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Battlestar Galactica: The Motion Picture

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  • Captain
    Fighting the good fight!
    • Jun 17, 2001
    • 6031

    Battlestar Galactica: The Motion Picture

    I know I'm not the only one here who still prefers the original series to the current reboot. IGN is reporting a feature film is in the works that will continue the story of the original series. I for one am overjoyed!

    IGN: Battlestar Galactica Movie Exclusive
    "Crayons taste like purple!"
  • UnderdogDJLSW
    To Fear is Not Logical...
    • Feb 17, 2008
    • 4891

    Now that is neat! I much prefer the old series Cylons over the new confusing ones. Hope this is true, too.
    It's all good!


    • kryptosmaster
      • Jun 14, 2008
      • 0

      I like them both although I was severely disappointed when I first heard about the revamping of the new series.
      Richard Hatch (Apollo, not the naked guy from Survivor) had a really cool plot worked out for a new BSG series a few years before the new one came along. He even did some filming of a couple scenes.
      I had actually come up with a scenario for both of them to coexist as in alternate realities (ala Earth-1, Earth-2). I thought it would've been cool for the new BSG to come in contact with the original BSG through some sort of space warp. The old BSG would be still lost in space for the past 30 years and at the end of the multi-part storyline the new BSG would have helped the original BSG finally arrive on Earth. There would have also been the reappearance of the original Pegasus in my story. Of course that was based on the assumption that the original series would never get it's due.
      I am all for the continuation of the original BSG.
      Unfortunately they waited so long that some of the actors have passed on. I wonder how many of the originals they can get? That is very important on a project like this. They need to get people like Dirk Benedict, Laurette Spang, Maren Jenson, etc.


      • Werewolf
        • Jul 14, 2003
        • 14676

        Not a fan, to put it mildly, of the re-imagined BSG. It would be great if the original series storyline and characters were continued. It's come very close a couple of times now and nothing ever came of it. So I refuse to get hopeful or excited again until it's actually filming.
        You are a bold and courageous person, afraid of nothing. High on a hill top near your home, there stands a dilapidated old mansion. Some say the place is haunted, but you don't believe in such myths. One dark and stormy night, a light appears in the topmost window in the tower of the old house. You decide to investigate... and you never return...


        • kryptosmaster
          • Jun 14, 2008
          • 0

          Check this out if you like the idea of a continuation of the original series:


          • starsky
            veteran member
            • Aug 26, 2007
            • 6200

            i've been hoping that if a movie was ever made, the powers that be would choose what richard hatch has envisioned. anybody read his novels?


            • Meule
              Verbose Member
              • Nov 14, 2004
              • 28720

              I like 'em both, but I prefer the old series. The Cylons looked cooler too.
              Looking forward to the movie
              "...The agony of my soul found vent in one loud, long and final scream of despair..." - Edgar Allan Poe


              • fallensaviour
                Talkative Member
                • Aug 28, 2006
                • 5620

                Hated the new series!!!
                I have not watched many of them at all.I'll catch it in reruns when there is nothing else on in the near future...Yeah right.
                Starbuck a woman what the F!!!
                I would love to see a new movie based on the original stuff,or a continuation of original series.
                “When you say “It’s hard”, it actually means “I’m not strong enough to fight for it”. Stop saying its hard. Think positive!”


                • Captain
                  Fighting the good fight!
                  • Jun 17, 2001
                  • 6031

                  There seems to be two versions of this floating around. At first it sounded like a continuation of the original series, but this report makes it sound like a reboot of the original:
                  Universal in talks for 'Battlestar' movie

                  Either way it has to be better than the current tv series. I could never sit and watch it without getting a headache. Its kinda dreary, reallllllly boring, and if you havent seen every single moment of every episode you have no idea of whats going on!!??
                  "Crayons taste like purple!"


