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Wendy and Marvin, R.I.P. - Or Why I Stopped Reading DC.

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  • RG
    • Oct 1, 2004
    • 235

    I know I don't let my niece read any comics unless I see them first ... I've handed her older comics from the 70's to read and she's took them to school before and all the kids love them ... but none of the new stuff .

    I have a feeling that's part of the reason so many of the Superhero toy lines now days warms pegs ... the make tons of figures for the kids ... but it's the adult fan boys who buy the figures, so they pass on the ones made for kids ... that's why the local rite aid still has Hulk figures from the first Hulk movie.

    the last new comic I got was Amazing spiderman and before I knew it ... Gwen Stacy had a one night stand with Norman Osborn and she gave birth to twins ... why mess with anything to do with the classic Gwen story line on top of that in such a way it's like giving classic comic lovers the middle finger.

    Now any kid who reads that TT story line will be freaked out and run away from their dog lol lol


    • BlackKnight
      The DarkSide Customizer
      • Apr 16, 2005
      • 14622

      Originally posted by spockfan74
      Some how i dout it, As Marvin looks like the type who would never do such a thing

      LMFAO !!!!
      However from the look of the cover,.. Wonder Mutt Seems to be into her.
      ... The Original Knight ..., Often Imitated, However Never Duplicated. The 1st Knight in Customs.

      always trading for Hot Toys Figures .


      • The Toyroom
        The Packaging King
        • Dec 31, 2004
        • 16653

        Ya know...even though the "attempt" was made at passing these characters of as "Wendy and Marvin" from the SuperFriends the reality is they weren't....

        In pre-Crisis DC SuperFriends comic continuity they were Marvin White and Wendy Harris, 2 teenagers with ties to the SuperFriends. These 2 characters in Teen Titans were fraternal twins, and super-geniuses. Marvin on the SF was never that bright.

        So maybe we shouldn't be all that worked up over this....after all, we all KNOW Wendy and Marvin and these two AREN'T Wendy and Marvin...just in name only.
        Think OUTSIDE the Box! For the BEST in Repro & Custom Packaging!


        • Earth 2 Chris
          Verbose Member
          • Mar 7, 2004
          • 32591

          That is a new low for DC. Glad I dumped most monthly comics a few months back.

          I'm pretty speechless about this.

          If Johns doesn't throw his hands up and leave DC soon over all the crap they've done to the good concepts he introduced (or reintroduced) I'd be really surprised.



          • The Toyroom
            The Packaging King
            • Dec 31, 2004
            • 16653

            And as far as comics not being for kids anymore...I betting that most kids today don't even walk into a comic shop on their own. They're probably more interested in video games and other modern day contrivences than what's happening in the four-color pages. Taking comics off the newstands and grocery store racks have limited a child's access more than stories like these do.
            Think OUTSIDE the Box! For the BEST in Repro & Custom Packaging!


            • The Toyroom
              The Packaging King
              • Dec 31, 2004
              • 16653

              Originally posted by Earth 2 Chris
              If Johns doesn't throw his hands up and leave DC soon over all the crap they've done to the good concepts he introduced (or reintroduced) I'd be really surprised.
              The problem I see is that for every Geoff Johns you get someone like Dan DiDio. Obviously Johns has a great love and passion for these characters and concepts and what makes them great...he "gets it". Dan DiDio on the other hand is not only the editor on this book but a Senior VP with the company who's in charge of the books across the board. Conflict of interest right off the bat...add to that DiDio has never shown the love and passion for these characters that Johns has. He just seems to want to shake things up to generate sales...if things stick great, if not...well they'll deal with the fall-out later and just reboot the concept (use "Aquaman:Sword of Atlantis" for a recent example) He DOESN'T "get it". And his editorial practices and story directions have alienated a lot of fans.

              What happens when people dump ALL of their monthlies and then start dumping the trades as well? Once they leave it's VERY hard to get them back...especially when you've screwed them over a million times in the last 5 years alone.
              Think OUTSIDE the Box! For the BEST in Repro & Custom Packaging!


              • Earth 2 Chris
                Verbose Member
                • Mar 7, 2004
                • 32591

                DiDio has sent many longtime creators who do "get it" packing as well. Chuck Dixon and Mark Waid among them.



                • palitoy
                  live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                  • Jun 16, 2001
                  • 59305

                  All I have to say is, thank heaven for Tiny Titans, Ben 10 and Superfriends. Oh and back issues, thank heaven for stinky old back issues.

