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Spideys latest milestone

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  • PNGwynne
    Master of Fowl Play
    • Jun 5, 2008
    • 19488

    Originally posted by Brown Bear
    When my boys were born I hoped they'd share my love for comics, and more and more I make a point to keep them away from comics because of this garbage.
    i know exactly what you mean, it saddens me.
    WANTED: Dick Grayson SI trousers; gray AJ Mustang horse; vintage RC Batman (Bruce Wayne) head; minty Wolfman tights; mint Black Knight sword; minty Launcelot boots; Lion Rock (pale) Dracula & Mummy heads; Lion Rock Franky squared boots; Wayne Foundation blue furniture; Flash Gordon/Ming (10") unbroken holsters; CHiPs gloved arms; POTA T2 tan body; CTVT/vintage Friar Tuck robes, BBP TZ Burgess Meredith glasses.


    • ctc
      Fear the monkeybat!
      • Aug 16, 2001
      • 11183

      >There used to be an idea present in super hero comics that any issue of a comic would be a reader's first. Now things are shaken up every 6 months are so, not just to make it into papers and goose sales, but because writers stay on titles too long or get bored with the status quo, and rather than walk away, they wreck the book like this for several months

      You’re right about the first point. That’s why every book had a one or two line blurb on the front page that summed up the character; just in case you’d never heard of Spiderman and needed the rundown. ‘Course that’s a mixed thing: it let new readers come in almost any issue (there was a tendency to run two issue stories; although early Marvel stuff ran one issue stories, but split them between two issues.... so you’d get the last part of the previous story and the first part of the next in one issue) but it also meant you couldn’t do any story more complicated than one or two issues. People DID; but it was usually part of a reboot of the book. (Like how the Titans, and Wonder woman lost/surrendered their powers in the 60's to become secret agents.)

      That’s why I don’t think it’s entirely ego from the folks working on the book. The reboots used to come every three years or so; not just ‘cos of the newest crew inflicting their vision on the book, but because it was assumed by all involved that the readership would grow up and move on after a few years. You had to fresh stuff up for the next round of readers. Nowadays the same thing happens, but MUCH faster, and with a LOT more fanfare.

      >If he truly dies (even in Doc Ock's body), then how can he ever be the "everyman" he once was?

      There’s the catch-22. You KNOW he’s not gonna die for good. That’s why I find the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the oldsters so odd. This sort of thing isn’t new. We should all be used to it by now. Part of the problem is the 80's; the era of “no, comics is SERIOUS!” when continuity became a thing. We wanted “real” stories where things actually happened, and there were consequences.... good, solid stuff that appealed to an older, mature mind. This proved unsustainable given the nature of the publishing biz. Years later the only way the Big Two-ish feel they can get away with the traditional (going back before ANY of us were around) reboot is to do it in continuity.... requiring a LOT of twisting story-wise. (Or just saying “T’hell wit’ it” and having someone punch reality in the face to facilitate change....) Each twist adding another layer of continuity further alienating potential new readers, and further inbreeding the stories.

      >There was nothing earth-shattering or status quo-changing.

      That’s not true. Stuff got juggled all the time. The aforementioned Wonder Woman and Titans reboots from the 60's. (As well as the Metal Men at the same time.) Steve Rogers gave up being Captain America back in the 70's to be Nomad. He was replaced by the USAgent in the 80's. He was a different guy in the 50's. *sigh* Iron Man changes his armour so often it became one of his schticks. The “all new, all different” X-Men. Carol Danvers changing powers almost as often as I change socks. Wolverine’s rotating origins. Donna Troy’s rotating origins. Wonder Woman’s rotating origins. Jean Grey’s dead! Jean Grey’s back! She’s dead! She’s back....! Peter Parker gets married. Reed and Sue get married. Once upon a time there was no Alfred Pennyworth, or Kryptonite, and Superman couldn’t fly. The Hulk is grey. The Hulk is green. The Hulk is grey again. The Hulk is dumb. The hulk is smart. He’s dumb again. Professor X can’t walk. He can! He can’t again! Earth-1. Earth-2. Earth-B.

      The list goes on. The real difference is that back in the day you’d get a one page ad a few months before, and a few cover blurbs. (“An exciting NEW direction!”) Nowadays there’s a whole tertiary industry based around hype.... starting with the old “World of DC” and “FOOM,” evolving into the “Amazing Heroes,” “Comics Interview,” and “Marvel Fanfare” of the 80's, and “The Wizard” from the 90's. *shudder* and the internet. You’re bludgeoned with every little change months before.

      Maybe THAT’S the problem. We all KNOW Petey’s not gonna die and Otto’s not gonna be the new Spiderman, but we’re inundated with the news like it’s an actual thing, and it feels insulting. “IS Spiderman dead?!?!” No, don’t be stupid. Now; go away and lemme read my funnybook in peace.

      Don C.


      • MIB41
        Eloquent Member
        • Sep 25, 2005
        • 15632

        Originally posted by enyawd72
        I think any of us could write better stories than most of these guys today.


        • kingdom warrior
          OH JES!!
          • Jul 21, 2005
          • 12478

          Not to knock anyone, but if you believe you can write a better Spiderman story....please do, submit your outline and see what Happens and see if you can write a quality story with a deadline due month after month.....

          and ask Art Baltazar about how hard it is to be in comics......Art makes it look easy but it's not.

          Personally I don't care anymore, I don't read the new stuff......there's thousands of Back issues of all my Fav characters that I can read, collect and


          • Figuremod73
            That 80's guy
            • Jul 27, 2011
            • 3017

            It does seem to be creating hype and word of mouth which I guess is Marvels intent. Reminds me alot of the Death of Superman stuff from years ago. That was about the time I gave up comics on a regular basis. Sadly, there hasnt been much to pull me back in other than to peep at stuff in the news, an occasional Byrne book or something independent catching my eye.

            I'm content with silver, bronze, and a splattering of modern myself. I still dont like the paper they use now anyways.

            I was thinking last night how would I do a "last" spiderman story just for fun. Im still trying to brainstorm but It would probably be set somewhere around the time Ditko left the book.