                  • kennermike
                    Permanent Member
                    • Nov 4, 2007
                    • 3367

                    Battlestar Galactica

                    dont even know where to start .I am a hardcore fan of the original I did watch the pilot of the new series in 2003 just be opened minded but I hated it with a patione im just not a fan of reimagining some properties my thing is if aint broke dont fix it.everyone knows that in 2001 Tom Desanto and director Bryan Singer were getting ready to shoot in vancuver canada a continuation 2 hour pilot for fox tv with Larsons blessing Dirk was back Herb jefferson and Richard Hatch.but with 9/11 attacks the project got backed up and Bryan Singer had to go do X-2 so it fell apart everyones dreams were broken the hardest hit was Dirk Benedict cause he was ready to play starbuck in his fifties they were 2 weeks away from filming the sets were alomst done seen pictures .before all this in 1999 Richard Hatch films a trailer with his own money called the Second Coming based on his own novel shown at convetions everywhere to standing ovations he was trying for years to start a revival.around the same time with no connection Larson was trying to make a movie based on the Pegasus story which personally I was not a fan of. anyway im rambelling Glen Larson owns the right for a theatrical film until it actually gets cast and starts filming im not going to get to exited have been let down hard before
                    Last edited by kennermike; Feb 22, '09, 4:44 PM.


                    • megoscott
                      Founding Partner
                      • Nov 17, 2006
                      • 8710

                      Man, it's stunning how many New-BSG haters are here. I disagree with all of you so much it's not even worth discussing. Wow.
                      This profile is no longer active.


                      • Gorn Captain
                        Invincible Ironing Man
                        • Feb 28, 2008
                        • 10549

                        I love them both. For me, they have very little in common, but are great shows on their own. If you try and see them like that, and NOT compare them to BSG TOS, I think you'll find it an excellent show, well written, tough and gritty.
                        It's the comparison that kills your enjoyment.

                        Truth be told, I still love the "old" Cylons most. I love those clunky old tin men. My only true disappointment with new BSG, is the humanoid cylons, and that bloody annoying blonde bimbo. The scenes of her and Baltar are the only weakness IMO.
                        I loved what they did with the human characters, this show should have won tons of awards (but then of course, it's SF, not to be taken "seriously")

                        So I embrace all BSG. The universe is big enough for both!
                        "When things are at their darkest, it's a brave man that can kick back and party."


                        • EMCE Hammer
                          Moderation Engineer
                          • Aug 14, 2003
                          • 25688

                          Originally posted by MegoScott
                          Man, it's stunning how many New-BSG haters are here. I disagree with all of you so much it's not even worth discussing. Wow.
                          It's funny. I read all the screaming when the re-imagining first started, and never gave it a look. My brother finally convinced me a few months ago, and I love it. I'm working my way through on DVD, and I can't understand how people can hate it so much. I mean, passionately hate it like a lot of people do.

                          I am a fan of both.


                          • ctc
                            Fear the monkeybat!
                            • Aug 16, 2001
                            • 11183

                            >I can't understand how people can hate it so much. I mean, passionately hate it like a lot of people do.

                            HAW! I guess we're even 'cos I can't imagine why so many fans of the new one can be so rabid about it. I didn't like the new one 'cos it spent so much time NOT being a sci-fi show. The outfits, the interiors, the social structure, the plots.... could all be from the next Tom Clancy movie. That bugged me 'cos it ignored so much of the original. You could have called it "Ships in Space" or somesuch, and nobody would have connected it up with the original show.

                            I didn't like the characters either, 'cos they were all written with the "GRRR! I'm ANGRY!!!!" style that damned near EVERY action show character is written with these days.

                            And it reminded me WAY too much of "Space: Beneath and Behind." (or whatever the real title was.)

                            ....and now we wait for the inevitable replies....

                            >IGN is reporting a feature film is in the works that will continue the story of the original series

                            THAT seems like a weird move, 'cos you're gonna have TWO different versions of the show running concurrently. Unless they're trying to capitalize on the polarizing effect of the show on the old/new viewers.

                            Which is equally weird, 'cos I think you'd be better off just doing something NEW that would appeal to a LOT more people....

                            Don C.


                            • Hector
                              el Hombre de Acero
                              • May 19, 2003
                              • 31852

                              Originally posted by MegoScott
                              Man, it's stunning how many New-BSG haters are here. I disagree with all of you so much it's not even worth discussing. Wow.
                              Me too.

                              I absolutely love the new version.

                              I tried to watch the old one again...and it's bad...really bad.

                              But if you are into cheese...then more power to you all.

