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The Batman 2022 (minor SPOILERS)

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  • mego maniac mark
    Career Member
    • Aug 3, 2010
    • 922


    I think you nailed it Chris. Joker pretty much wasn’t lying when he said he knew who he was. It was spot on to what would be revealed in the third act. I watched it a few times last night and think it is great, but glad it was deleted.
    Plus Batman was doing pretty good detecting during the movie without much help. Why ask for his help?

    If anyone has yet to see this film, I hope you can soon. I am going to go for a third time with a buddy who hasn’t seen it yet.
    I also can’t wait till it hits HBOMAX
    mego's befo ho's


    • Hector
      el Hombre de Acero
      • May 19, 2003
      • 31852

      Yup, eagerly waiting for HBOMax myself. I already read all the spoilers, no biggie, ha.

      Spoilers ***********

      Man, Barry Keoghan (Eternals) is downright the ugliest Joker ever, yikes, lol…



      • J.B.
        Guild Navigator
        • Jun 23, 2010
        • 3029

        Spoilers ***********

        Originally posted by Hector
        Man, Barry Keoghan (Eternals) is downright the ugliest Joker ever, yikes, lol…

        They should have gone with Ron Perlman and saved a ton on make-up.
        You are transparent; I see many things... I see plans within plans.


        • kept back
          Persistent Member
          • Aug 2, 2002
          • 1203

          Not gonna lie, I don't care for this take on the Joker.

          But it's still better than Leto or Phoenix.
          Of all the souls I have encountered his was the most...human.


          • powersthatbe
            Persistent Member
            • Sep 27, 2010
            • 2042

            The Joker in the last episode of the tv show "Gotham" was pretty ugly, but I know that show isn't really a topic in batman live action lore. But yes The Eternal's actor's take is hideous for sure. I know a Batman Beyond film might happen, but wouldn't a Gotham by Gaslight movie be cool?


            • Werewolf
              • Jul 14, 2003
              • 14881

              I realize this will be unpopular. It's too gruesome and too morbid. Batman villains were at their best as colorful clowns on Batman 66. The modern serial killer takes on them are unhealthy and become fetishized by people. The more violent and grotesque they are the more self-proclaimed edgelords will want to emulate them. It's not sustainable and it's not healthy.
              You are a bold and courageous person, afraid of nothing. High on a hill top near your home, there stands a dilapidated old mansion. Some say the place is haunted, but you don't believe in such myths. One dark and stormy night, a light appears in the topmost window in the tower of the old house. You decide to investigate... and you never return...


              • Earth 2 Chris
                Verbose Member
                • Mar 7, 2004
                • 32826

                ^I don't disagree with you. I would much, MUCH rather have a lighter approach. Believe it or not, the end of this film promises that, but who knows if they will deliver. But as dark versions go, this was well-done. I wanted to hate it, honestly, but I couldn't. It won me over, despite me wanting a Batman franchise that is actually just FUN.


                • Makernaut
                  Persistent Member
                  • Jul 22, 2015
                  • 1578

                  I decided I wanted to go see this (despite being adamant about not wanting to and changing my mind based on some of the responses here) but I have been busy with school and by the time I got a breather, it had moved out of my local theater. I will watch it when it hits streaming and that wouldn't have been the case had I not been following this thread. So thanks to you all for giving your opinions about it.


                  • YoungOnce
                    Career Member
                    • Aug 29, 2007
                    • 966

                    Originally posted by Werewolf
                    I realize this will be unpopular. It's too gruesome and too morbid. Batman villains were at their best as colorful clowns on Batman 66. The modern serial killer takes on them are unhealthy and become fetishized by people. The more violent and grotesque they are the more self-proclaimed edgelords will want to emulate them. It's not sustainable and it's not healthy.
                    I liked the movie for what it was. That said, I’m with you that it’s only continuing the trend of dark, gritty, dystopian reimagining of super heroes.

                    And because of that, I have to agree with every word of what you said. “Some people just want to watch the world burn” was once isolated to a few nut jobs, and is now spreading like a slow cancer. No wonder kids are growing up so messed up these days. We grew up on lighter fare… this is all some kids have ever known.


                    • kept back
                      Persistent Member
                      • Aug 2, 2002
                      • 1203

                      I grew up wanting a "darker, brooding" Batman like the Englehart/Rogers or O'Neal/Adams stuff I was reading at the time.

                      Now I just miss Adam West.
                      Of all the souls I have encountered his was the most...human.


                      • Earth 2 Chris
                        Verbose Member
                        • Mar 7, 2004
                        • 32826

                        I grew up wanting a "darker, brooding" Batman like the Englehart/Rogers or O'Neal/Adams stuff I was reading at the time.

                        Now I just miss Adam West.
                        Hear, hear.


                        • powersthatbe
                          Persistent Member
                          • Sep 27, 2010
                          • 2042

                          Realized this is on now and I am off tomorrow so midnight watching tonight)


                          • Mr.Marion
                            Permanent Member
                            • Sep 15, 2014
                            • 2733

                            It's very much the early Bronze Aparo Batman. But not enought Bruce Wayne to show he has a life outside of being Batman. It's not offensively bad just not an engaging movie that you want to keep watching over and over.


                            • pmwasson
                              • Sep 12, 2007
                              • 4881

                              I finally got to watch it yesterday. I generally liked it, but I found myself getting distracted and missing some of it. I may have to watch it again sometime when I'm more focused.
                              sigpic LaserMego


                              • monitor_ep
                                Talkative Member
                                • May 11, 2013
                                • 8438

                                Since The CW wasn't airing there DC shows we watched The Batman again. I like the fact that it goes back to the 'film noir' style movie but still hate The Riddler.
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