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Do you consider it taboo to buy other toy lines?

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  • megoat
    A Therefore Experience
    • Jun 10, 2003
    • 2699

    Originally posted by huedell
    Wow guys (Ninja and megoat)---if I didn't know any better---it sounds like you
    are insulting people who don't collect how you collect----

    That's funny---I spend hundereds of dollars a year on customs and I don't think they
    are "crud" at all----in fact they make up the biggest part of my collection

    And remember what I said Ninja---think before you leap---lashing out and buying
    something just because its "70s" could potentially lead to second thoughts and the
    hassle of resale down the line
    Aw, Jesus, would you calm down for once? I call all kinds of stuff "crud". In fact I call my entire collection "crud". How you found that "insulting" is beyond me. I couldn't give two farts what you collect.....If you're happy buying customs, good for you.....


    • draconianguard
      #1 Ernest Borgnine Fan
      • Mar 12, 2004
      • 564

      I have the problem of liking too many toy lines. I collect Mego,vintage SW, Star Trek, Universal and modern horror, wrestling figures,props and prop replicas and various other items. Maybe one day I'll try too focus on less collections, but it's tough!
      Pop Culture Central - Convention reports, toy reviews and more


      • Hulk
        Mayor of Megoville
        • May 10, 2003
        • 16007

        Originally posted by huedell
        Wow guys (Ninja and megoat)---if I didn't know any better---it sounds like you
        are insulting people who don't collect how you collect----

        That's funny---I spend hundereds of dollars a year on customs and I don't think they
        are "crud" at all----in fact they make up the biggest part of my collection

        And remember what I said Ninja---think before you leap---lashing out and buying
        something just because its "70s" could potentially lead to second thoughts and the
        hassle of resale down the line
        I really try to avoid directly quoting you at all Hue, but this is one of the most hypocritical posts I've ever read. Not to mention a prime example of why you manage to turn most threads you post on into a Hue versus the world thread. I'm not going to multiquote what is already clear in the last few posts, but essentially you decide to take an alternative point of view (devil's advocate) and when others say something general that you can somehow manage to interpret personally, you jump on them. Then after scolding someone for such an offense, you manage to repeat your alternative point of view, pushing your own personal agenda as the only possible correct position to take. Its mind boggling that you will probably continue to do this, but now with a personal "woe is me for being singled out" attitude, and claim you don't understand why. And no, I'd prefer not to try and talk about it on the phone.


        • huedell
          Museum Ball Eater
          • Dec 31, 2003
          • 11069

          you manage to repeat your alternative point of view, pushing your own personal agenda as the only possible correct position to take
          My "position" on toy collecting as per what I was explaining to Ninja is (was) a
          flexible one---and what I saw as "helpful advice" ---one can choose to take heed
          of it or not--
          ON THE OTHER HAND....
          What I THOUGHT I was interpreting in Ninja and megoat's posts sounded NOT
          flexible--- it SOUNDED like an insult----there's a big difference there

          Paul----please try to calm down about what you despise about me---especially
          when you're painting me unfairly to be a hypocrite

          and Ninja (bless him) agreed that he was somewhat saying what I thought he said---
          ---and Ninja I appreciate the clarification and acknowledgement and the fact that you
          weren't trying to consciously slam anyone, btw Ninja--- shows you are a stronger
          guy than many btw...

          as far as megoat---sounds like you were using "crud" as a toothless blanket term
          ----apologies for misinterpreting----and thanks for the clarification

          Ninja---good luck with your collecting and remember to "think before you leap"

          (See Paul---that's advice----not an agenda----I love ya but please get a grip)
          Last edited by huedell; Nov 16, '07, 1:44 AM.
          "No. No no no no no no. You done got me talkin' politics. I didn't wanna'. Like I said y'all, I'm just happy to be alive. I think I'll scoot over here right by this winda', let this beautiful carriage rock me to sleep, and dream about how lucky I am." - Chris Mannix


          • Johnny
            • Oct 1, 2003
            • 3369

            Yeah Paul's the one who needs to get a grip. Paul the guy who posts a perfectly rational, clear and concise description of what you do time and time again.

            It is clear to me now you are a textbook troll.


            • MegoNinja
              Career Member
              • Feb 7, 2007
              • 738

              wow, if I knew this thread was going to erupt into this I wouldnt have started it, I think everyone needs to take a big breath and realize this is just a forum for talking about toy's, there is no need for agression towards each other.
              I the Monster Hero


              • ctc
                Fear the monkeybat!
                • Aug 16, 2001
                • 11183

                >there is no need for agression towards each other.

                There's ALWAYS need for aggression! I LIVE on aggression! THRIVE on it! More... MORE... let my power grow until one day I CRUSH YOU ALLLLLLL !!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

       anyhoo; getting back to the original question.....

