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Wendy and Marvin, R.I.P. - Or Why I Stopped Reading DC.

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  • Mego Milk
    Custom Mego Maker
    • Jun 3, 2007
    • 2843

    Wonder Dog!
    I loved it!
    Aw Yeah Titans!


    • ctc
      Fear the monkeybat!
      • Aug 16, 2001
      • 11183

      >SPOILER...turns out to be a demonic puppy who grows huge...rips Marv's throat out and eats Wendy alive.

      HAW! Had they done this on the original cartoon when I was a kid I might have watched. WHY did the Superfriends feel the need to keep the human hostages around?

      >Are any comic books for children anymore instead of mouth breathing fan boys

      Yes. Tons. But they're not superhero books. "Comic book" covers a helluva lot more ground than "Marvel, DC, and sometimes Image."

      >they'd do well to show him the door and get someone with some heart and understanding

      It's marketing. Another stupendous "event" that'll "shake things up for our heroes" and generate some press amongst the fans. I have no doubt DC will replace this clown with another ad-man. And it'll begin again....

      >the last stores i went into there were no kids or teens there for comics

      'Course not. Comic shops are full of them creepy, sweaty old guys. Kids buy their comics online, or at a regualr book store, or department store. (Shonen Jump and Archie are EVERYWHERE!)

      Don C.

