I used to have this site at sesamestreetfingerpuppets.com, but the domain expired, and enough with the domain fees, already. So I put the site back up at my home domain.
I think I'm done with this collection. I pretty much got everything I wanted, and once I decided I could live without all the foreign variations that was it. I just sold off all of my extra SSFPs to a certain maniac named Larry in SoCal so the store is closed.
I love these guys, they are my favorite toy collection after my Megos.
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]This is a VERY narrowly defined site. Sesame Street was a merchandising juggernaut from the very start and there are tons of great toys from the 1970s that deserve a thorough archive, including the famous hand puppets that accompanied this line. But I set out to collect these because it was a finite line, it had limits. I don't collect any other Sesame Street stuff. I have a few pieces here and there but I quickly put an end to it. The hand puppets, the miniatures, the puzzles, games, cookie jars. No. Not in my house. I have enough stuff that nobody cares about but me. As you can tell by the site, though, there's more than enough to keep me busy. There are many discoveries yet to be made and more than a few impossible holy grails to find. Yet they don't take up a lot of space and are generally pretty affordable.
Anyway. I think I've made the point that I'm insane and unbalanced. Welcome. Happy collecting![/FONT]
[I]No. Not in my house. I have enough stuff nobody cares about but me. [/I] TRUTH.