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Chris Benoit and wife found dead

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  • toys2cool
    Ultimate Mego Warrior
    • Nov 27, 2006
    • 28605

    Originally posted by Hector
    The sick honor goes to the media? Why because they criticize the WWE? GOOD.

    The root of everything is Vince McMahon, it all starts and ends there.

    Mitchedwards posted this:

    Famous Wrestlers That Have Died Since 1985 Before the Age of 65

    None of those deaths had anything to do with the media, all that is from the direct result of being part of the pro wrestling world.

    Pro wrestling, especially the WWE, needs to be regulated, Vince McMahon's evil reign must be somehow controlled (at the very least), if everything stays as is, expect more tragic deaths to come, this is the sad world of affairs of the pro wrestling world.
    I understand what you mean,but these are all grown men that know what happens when you take those drugs.He has a business to run and in that business you're expected to look good to be a superstar.These guys know this coming in and they feel there lives are worth risking,so it's more there fault then his
    Last edited by ABMAC; Jun 28, '07, 8:43 AM.
    "Time to nut up or shut up" -Tallahassee
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    • kept back
      Persistent Member
      • Aug 2, 2002
      • 1203

      Pro wrestling, especially the WWE, needs to be regulated, Vince McMahon's evil reign must be somehow controlled (at the very least), if everything stays as is, expect more tragic deaths to come, this is the sad world of affairs of the pro wrestling world.
      I wholeheartedly agree with the above statement. Therein lies a catch-22. The sports media chooses to ignore professional wrestling because it is "fake" and therefore not really a sport. Yet, ironically everytime some tragedy that can boost ratings/sales comes along, Phil Mushnick, Jim Rome, and every other sports journalist who consider professional wrestling to be beneath them are all over it. By admitting that it is staged, McMahon managed to bypass any of the regulations that would be enforced if they still tried to maintain kayfabe. If they attempted to maintain an air of authenticity(and how can they really?) the media would look down their noses with even more derision than they do now. Although, when forced to choose between these guys staying healthy or being made to look even more foolish than they already tend to, I'll take health and a longer lifespan anyday.
      Of all the souls I have encountered his was the most...human.


      • jwyblejr
        galactic yo-yo
        • Apr 6, 2006
        • 11146

        Originally posted by Meule
        Not every wrestler is a murdered, let's not get too paranoid. The roids alone didn't push Benoit to this, the guy was sick in the head
        Never said they were. I'm just saying the women involved with these men are going to have to be more careful.


        • Customslab

          Originally posted by JDeRouen
          This is a bit of hyperbole. We have no clue what happened. Concussion syndrome has been discussed, which could have a lot of bearing. What happened is awful, but it's more important to try to figure out why so that hopefully it doesn't happen again then to just say "he was sick from the word go" and let it go at that.
          i guess you didn't understand what i was saying what i was saying was most media outlets without knowing what was going on was already saying roids was the problem my statement i ment was he was messed up in the head regardless of on roids or not because if that was the case someone like ronnie coleman who takes prob. somewhere about 10 times more roids than any wrestler .. should have killed someone by now if roids was the only cause someone who kills is sick in the mind to start roids may have contribute to what he did but it wasn't the cause of what he did it was a mixture of more drugs or a mixture of a mind loseing grip with the real world


          • RAZORSHARP
            New Member
            • Jun 21, 2007
            • 9

            Can't believe this happened, very sadddened by the news. I hope that Chris didn't do this, even though this is looking like a murder/suicide, very heartbreaking.


            • Mr Mego
              Love to play with Megos
              • Oct 19, 2003
              • 8677

              Originally posted by type1kirk
              I half don't blame WWF for Monday ..........

              Half because, incase they really didn't know what happened--- they covered themselves by having a tribute.......

              I mean, when somebody dies------- nobody really ever thinks they're a murder and killed themselves....

              If you don't believe me,

              Read this thread again from the start.

              A lot of people did not know the truth

              Melue, thunderbolt and thetoyroom, see what he said?!?
              Wanted to buy pair original shoes for vintage WOZ Wizard

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              • Hector
                el Hombre de Acero
                • May 19, 2003
                • 31852

                Originally posted by kept back
                I wholeheartedly agree with the above statement. Therein lies a catch-22. The sports media chooses to ignore professional wrestling because it is "fake" and therefore not really a sport. Yet, ironically everytime some tragedy that can boost ratings/sales comes along, Phil Mushnick, Jim Rome, and every other sports journalist who consider professional wrestling to be beneath them are all over it. By admitting that it is staged, McMahon managed to bypass any of the regulations that would be enforced if they still tried to maintain kayfabe. If they attempted to maintain an air of authenticity(and how can they really?) the media would look down their noses with even more derision than they do now. Although, when forced to choose between these guys staying healthy or being made to look even more foolish than they already tend to, I'll take health and a longer lifespan anyday.
                Points well taken.