                I thought through this for myself a while back, and decided to weigh what it is I get from my collection vs the cost and difficulty of amassing and keeping it. My concclusions were as follows:

                -I collect tons of comics. I enjoy reading them, I reread them a lot, and I use 'em as archives for research. So I have no probalem picking up any comics, even though there are relatively few that I make a point of completing the set.

                -My movies and tv shows are the same. Although there is a lot more effort involved keeping them; since every 10 years or so the fomat changes. (And now I got 1500 tapes to convert to disk.) Music as well; although music takes up a lot less space.

                -I decided to finish my set of Prehistoric Scenes models, and Monster Scenes kits. I've been trying to do so for most of my life. Same with my Gundams. I enjoy building kits and use them for the floor war a lot.

                -I actually play my RPGs, so those, and the minis stay.

                -I collect Mego figs 'cos I think the 8" body is overall one of the best toy ideas ever. I try to get the best representation of a character, even if it requires costomizing, and I don't care about variants, packaging, etc.

                -I tried not to collect Star Wars figures; but after the first film they were SOOOO cheap and plentiful. Again, I don't worry about variants, or vintage vs new; and I throw in a lot of other odd 3.5" figures that catch my eye. I gotta admit; my decision to collect them is partially based on needing populace for the Woman's Day Outer Space Station. When I finish it. (AND the Star Wars Gamer cantina....)

                -Micronauts were ALWAYS my favourite toys, and I'm not abandoning an old friend. (I STILL get kinda choked up when I see my green Space Glider. It was a gift from my gran'pa, and it's been rebuilt and repainted quite a few times over the years.)

                -I've been toying with building a Lego: Space display. I used to love these things, and still have a lot of little figures. (I HAD to get the movie monster sets they did a few years back.) Finding a website with all the plans didn't help. (And if I ever find pics of that Eaton's display I may collapse completely.)

                -Playmobil are my second fave toy; and over the years I've added odds and ends to my collection, but have made no real efort to collect them. (I have a big box of them. People sometimes bribe me with Playmobil to fix or build things for them.) So far. If I ever find a new job I may give in. (Especially once I finish the model kits. Getting close now....)

                So ultimately the decision is an extremely personal one; but it does warrant some thinking on your part. Even within my own collection you can see a bunch of different motivations.

                Don C.


                • Earth 2 Chris
                  Verbose Member
                  • Mar 7, 2004
                  • 32591

                  Dodging the drama, my answer to your question is no. I collect many lines, mostly super hero. I still buy DC Direct, DCSH, JLU, the ocassional Marvel Legend, and other vintage lines like Super Powers. If it's super heroes, esp. DC, it's fair game to me.

                  However, Megos are my favorite.



                  • palitoy
                    live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                    • Jun 16, 2001
                    • 59305

                    At one point, yeah I did because I was trying to focus and viewed modern crap and other toys as the enemy of buying mego crap. That is because the only person I answer to is me in terms of what I collect. So it's all about priorities (if you even want them) and making yourself happy.

                    I've stopped being so "Mego-centric" myself and am letting the 70's love back in.....
                    Places to find PlaidStallions online:

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                    • MegoNinja
                      Career Member
                      • Feb 7, 2007
                      • 738

                      yeah I have to agree with that palitoy, I often have that "hate all thing's but Mego" attitude, but really, some times even Mego missed some of the coolest products so some times you have to let some of your Mego money go towards something like a Remco Energized Spiderman.
                      I the Monster Hero


                      • palitoy
                        live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                        • Jun 16, 2001
                        • 59305

                        Or in my case lingerie catalogs and Sgt Rock figures.
                        Places to find PlaidStallions online:

                        Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


                        • huedell
                          Museum Ball Eater
                          • Dec 31, 2003
                          • 11069

                          Originally posted by MegoNinja
                          yeah I have to agree with that palitoy, I often have that "hate all thing's but Mego" attitude, but really, some times even Mego missed some of the coolest products so some times you have to let some of your Mego money go towards something like a Remco Energized Spiderman.
                          Freakin' Remco energized superheroes stuff---cool items----
                          I always love it when I see them mentioned or shown around here----

                          I'd like to zero in on one of those at one point or another
                          ----I'd probably start with a Spider-Man and let that "sit" for a while to see
                          if I could fit another one into my collection without feeling I went overboard-

                          By the way, Ninja--I felt bad you thought the thread got out of hand
                          because of me (I was taking a risk by offering something unique
                          to it---that's me though)---

                          I think its a great thread----and something I haven't said yet is that
                          along with the Remco superhero figures, I too love 70s toys ---
                          just wanted to be clear on that---personally I'm always considering
                          getting one or two figures from each line I like

                          A Maskatron and a Steve (SMDM) would be sweet as would a Lone Ranger
                          and a Butch Cavendish (Gabriel)

                          Again, good luck on your hunt!
                          "No. No no no no no no. You done got me talkin' politics. I didn't wanna'. Like I said y'all, I'm just happy to be alive. I think I'll scoot over here right by this winda', let this beautiful carriage rock me to sleep, and dream about how lucky I am." - Chris Mannix

