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New Man of Steel Pictures

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  • Earth 2 Chris
    Verbose Member
    • Mar 7, 2004
    • 32564

    I'm really psyched for this movie. The filmmakers credo for placing this movie in the NOW is very important. Returns was strangled by the past. Every generation deserves it's own Superman, and it's high time this one got one.



    • hedrap
      Permanent Member
      • Feb 10, 2009
      • 4825


      I think what Op: Mego posted was snark, made by someone gelus of Snyder.


      • emeraldknight47
        Talkative Member
        • Jun 20, 2011
        • 5212

        Originally posted by hedrap

        I think what Op: Mego posted was snark, made by someone gelus of Snyder.
        ::laffs:: Don't I feel stupid, then!!!? I guess my "snark-o-meter" is on the fritz again!!!
        sigpic Oh then, what's this? Big flashy lighty thing, that's what brought me here! Big flashy lighty things have got me written all over them. Not actually. But give me time. And a crayon.


        • emeraldknight47
          Talkative Member
          • Jun 20, 2011
          • 5212

          Originally posted by Earth 2 Chris
          I'm really psyched for this movie. The filmmakers credo for placing this movie in the NOW is very important. Returns was strangled by the past. Every generation deserves it's own Superman, and it's high time this one got one.

          Yeah, that's part of what has me really jazzed to see this now. Sure it's a little free advertising for the places (like SEARS) in the film, but seeing stuff happen near, and to, places we all pass by or shop at or work in on a daily basis can definitely be helpful in putting you "there" amidst the proceedings. I'm personally glad they avoided the cliched stuff like "Lex-Marts" and other fictitious locales to bring Supes into OUR world. I mean, yeah, MARVEL sort of started that with the first IRON MAN, but it looks like DC/WB may be running the ball into the endzone with it.
          sigpic Oh then, what's this? Big flashy lighty thing, that's what brought me here! Big flashy lighty things have got me written all over them. Not actually. But give me time. And a crayon.


          • enyawd72
            Maker of Monsters!
            • Oct 1, 2009
            • 7904

            Well, what do you know? They actually addressed my very criticisms about DC characters in general in that featurette. Trying to ground Superman more in reality and make him more relatable (ala Marvel) and even placing him in a real world environment and not some fictitious location, which I brought up last week.

            Maybe I should be a writer...

            Anyway, I think it looks pretty awesome...can't wait!


            • huedell
              Museum Ball Eater
              • Dec 31, 2003
              • 11069

              Originally posted by emeraldknight47
              ::laffs:: Don't I feel stupid, then!!!? I guess my "snark-o-meter" is on the fritz again!!!
              I think an overall snarky attitude of "No kidding!" SHOULD be employed by this point. Frankly, this whole "Superman movies should be cooler" thing... it's a bit overkill at this point.

              It's obvious that the only kind of Superman that really has a chance to achieve at the box office is a "Nolany" one. The question is.... "Will MOS have some merit ala TDK and some of BB ---or will it fall flat like TDKR?"

              With the source material. and some solid forethought, it looks like MOS may eclipse all of that.
              "No. No no no no no no. You done got me talkin' politics. I didn't wanna'. Like I said y'all, I'm just happy to be alive. I think I'll scoot over here right by this winda', let this beautiful carriage rock me to sleep, and dream about how lucky I am." - Chris Mannix


              • Operation:Mego
                I'm the Star Spangled Man
                • May 21, 2011
                • 3350

                Originally posted by huedell
                I think an overall snarky attitude of "No kidding!" SHOULD be employed by this point. Frankly, this whole "Superman movies should be cooler" thing... it's a bit overkill at this point.

                It's obvious that the only kind of Superman that really has a chance to achieve at the box office is a "Nolany" one. The question is.... "Will MOS have some merit ala TDK and some of BB ---or will it fall flat like TDKR?"

                With the source material. and some solid forethought, it looks like MOS may eclipse all of that.
                The producers have stressed that it's nothing like TDK Trilogy, it's just a modern take of the Superman legacy. Nolan's involvment was just to help develop the story and produce it. The film "is now in Snyder's hands." Here's the full quote:
                Due to his success with the Batman franchise Christopher Nolan was brought on to help develop the reboot of Superman along with screenwriter David S. Goyer. This was merely as a creative consultant, it was never intended for Nolan to direct. When Zack Snyder was later brought on as director, Nolan chose to hand all creative control over to Snyder and focus on The Dark Knight Rises. According to Nolan's wife/producer Emma Thomas, "They [Nolan and Goyer] brought it to an appropriate screenplay and it's now Snyder's picture."
                The event where the fans are separated from the true fans.


                • emeraldknight47
                  Talkative Member
                  • Jun 20, 2011
                  • 5212

                  From the previews and scenes I've seen thus far, I think the only thing MOS will likely share with TDK is a bringing of the "super-hero" mythos into the "real" world. Some of the stuff I've seen, just in the snippets we've all been privy to, would likely make even someone as jaded as Nolan's Bruce Wayne/Batman likely crap in their tights!! In looking at the way it appears to be structured, you can definitely see a Nolanesque influence (much as Hitchcock inspired many directors), but the imagery and action appears to be all Zack Snyder and I'm praying that once I get my arse wedged in an IMAX seat for this shindig that he doesn't let me down. If this tell you anything, I'm even getting used to (not totally digging, but getting used to) Supes' new duds!

