General Ursus ( item # 50900/7) ( assortment # 50902) packed 5 per case
The Mego General Ursus figure is named after the character in the film Beneath the Planet of the Apes. He has NO helmet, and a face that is nearly all black. When first released, Mego Ursus was dressed in the same outfit as the Soldier Ape, including all variations, even silver. In those outfits, with sleeves that are completely fabric; he must have gloves to be complete. Mego Ursus was later released with attached cuffs in place of gloves. All of these outfits included the same brown pants as the Mego Soldier Ape. There is a UK exclusive variation of the figure with an almost purple tunic with attached cuffs, just like the Soldier Ape.To be complete, Mego General Ursus needs the following: Brown pants, either the Soldier Ape top (AND gloves) OR with attached cuffs, smooth general boots (with creased toes), general's bandolier with short sword, and m-16 rifle with string. Like all of the figures in Mego's second POTA wave, the General is found on both Type 1 (metal joint) and Type 2 (plastic joint) bodies.
For some unknown reason related to copyright or name changes during the production of the television show, Mego, changed his name and released him as General Urko. It is interesting to note that in the television commercial announcing the up coming second series of characters he is introduced as "URKO the vicious Soldier Ape". Also interesting to note is that, Mark Lenard, who played General Urko on the TV series, once said that when he auditioned for the role, the character was named General Ursus.
1st issue US card (all characters copyright of Apjac Prod and 20th Cent. Fox)
2nd issue US card ( astrerix on Ursus (black face) all other copyright of only 20th Cent. Fox)
3rd issue US card ( Ursus and Urko switch names, asterix on Ursus (helmet head))
Mailer box
US window boxed
Palitoy card (UK)
Cipsa boxed (Mexico)
Forbidden Zone Gift Set (none found to date)
Fortress Gift Set (none found to date)
Catapult and Wagon Gift Set ( none found to date)
The rare Mego boxed Ursus. He is called Urko and wears a Soldier Ape uniform in the box illustrations (Pics from the Museum's expert and founder of the wing, ABMAC)
Green carded Ursus courtesy of Bill Mattioli, notice the gloves.
Mego Yellow Carded Ursus courtesy of Brain.
This beautiful Palitoy UK Mego Release of General Ursus is courtesy of Mike J. Notice that his outfit is black.
This Palitoy Ursus has a burgundy outfit, courtesy of Will Frost.
Mego Ursus in his Mexican (Cipsa) outfit, the sleeves for Ursus have been known to come in both reddish brown and green! (pic courtesy of Mike J.
Here is Soldier Ursus from Mexico, who is intent on finding Humans and his pants: That joke never gets old! (courtesy of Brain) What's interesting is the term "Humanoids" on the packaging, which is what they used on the animated series.