                • The Sentry
                  Persistent Member
                  • Jun 3, 2007
                  • 1032

                  Originally posted by toys2cool
                  wow remember just 2 weeks ago we were talking about what a great Wolverine he would've been,this sucks

                  Yeah when I saw all of this going on I was thinking the same thing!

                  Jesus, I heard there were Bibles at the head of the wife and boy and he was texting Bible verses to select people. Bill O'Reilly was tearing him apart on TV tonight.

                  I remember the interview Piper (MY MAN!) gave an interview that said it all and had "Jr." all in a tussle, I guess Piper saw this stuff coming. If you have ever read his book, you could almost see this type of thing coming.

                  Sad, very sad.


                  • Hector
                    el Hombre de Acero
                    • May 19, 2003
                    • 31852

                    Originally posted by toys2cool
                    I understand what you mean,but these are all grown men that know what happens when you take those drugs.He has a business to run and in that business you're expected to look good to be a superstar.These guys know this coming in and they feel there lives are worth risking,so it's more there fault then his
                    I can't believe you are blaming the wrestlers more than Vince McMahon.

                    Wrestlers are just pawns, Vince McMahon is the king, queen, bishops, knights, rooks, COMBINED. He runs the entire board as he sees fit, he has the salaries, the control, the final say, to stay the course or change everything overnight, the buck stops with him. Vince McMahon HAS THE RESPONSIBILITY AS A HUMAN BEING to put an end to all of these deaths, he could if he really wanted to, institute MANDATORY DRUG TESTING...but he conveniently chooses not to, as a matter of fact, the man demands that they get bulked up at all costs, a huge part of the attraction is not only to perform incredibly day after day, but that they have to look like Greek gods as well, it's all part of the current pro wrestling package. When many states in the Union started demanding drug testing for the wrestlers (before being allowed to stage shows there), McMahon would just bypass that state and moved on to the next one that had no such testing. All this pressure made him come out in public and state that pro wrestling was not a sport but pure entertainment (thus the birth of "sports entertainment"), he weaseled his way out of any sports regulations in the country, not only is McMahon an evil man, but he's an evil SMART man, which is even scarier. Aside from Vince McMahon demanding that all his wrestlers look good, he also has them on a very demanding schedule, they friggin' wrestle non-stop for almost an entire year, the bodies can only take so much, but Vince McMahon is obsessed and hungry for that money.

                    If I were to replace Vince McMahon tomorrow, these are the first five things I would do:

                    1. Mandatory drug testing
                    2. Health coverage
                    3. Limit the workload of matches
                    4 .Pension plan
                    5. Start discussion about the possibilty of officially regulating the WWE through an unbiased commisioner hired from outside the company

                    Sure I would not make as much money as Vince McMahon does, but I would still be financially successful, and my soul would be safe from the fiery pits of hell...I would sleep better at night as well.

                    Last edited by Hector; Jun 28, '07, 3:14 AM.


                    • Meule
                      Verbose Member
                      • Nov 14, 2004
                      • 28720

                      Originally posted by White Eagle
                      Melue, thunderbolt and thetoyroom, see what he said?!?
                      Pat, he meant we didn't know whether it was suicide, murder, murder/suicide or an accident. But it most definitely wasn't staged. You honestly think the cops have nothing better to do than playing games?

                      BTW, can you read my posts again, I thought I was on your sh*tlist?

                      And I completely agree with Hector's statement here above. The wrestlers can't be blamed for taking roids, it's all McMahon, he practically forces them. Nowadays they all gotta look like He-Man. But why? Hulk Hogan never looked like that, Yokozuna (RIP) never did, neither did Tugboat, Andre the Giant, Jake the Snake, The Bushwackers, Randy Savage, ... and the list goes on and on. Some of these guys were fat, others looked good and muscular for sure, but never pumped up like say Davey Boy Smith (RIP) or Chris Benoit (RIP = Rest In Pieces, ya b@$tard), and wrestling was still ever so popular. Fact is, wrestling doesn't need roids to be popular. It's all about image, but that can be achieved with other things too.
                      Man, just bring back the old days of wrestling, it was so much better. No dumb storylines like who blew up McMahon's car and whatnot.
                      Last edited by Meule; Jun 28, '07, 5:22 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
                      "...The agony of my soul found vent in one loud, long and final scream of despair..." - Edgar Allan Poe


                      • thunderbolt
                        Hi Ernie!!!
                        • Feb 15, 2004
                        • 34211

                        Originally posted by White Eagle
                        Melue, thunderbolt and thetoyroom, see what he said?!?
                        I thought I was on your blocked members list. Its just really ridiculous for you to even think that it was a work.
                        You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


                        • Mikey
                          Verbose Member
                          • Aug 9, 2001
                          • 47244

                          Vince was just on a morning show talking about it ....
                          I think CBS ......

