Got home from work to a fun package to open. Love the glow hands! Now I want more things that glow-in-the-dark! It was so much fun to open and get an instant display on our buffet for the next 48 hours (Vintage honeycomb pumpkin and Anchor Hocking glasses, et al. not included. LOL). Everything from the extra printed collateral and box art are soooo good, and the humor is so 70's and perfect! Happy Halloween all!
Got home from work to a fun package to open. Love the glow hands! Now I want more things that glow-in-the-dark! It was so much fun to open and get an instant display on our buffet for the next 48 hours (Vintage honeycomb pumpkin and Anchor Hocking glasses, et al. not included. LOL). Everything from the extra printed collateral and box art are soooo good, and the humor is so 70's and perfect! Happy Halloween all!