Another year, another Mego Meet. If you missed Mego Meet 2008, below is a pictorial of the event. Hope you can make it in 09!
While several folks start coming in on Thursday to help setup and squeeze in one more Meet day, most arrive Friday night for the reception/swapmeet/pizza party. This is an informal evening with nothing really planned. People just meet back up, or meet for the first time. Things are bought and sold at an alarming pace as dealers unpack and folks break out the stuff they bought for trade and their cash. Eventually pizza is brought in and we close out the night at the Kruger Street Museum.

Once again, many of us head over to Megosuite at the Super8, hosted annually by Paul Clare, this year with Chuch Gregory on the assist. It's a come and go as you please, BYOB kind of thing were we all just hang out, many until 4am or so. We don't get much sleep but it's a great time! This happens each night of the event and is open to all.

Saturday kicks off the event. The day is 8 hours long but it seems much shorter. Throughout the day there are sessions to sit in on, displays to take in and dealers to purchase from. Not to mention just catching up with folks. This year, Chris Johnson brought his lot of Mego 3 3/4 figures for display, we had the usual assortment of 8" figures, including some rarities like blue haird Frankenstien and red haired Dracula. We also had a great display of all the Mego horses provided by Scott Arendsen, some cool Micronauts stuff from Ray Millers collection, and a great custom display of figures from the Mego Museum 1978 re:imagined project. However, what stole the show was John Santoni's Star Trek Bridge, done in Mego scale complete with working lights and sound effects.

Once again, many sessions were presented on a variety of topics. Brian Heiler informed us about Mego Myths, Dave McCormick spoke on spotting reproduction parts, Paul "Doc Mego" Clarke informed us of the happenings with EMCE toys, and Derek Combs, Ed Nagy, Jim Hampton and David Lee sat in on the customs panel to field custom related questions.

The dealer room is was once again the focal point. This is where people buy, sell and gather. If you're looking for something Mego, this is the place to find it.

Chris Johnson once again busied himself making this years custom exclusive figure, but he did have a moment to show off his score, an original Zorro hat.

Ray Miller set up a Mircronauts repair station and helped restore an attendees old Micro's to their original glory.

Once again, we had a custom action figure auction along with the the benefit raffle. Customizers donated completed custom figures and they were uctioned off.

The Mego Museum benefit raffle was once again a popular event.

Around lunch time we've made it an annual even to gather the entire group for a photo.

Another tradition before the Meet breaks up is the gathering of the diehards for a photo. These 8 have been to all Mego Conventions the past 5 years.