                          How could yous let CBS interview him before you ?


                          • Adam West
                            Museum CPA
                            • Apr 14, 2003
                            • 6822

                            Originally posted by type1kirk
                            Vince was just on a morning show talking about it ....
                            I think CBS ......

                            How could yous let CBS interview him before you ?
                            He was on the Today Show this morning...maybe CBS too, but I did see him being interviewed on the today show. What's up with his voice? Does he have throat cancer or something. I honestly haven't watched wresting for about 20 years so all of these new wrestlers are unfamiliar to me but I remember Vinch McMahon all the way back at the beginning when he was the on air commentator and a pencil neck too!

                            His responses to questions were a bit odd. He said that Benoit had been tested for Steroids in April and came up negative which seems contradictory to what was posted on this board. They also questioned him about the list of numerous deaths that have occurred to wrestlers over the years before the age of 64 (the list posted here) and he acted like he knew nothing about the list and emphasized that only 5 wrestlers have died while under contract with him. When questioned about allowing a mourning period and stopping wrestling to honor a deceased wrestler, he referred to wrestling as entertainment that makes people smile and that he would not stop a sport temporarily that makes the public smile as though he's doing something noble for the country at large....whatever. Like I said, I don't follow wrestling at all but was a bit turned off by his seeming lack of tact or care about what had just occurred.
                            "The farther we go, the more the ultimate explanation recedes from us, and all we have left is faith."
                            ~Vaclav Hlavaty


                            • toys2cool
                              Ultimate Mego Warrior
                              • Nov 27, 2006
                              • 28605

                              Originally posted by Hector
                              I can't believe you are blaming the wrestlers more than Vince McMahon.

                              Wrestlers are just pawns, Vince McMahon is the king, queen, bishops, knights, rooks, COMBINED. He runs the entire board as he sees fit, he has the salaries, the control, the final say, to stay the course or change everything overnight, the buck stops with him. Vince McMahon HAS THE RESPONSIBILITY AS A HUMAN BEING to put an end to all of these deaths, he could if he really wanted to, institute MANDATORY DRUG TESTING...but he conveniently chooses not to, as a matter of fact, the man demands that they get bulked up at all costs, a huge part of the attraction is not only to perform incredibly day after day, but that they have to look like Greek gods as well, it's all part of the current pro wrestling package. When many states in the Union started demanding drug testing for the wrestlers (before being allowed to stage shows there), McMahon would just bypass that state and moved on to the next one that had no such testing. All this pressure made him come out in public and state that pro wrestling was not a sport but pure entertainment (thus the birth of "sports entertainment"), he weaseled his way out of any sports regulations in the country, not only is McMahon an evil man, but he's an evil SMART man, which is even scarier. Aside from Vince McMahon demanding that all his wrestlers look good, he also has them on a very demanding schedule, they friggin' wrestle non-stop for almost an entire year, the bodies can only take so much, but Vince McMahon is obsessed and hungry for that money.

                              If I were to replace Vince McMahon tomorrow, these are the first five things I would do:

                              1. Mandatory drug testing
                              2. Health coverage
                              3. Limit the workload of matches
                              4 .Pension plan
                              5. Start discussion about the possibilty of officially regulating the WWE through an unbiased commisioner hired from outside the company

                              Sure I would not make as much money as Vince McMahon does, but I would still be financially successful, and my soul would be safe from the fiery pits of hell...I would sleep better at night as well.

                              I totally agree with what you're saying,but what i'm trying to say is that these guys are big boys and they know what they are doing,they just want the money and the spotlight,so they really don't stop to care about the consequences ,and for that they deserve the blame as well
                              "Time to nut up or shut up" -Tallahassee

                              My stuff on facebook Incompatible Browser | Facebook


                              • Mikey
                                Verbose Member
                                • Aug 9, 2001
                                • 47244

                                You don't even need drug tests if you know what to look for.... .....

                                I can see just by looking at them they're on steroids....

                                Remember Bruno Samartino in his young days ?
                                That's a proper build of an average wrestler who's not on steriods.

                                Prob is....

                                The organization just don't WANT to know......
                                That's what Hogan said at his testimony years ago.


                                I'm very surprised by this time ........ The wrestlers all haven't gotten together and demanded they be let into the Screen Actors Guild.

                                Last edited by Mikey; Jun 28, '07, 12:10 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