                  Dan DiDido has been able to take a crowbar and remove the DCU from my heart, bravo!
                  Places to find PlaidStallions online:

                  Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


                  • Earth 2 Chris
                    Verbose Member
                    • Mar 7, 2004
                    • 32591

                    Dan DiDido has been able to take a crowbar and remove the DCU from my heart, bravo!
                    Well said, B. I never thought I'd see the day I'd drop monthly comics. DiDio made it easy for me.

                    I hear his contract is up next year. If DC wants to survive beyond their licensing program, they'd do well to show him the door and get someone with some heart and understanding of the characters in there. What's Len Wein doing these days?



                    • The Toyroom
                      The Packaging King
                      • Dec 31, 2004
                      • 16653

                      I'm still holding out hope that things will get brighter...Lord knows it's as dark lately as it can possibly get. I can't see things sinking any lower. "The Day Evil Won"? How about have our heroes rub off this tarnish that's been building up on them these last several years (beginning with "Identity Crisis" IMO) and have their Golden, Silver and Bronze exteriors shine through?

                      There's a lot of good characters and creators out there in the trenches still, so that's why I keep the faith. But maybe that's naive of me. It does get harder and harder each week to find books that I'm really excited about on a regular basis though. I seem to be dropping titles left and right lately.

                      As for a replacement for DiDio, I'd love to see Geoff Johns bumped up. I thoroughly enjoy his books and would love to see what he'd do with the entire DCU if given the chance. Anything has to be an improvement over DiDio's "direction"...I can only hope he IS shown the door. And keep Grant Morrison away from everything too...his stuff has soured me on a lot of the DCU as well lately.

                      As for the legendary Len Wein, I believe the last I knew he was E-I-C over at the Disney Comics....
                      Think OUTSIDE the Box! For the BEST in Repro & Custom Packaging!


                      • palitoy
                        live. laugh. lisa needs braces
                        • Jun 16, 2001
                        • 59305

                        what's interesting is that on the Gotham Knights DVD, DiDido talks about Wonder Woman and makes comments like "Her little story". My wife turned to me and said "Who is this ******?". I then launched into a tirade. I found it interesting that she was so bothered by him.
                        Places to find PlaidStallions online:

                        Buy Toy-Ventures Magazine here:


                        • jimbutsu
                          Memory *is* RAM!
                          • Apr 11, 2002
                          • 4158

                          I gave up on Marvel going on ten or so years ago, and I've never really looked back... recent events at Marvel have only made me feel better about the decision. However, as much as I want to love DC, and keep things going with them for the sake of unbroken runs, loyalty (GL from showcase 22 on, about a 30-year run of Batman and Detective unbroken, etc), whatever... but they just make it so hard.
                          "If you take a dog which is starving and feed him and make him prosperous, that dog will not bite you. This is the primary difference between a dog and a man."

                          - Mark Twain


                          • Bionic Joe
                            Persistent Member
                            • Dec 10, 2006
                            • 1749

                            Originally posted by The Toyroom
                            And as far as comics not being for kids anymore...I betting that most kids today don't even walk into a comic shop on their own. They're probably more interested in video games and other modern day contrivences than what's happening in the four-color pages. Taking comics off the newstands and grocery store racks have limited a child's access more than stories like these do.
                            That is so true the last stores i went into there were no kids or teens there for comics what teens i did see were there for some kinda Majic like cards and RPGs, This is a trend i saw starting more then 15 years ago, I think the prices of current comics is also to blame, Back when i was a kid it was easy to bum a quarter from my mom or dad asking for $3 would have been imposiable


                            • Raydeen1
                              Persistent Member
                              • May 23, 2008
                              • 1036

                              This is the most pathetic I've heard. This goes way beyond AzBats...and justgoes to further what I've been saying for 10 - 15 years now.

                              They've taken all the sense of fun, adventure and wonder from Superheroes.


                              • The Toyroom
                                The Packaging King
                                • Dec 31, 2004
                                • 16653

                                Originally posted by Raydeen1
                                This is the most pathetic I've heard. This goes way beyond AzBats...
                                Strangely enough "AzBats" appears to be occuring ALL OVER AGAIN over in "Batman R.I.P."....

                                The more things change....
                                Think OUTSIDE the Box! For the BEST in Repro & Custom Packaging!

