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Ok, it is time for Homework - 48÷2(9+3) = ???

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  • Brazoo
    Permanent Member
    • Feb 14, 2009
    • 4767

    I don't get how this is suppose to be a trick, the math is just wrong. $25 doesn't divide equally into 3 and $25 plus $3 is $28.
    Last edited by Brazoo; Apr 10, '11, 7:57 PM.


    • Brazoo
      Permanent Member
      • Feb 14, 2009
      • 4767

      Originally posted by Brue
      but they each took 10 bucks out of their pocket - and got 1 bac. no change given or taken
      Giving them back a dollar each means they paid $9.33333 (or whatever) each.

      8.333 X 3 = $25

      $25 + 3 = $28

      28 + 2 = 30

      There's no "missing" dollar. The question just does the math wrong and hopes you forget to do the math - I guess?


      • Brue
        User without title
        • Sep 29, 2005
        • 4245

        Originally posted by Brazoo
        Giving them back a dollar each means they paid $9.33333 (or whatever) each.

        8.333 X 3 = $25

        $25 + 3 = $28

        28 + 2 = 30

        There's no "missing" dollar. The question just does the math wrong and hopes you forget to do the math - I guess?

        everyone who reads the puzzle knows the math is wrong -

        the riddle is: Since it is wrong - where and why.

        you have identified neither.

        how is it that each man paid $9 (and they DID pay $9 - not 8.333)add 2 for the bellhop and come up with 30

        the reason the math is wrong is that it does not account for the fact the bell boys $2 (a tip wink wink) really is a tip. so the effective cost of the room really is 27 dollars (25 room cost +2 tip) NOT 30 wherein lies the error - the men split that number three ways 27/3=9

        you first have to know what the riddle is in order to solve the riddle.


        • Goblin19
          Talkative Member
          • May 2, 2002
          • 6119

          They didn't pay $9. The room is $25. The men are supposed to get $5 back. At this point, they have each paid $8.33 (25/3) for the room. The bellboy keeps $2 (now $27 total) and gives them back each $1. This means they have now paid $9.33. There is no unaccounted for $1. The total is $30.


          • Brue
            User without title
            • Sep 29, 2005
            • 4245

            Originally posted by Goblin19
            They didn't pay $9. The room is $25. The men are supposed to get $5 back. At this point, they have each paid $8.33 (25/3) for the room. The bellboy keeps $2 (now $27 total) and gives them back each $1. This means they have now paid $9.33. There is no unaccounted for $1. The total is $30.
            incorrect - each guy DID pay 9 dollars. see above explanation

            it is that they spent 27 not 30 dollars.
            Last edited by Brue; Apr 10, '11, 10:00 PM.


            • Goblin19
              Talkative Member
              • May 2, 2002
              • 6119

              Right. Now I've got it. They spent $25 on the room, plus the $2 tip, which is part of their cost. Then they got the $3 dollars back. Total $9. I just removed the words and did the math. In other words, the mistake is adding $27+2. You should be adding $27+3.
              Last edited by Goblin19; Apr 10, '11, 10:27 PM.


              • Brazoo
                Permanent Member
                • Feb 14, 2009
                • 4767

                Originally posted by Brue
                everyone who reads the puzzle knows the math is wrong -

                the riddle is: Since it is wrong - where and why.

                you have identified neither.

                how is it that each man paid $9 (and they DID pay $9 - not 8.333)add 2 for the bellhop and come up with 30

                the reason the math is wrong is that it does not account for the fact the bell boys $2 (a tip wink wink) really is a tip. so the effective cost of the room really is 27 dollars (25 room cost +2 tip) NOT 30 wherein lies the error - the men split that number three ways 27/3=9

                you first have to know what the riddle is in order to solve the riddle.

                Ah well, I guess I still don't get the big deal. Adding wrong is adding wrong. I'll go my whole life knowing that 25+2+3=30 and leave it at that, thank you.


                • Goblin19
                  Talkative Member
                  • May 2, 2002
                  • 6119

                  The trick is in the wording. It got me, too at first. They each pay $9 because the room is $25 and the "tip" is $2. They each get $1 back. The problem tries to trick you into adding 27+2, instead of 27+3. The $2 is already part of the $27. It's hard to explain.


                  • Brue
                    User without title
                    • Sep 29, 2005
                    • 4245

                    Originally posted by Goblin19
                    The trick is in the wording. It got me, too at first. They each pay $9 because the room is $25 and the "tip" is $2. They each get $1 back. The problem tries to trick you into adding 27+2, instead of 27+3. The $2 is already part of the $27. It's hard to explain.


                    • Brazoo
                      Permanent Member
                      • Feb 14, 2009
                      • 4767

                      Guys, I appreciate you trying. I get that the wording of the problem is doing some hand-waving meant to distract us from the fact that it added it wrong. I knew that before they added the 3 or the 2 the clients didn't pay 9 each - because 25 divided by 9 isn't 3. I probably just lack the ability to see numbers abstractly enough to understand why this is more interesting trying to figure it out beyond that.

                      When I was a kid I had a magic book that showed if you counted on one hand backwards from 10 (10-9-8-7-6) and added your other hand (5) you'd get 11. And it really irritated me, because adding 5 to 6 just doesn't make sense for adding up your fingers. There's 10 fingers, 5 and 5. I barely passed math the whole time I was in school and need those fingers to count on till this day, so I'll just add up my fingers one-by-one and keep them at 10 so they're useful. Thank you.

