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finally saw Dr Who season finale

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  • jds1911a1
    Alan Scott is the best GL
    • Aug 8, 2007
    • 3556

    Originally posted by ctc
    >shear # of cooks in the kitchen in the scripts lead to plot points that are contradictory to earlier work

    Oh, defintiely. ANY series that runs for 30+ years is gonna have that happen. I usually go off the old FASA RPG for my explanations of the wacky stuff. They did a good job explaining everything, and I know when the game came out they were on fairly tight reigns with what they could and couldn't do.

    >the fact that BBC does count the movie is it's episode giude for the classic series makes the move cannon

    As if on cue; yeah, maybe. They've already contradicted that with the Doctor/Donna bit. Where you couldn't have that weird energy displacement happen with a Time Lord and a human. If so, how could the Doctor be half human? (Which I recall is something mentioned in the Fox movie.) Unless they say that's exaclty WHY it could happen this time.

    I think it's entertaining to discuss this sort of thing, but I don't get too hung up on it. Kinda like when I was a kid.

    >I have a feeling this also could explain Romana's "regeneration"

    That's pretty close to the explanation I'd heard. Some TIme Lords are better at it than others, and she could do mini-regenerations to change her appearance.

    Don C.
    I think they explain that the doctor donna thing is becuase she was a human who absorbed regeneration energy where as the tv movie is basically saynig he is a hybrid. either way I just move past it. at this point even the 12 regenerations is meaningless (the master has had 4 bodies since deadly assasin when he was "out of regenerations" and 2 of those had regernation capability) when the arbitrary # was selected I doubt anyone believed the show would still be around this muich later
    QUESTION - was deadly assasin the first time 12 regenerations was mentioned??


    • ctc
      Fear the monkeybat!
      • Aug 16, 2001
      • 11183

      >QUESTION - was deadly assasin the first time 12 regenerations was mentioned??

      Hmmmm.... I dunno. I know they mentioned the Master was on his LAST one, but don't know if they gave a number at that point....

      Don C.

