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Who cares about Heroes anymore?

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  • kingdom warrior
    OH JES!!
    • Jul 21, 2005
    • 12478

    Glad to know i wasn't the only one Bored with it I find myself falling asleep on it.....


    • MegoSteve
      Superman's Pal
      • Jun 17, 2005
      • 4135

      Yeah, the way the show picked up four months later has created a lot of problems, mostly because they're writing it like it's four years later. I just have a very hard time believing, just as an example, that someone as uptight and square as Nathan Petrelli would just up and disappear into a drunken stupor. Not only that, but what happened with him winning the election?

      What's sad is that even Hiro is wearing a little thin this year, and I really liked him in the first season.
      Last edited by MegoSteve; Nov 1, '07, 6:06 PM.


      • Mikey
        Verbose Member
        • Aug 9, 2001
        • 47253

        I tried to watch it .....

        I really wanted to like it --- because a lot of people here do.

        To be honest, I just couldn't follow it.

        So I gave up.


        • Hulk
          Mayor of Megoville
          • May 10, 2003
          • 16007

          I will keep watching, because I know it took a while for all the pieces to fall into place last year. It has lost a bit of its novelty, but I like some of the individual arcs. I have a feeling things are about to pick up.


          • The Toyroom
            The Packaging King
            • Dec 31, 2004
            • 16653

            I wanted to get into this last year but never ended up watching it. Sounds like I'm not missing anything now anyway?

            I'll wait 'til February for Lost to come back for a large cast/multiple storyline series!
            Think OUTSIDE the Box! For the BEST in Repro & Custom Packaging!


            • Flynne
              Permanent Member
              • Jan 22, 2003
              • 3008

              I think it's suffering from "Spin-offitis" this season - I get the feeling that they are preparing to make this series a franchise (a la C.S.I.), which I think is a terrible idea. Last season this show was focused on a core group of characters most of whom either don't make it in the episode's this season for more than a few seconds, if they appear at all. I think a lot of the show's must watch quality is missing because of this oversight.

              To add to that I am seeing waaaay too much of the same stuff each week. Seriously - how long does it take two people in Central Mexico (with periodic transportation) to make it to the US border. In the Heroes-verse apparently it takes six weeks. Bleeding eyes girl - I got her power the first time - I don't need the same 5 minute scene repeated each week.

              I haven't given up on it yet, but I hope it gets somewhere quick.

              At least I have "Chuck" and "Reaper"...
              An old Irish Blessing - "May those who love us, love us; and if they do not love us, may God turn their hearts; and if He does not turn their hearts, may He turn their ankles, that we may know them by their limping"


              • monkey tennis
                "Kiss my face."
                • Jun 8, 2007
                • 2267

                Still watching first season in UK.
                It's gr8.
                But now I'm not looking forward to the 2nd.
                Still waiting for Prison break to return.
                "I've just bought a house. It's got a Buck Rogers Toilet. One yank, all gone!"


                • MegoGeek
                  From The Black Lagoon
                  • Jun 27, 2001
                  • 1348


                  They spend an entire season building everyone and bringing them all together for this huge climax and then they launch everyone to different parts of the planet.

                  I am soooooo sorry, but the Hiro story is F-ing STUPID and completely pointless. I fast forward right through the Hiro parts now, I CAN NOT stand them.

                  I wasn't overly excited after the first season ended so I am just about done.
                  It suffers from LOST-itis, where nothing EVER gets resolved. Its cool if you want to indroduce new characters and story lines but you have to kill people off or wrap up other story lines. They could tell these stories with 3 or 4 main characters they don't need to cram 15-20 characters in every episode.


                  • Dave Mc
                    • Oct 20, 2002
                    • 17827

                    I was just having this conversation with my wife. I feel like they are just spinning their wheels not going anywhere. They should be developing into some kind of "heros" at this point. Instead they are just people with powers more geared towards protecting themselves than anything else. It's gotten weak.


                    • YoungOnce
                      Career Member
                      • Aug 29, 2007
                      • 966

                      "Lost" had a sophomore slump I remember, but picked itself back up.

                      The thing is, Heroes ended their first season with a whimper. I remember being let down by the finale' last season.

                      So far , Hiro in feudal Japan feels like a sit-com or a Monty Python skit. It doesn't feel authentic at all.


                      • megoscott
                        Founding Partner
                        • Nov 17, 2006
                        • 8710

                        Gotta say this past Monday's Heroes was a BIG improvement. I was interested and intrigued and looking forward to more. Apparently, the creators got the message from the fans---Kring apologized for the rough start.
                        This profile is no longer active.


                        • JDeRouen
                          Author of Small Things
                          • Jun 14, 2001
                          • 16568

                          I really enjoyed this past Monday's ep!!
                          Order Small Things, my contemporary fantasy novel featuring Megos, at


                          • mego boy CA
                            megos are FUN!!
                            • Mar 30, 2006
                            • 792

                            i think it's really good. my wife and i enjoy watching it.
                            "To The Batmobile!"
                            "We Haven't A Moment To Lose!"


                            • Titan4ever
                              Museum Patron
                              • Oct 29, 2006
                              • 120

                              I'm still watching it. I still like the concept too much to abandon viewing just yet, but I agree this season's off to a bad start. The jump ahead in time, the introduction of so many new characters and the lack of coherent airtime for those we did know seems like poor planning. A lot of the development hasn't been worth the pacing so far.

                              On the other hand, the new subplots with Peter and Meggan, Claire and West, and Monica seem interesting enough. I'm willing to overlook the bad puzzle feel we have so far as long as the future episodes accelerate. Hopefully Kring will get it rolling again soon like the article indicates.

