., to put an end to him, after everything you 2 had been threw....

                            That scene was very powerful,.. on Many different levels, Not just the Sabre Battle,... inwhich Was very High Octaned . & No,.. I am not "Kidding" You. It is My Opinion,.. which was asked in this Particular thread. You shared yours,.. There was mine.
                            ... The Original Knight ..., Often Imitated, However Never Duplicated. The 1st Knight in Customs.

                            always trading for Hot Toys Figures .


                            • BlackKnight
                              The DarkSide Customizer
                              • Apr 16, 2005
                              • 14622

                              Originally posted by kerowack
                              I knew what was going to be in this thread before entering (I actually searched Star Wars to see what's been talked about here). Older men, in my experience, wouldn't even give the prequels a chance. Phantom Menace was a chore, but the last two (ESPECIALLY SITH) were good. Return of the Jedi is the worst of them all because, like the original poster said, Empire left off on such a note that the movie took what had been built up and pooped all over it.

                              I love the Clone Troopers. I have loved the CGI show too. The last three episodes were great.
                              Fantastic Post !!!
                              ... The Original Knight ..., Often Imitated, However Never Duplicated. The 1st Knight in Customs.

                              always trading for Hot Toys Figures .

