mego top five underrate toy lines

It's an age old question that is constantly asked, especially outside the Mego community What are the rarest Mego figures?" Here is a little list with what we think are the top five Mego holy grails. This applies to produced figures and not to prototypes or package variations....

#5 Jet Jungle

jet jungle

Jet Jungle is the proverbial "new kid on the block" when it comes to Mego collecting, meaning he's only recently been discovered. It's quite possible that in a few years, seeing Jets on ebay may be a common occurance and he'll slip from his position on the top fives.

Visit the Mego Museum Jet Jungle Gallery

#4 Humanoid


Black Hole spawned many a foreign exclusive but none so elusive as this short packed figure. The brain dead drone of Dr. Reinhart was only issued in Canada (by Grand Toys) and in Italy (by GIG) finding a loose one is extremely hard and a carded one even more difficult.

Visit the Mego Museum Black Hole Gallery

#3 Zorro


Often ignored by mainstream collectors, these 6 inch figures represent some real highs to the level of detail Mego could create. Each figure also had a great deal of equipment, something that didn't carry over to lines like the World's Greatest Superheroes figures hit new heights in terms of detail and accuracy and none so much as Kane played by Henry Silva. It is no surprise that the lines Sculptor Ken Sheller listed it as one of his favourites.

Visit the Mego Museum Buck Rogers Gallery

#2 Blue Haired Frankenstein/Red Haired Dracula


Mego certainly didn't license the likeness of Robert Taylor for their public domain line of Super Kinights but it's completely obvious that was the inspiration for the figure. Even the expression is captured beautifully on this figure.


#1 Removable Mask Robin

Flash GOrdon

It's possible the finest line Mego ever produced, from the incredible detail in the outfits to the outstand sculpts, it's hard to nitpick the Mego Flash Gordon line. While not a big seller when released in 1978, most likely due to the characters lack of media attention (that would change a year later with an animated series and a feature film) Mego put a tremendous amount of effort into the line. In today's collector circles, it is respected but not heavily coveted due to it's ten inch format, it is the only Mego ten inch line released in the US and it makes it somewhat of an orphan. (Mego had planned to release the Logan's Run the same year in the ten inch format) .

Visit the Mego Museum Flash Gordon Gallery

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