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The Batman 2022 (minor SPOILERS)

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  • monitor_ep
    Talkative Member
    • May 11, 2013
    • 8435

    The Batman 2022 (minor SPOILERS)


    I have been keeping this under wraps but early this morning Boyfriend & I were able to watch The Batman for free. We went with a movie reviewer who doesn't care for super-hero movies and needed some help with facts of the film so he contacted me (again) and asked if we would go with him (as a double date ) at 10am to watch the movie and talk about it over lunch.

    1 It is a long movie so go easy on the drink. At 2hrs and 45min you have to pace yourself on your snacks.

    2 It really feels like you're watching two movies (Catwoman & Batman) that go on their own & then interweave themselves back together leading up to a possible Catwoman spinoff.

    3 This takes place after Batman has been in operations for over 2 years. Thank you, I have seen enough of Bruce Wayne/Batman origin story already.

    4 Penguin is working his way up the crime ladder so that was another nice surprise, also he didn't overshadow the story, his role fit nicely.

    5. Hated Riddler's Zodiac outfit. There was no reason why he was wearing it, so it felt out of place.

    6. Elements of Batman fighting bad guys for 2 years shows in the city, another bonus that didn't wasn't explained but comic book readers will pick up on.

    7. No bonus after movie so you do not have to wait while credits roll.

    Overall, I enjoyed the movie and with all the HBOMax shows that are in the works this may bring DC Comics/WB back in the money.
    Last edited by monitor_ep; Mar 5, '22, 9:25 AM.
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  • Bruce Banner
    • Apr 3, 2010
    • 4335

    The movie certainly has a lot of problems, both in terms of story choices and representations of characters, but overall it's worth a look.
    Pattinson is actually pretty good in the role, and the other performances are fine too, particularly Colin Farrell.
    The Batmobile is one of the highlights of the movie.


    • mego maniac mark
      Career Member
      • Aug 3, 2010
      • 922

      I saw it I’m IMAX Friday night, and loved it. I am going back to see it again this week, and can’t wait. IMO , it is one of the best on screen Batman movies ever. It’s not perfect, but is very riveting.
      mego's befo ho's


      • YoungOnce
        Career Member
        • Aug 29, 2007
        • 966

        I think that any Batman fan should see this movie.

        No, it's not Batman 66', Tim Burton or that series, or the Dark Knight trilogy... it is it's own thing.

        First off, it's not just a good Batman movie, it is a really good MOVIE movie. There has never been a more grounded telling of the Batman mythos. Maybe for some fans that is a deal-breaker. I had to appreciate though the world created in this telling. The folks involved seemed to invest passionately in a clear vision for Batman and I think they pulled it off. That is a feat in itself considering how many versions of Batman have been out there over the decades.

        I had very low expectations going in. I was ready for a cash-grab "been-there-done-that-it's-time-for-a-new-Batman-movie" type experience. But this is more than that.

        I liked the take on Bruce Wayne... he is a man obsessed in the early years of his crusade. He is not Bruce Wayne playboy at all. It all makes sense in this world. Selena Kyle is great. The Batmobile is intimidating. I hated the Riddler design (I mean I REALLY hated it), but I guess that was the decision they felt they had to make to keep this in a more grounded world. But considering the Riddler's methodology of taunting Batman and the authorities with riddles, that was spot-on and has never been more dangerous.

        Might not be everyone's cup of tea, but even though this disregards some beloved tropes, they succeeded in my opinion in providing an entertaining fresh-take on Batman. Consider it an "Elseworld" version maybe, but see it. I hope there are more.


        • Nostalgiabuff
          Muddling through
          • Oct 4, 2008
          • 11406

          i will check it out when it hits HBO max, which i believe is next month?


          • mego maniac mark
            Career Member
            • Aug 3, 2010
            • 922

            Do yourself a favor, and see it on then big screen. It is truly an amazing cinematic experience.
            mego's befo ho's


            • Goblin19
              Talkative Member
              • May 2, 2002
              • 6124

              I think it is a very good movie, though over long and not without flaws. Robert Pattinson is an excellent Batman. Zoe Kravitz is great. I’m hoping they do a spin-off for her. As for Riddler and Penguin, even though they aren’t your traditional version of the characters, they do work in this movie. Do I wish they were tweaked to be a little more comic accurate, yes, but that doesn’t mean they don’t work on their own level.


              • Nostalgiabuff
                Muddling through
                • Oct 4, 2008
                • 11406

                Penguin is getting his own spinoff show on HBO Max


                • Hector
                  el Hombre de Acero
                  • May 19, 2003
                  • 31852

                  Originally posted by mego maniac mark
                  Do yourself a favor, and see it on then big screen. It is truly an amazing cinematic experience.
                  We have a frail elderly mother at home. I’m still socially distancing myself from crowds.

                  Yes, our entire household is vaccinated with booster shots, but still can’t afford to expose mom.

                  HBOMAX for me.


                  • Hector
                    el Hombre de Acero
                    • May 19, 2003
                    • 31852

                    Anybody annoyed with Bruce Wayne’s Emo look though?


                    • Goblin19
                      Talkative Member
                      • May 2, 2002
                      • 6124

                      You barely see Bruce so it’s not that bad.


                      • Hector
                        el Hombre de Acero
                        • May 19, 2003
                        • 31852

                        Originally posted by Goblin19
                        You barely see Bruce so it’s not that bad.
                        Yeah. I read the spoilers. Had to know the story. HBOMAX is 40 days away…


                        • Nostalgiabuff
                          Muddling through
                          • Oct 4, 2008
                          • 11406

                          Originally posted by Hector
                          We have a frail elderly mother at home. I’m still socially distancing myself from crowds.

                          Yes, our entire household is vaccinated with booster shots, but still can’t afford to expose mom.

                          HBOMAX for me.
                          i agree. i am still not interested in putting myself at risk by being around large crowds


                          • Earth 2 Chris
                            Verbose Member
                            • Mar 7, 2004
                            • 32826

                            Anybody annoyed with Bruce Wayne’s Emo look though?
                            His look matches where his character is at. He's kind of a young version of old recluse Howard Hughes to the public in this world, so it fits. The eye makeup you see in the trailers is part of his Batman disguise he still has on.


                            • Goblin19
                              Talkative Member
                              • May 2, 2002
                              • 6124

                              I think he looks more grunge than emo. When he has the black makeup around his eyes, I think that gives the emo vibe.