                  Referring back to my earlier reference to TDK: I was actually conjecturing with MIB 41 on the phone the other night that perhaps MOS is the film that actually introduces "super" to the Nolan DCverse. Yeah, in GREEN LANTERN they commented that Abin Sur's body was the first extraterrestrial they had encountered, but he was dead and henceforth they had no real exposure to the extent of his abilities. Yeah, Hal and Parallax had a little tete-a-tete in the film, but I would imagine the government cover-up machine went into full-on "this was a terrorist attack or freak accident" mode and, heck, maybe the events of GL are what spur the military to pursue Superman in MOS, so they can continue the hush-hush. However, it looks like the events of MOS are going to mightily outweigh anything that transpired in GL and, modern society being what it is (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.), there's really no way the government could cover it up and henceforth, the Nolanverse is introduced to "powers and abilities beyond the ken of mortal men." Just a thought, anyway...
                  sigpic Oh then, what's this? Big flashy lighty thing, that's what brought me here! Big flashy lighty things have got me written all over them. Not actually. But give me time. And a crayon.


                  • hedrap
                    Permanent Member
                    • Feb 10, 2009
                    • 4825

                    Goyer came up with the premise and wrote a treatment with Jon Nolan. Chris Nolan brought it Legendary/WB who gave it a go-ahead. Once the final draft was accepted, Nolan offered to serve as producer if his brother would be named director. One of the two balked, so Nolan and Goyer took a backseat. Snyder was on the verge of movie prison because of Sucker Punch, so he finally agreed to the 300 sequel after passing on it. Legendary wanted him to do Superman, but he was gunshy after the beating Watchmen took. Nolan went and convinced him to do it over Xerxes. At that point, Nolan went back to TDKR, which is when he handed the reigns over.

                    I think it was smart move to go with Snyder, because you really don't know if the Nolan's would have been open to the Justice League. Past comments suggest no, but that looks to be more brokering. It appears Nolan will be exec producer, Jon and Goyer will write it, Snyder and his wife will produce. That's about as best a team WB has at hand.


                    • huedell
                      Museum Ball Eater
                      • Dec 31, 2003
                      • 11069

                      Originally posted by Operation:Mego
                      The producers have stressed that it's nothing like TDK Trilogy....
                      I don't think anyone outside of press-spinners for WB would agree with that, though.

                      But that doesn't really matter anyway.

                      The "team's" apparent goal w9ith MOS is to ground Superman in order to make him more palatable to a modern "superhero discerning audience"... that's a "Nolany" enough direction in my eyes.
                      "No. No no no no no no. You done got me talkin' politics. I didn't wanna'. Like I said y'all, I'm just happy to be alive. I think I'll scoot over here right by this winda', let this beautiful carriage rock me to sleep, and dream about how lucky I am." - Chris Mannix


                      • madmarva
                        Talkative Member
                        • Jul 7, 2007
                        • 6445

                        They can say what they want, but from the clips I've seen, this film has far more of a sci-Fi/fantasy look to it than a majority of the superman material ever presented on film or TV. The opening scene of the second trailer looked like something out of Star Wars or Dune. In other scenes, there is at least one huge space ship attacking earth. The fortress of Solitude is evidently a space ship. There's crazy, fantastic and unrealistic stuff going on all of the screen. The color palate of the fiLm looks muted to me which is less realistic than the four Reeve films.

                        When the director, producers and actors of Man of Steel say grounded, I'm interpreting that as being more serious in tone rather than grounded in reality. You can't make a realistic Superman film. But you can make one that is serious in tone.

                        And for that matter, Nolan's Batman movies are no more realistic than the 66 Batman series, but they are more serious and particularly the Dark Knight had more serious themes.
                        Last edited by madmarva; Jun 1, '13, 9:59 AM.


                        • Bruce Banner
                          HULK SMASH!
                          • Apr 3, 2010
                          • 4335

                          TV Spot 10:

                          PUNY HUMANS!


                          • emeraldknight47
                            Talkative Member
                            • Jun 20, 2011
                            • 5212

                            Seeing a lot of the same footage in clips now, but they ARE sneaking in a couple of new scenes here and there. The scope of this thing is looking freakin' epic and I am really digging on the more hard-edged sci-fi approach it looks like they took with it. Prepared to be blown away at this point !
                            sigpic Oh then, what's this? Big flashy lighty thing, that's what brought me here! Big flashy lighty things have got me written all over them. Not actually. But give me time. And a crayon.


                            • hedrap
                              Permanent Member
                              • Feb 10, 2009
                              • 4825

                              The idea behind the Fortress is very cool, and has massive, massive implications for how they're plan on building out the DCU.

                              Goyer's talked about how Superman has to be a heavy sci-fi film over superhero fantasy. I think this is as close they could get without remaking Starman.

                              Snyder told Collider he wants a Superman sequel before JLA. I'm guessing he wants to do World's Finest in 2015, then spin JLA out of that.

                              Oh, and someone screencapped a giant arriving with Zod. Some mo-capped Non. No we have Kal vs Goliath.


                              • madmarva
                                Talkative Member
                                • Jul 7, 2007
                                • 6445

                                This late in the game, I doubt Warners would be able to get a big super hero film out for 2015, unless a ton is being done behind the scenes that isn't being leaked or reported one bit. There's no way a JLA film could be casting right now without some word getting out, could there? A Man of Steel sequel is already cast with at least Cavil and likely the other principals signed for at least 2 more films. It seems like the most likely way to move forward quickly.

                                Also, if it's a big hit, Warners should capture that lightning and strike as quickly as possible.

                                But summer of 2015 is just 2 years away. Theses film generally take about 3 years from casting to debut, it seems.

                                If Bale came back for World's Finest, that might expedite things, but if not, would Warners want to intro its new Batman in a team-up film? Or if Bale only wanted to do World's Finest, would Warners want to do it and then recast for JLA?

                                Now, if 2016 is the goal, Warners would probably have time to go in whatever direction it wanted.
                                Last edited by madmarva; Jun 1, '13, 10:25 AM.

