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gorn pic up!

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  • mav-man
    New Member
    • Dec 9, 2007
    • 41

    gorn pic up!

    Check it out! Its up over at diamond select toys! It looks pretty cool!
    Diamond Select Toys & Collectibles
  • megoscott
    Founding Partner
    • Nov 17, 2006
    • 8710


    Nice! Congratulations, EMCE, that's a very nice figure.
    This profile is no longer active.


    • Werewolf
      • Jul 14, 2003
      • 14638

      Wicked cool! More accurate but still very retro.
      You are a bold and courageous person, afraid of nothing. High on a hill top near your home, there stands a dilapidated old mansion. Some say the place is haunted, but you don't believe in such myths. One dark and stormy night, a light appears in the topmost window in the tower of the old house. You decide to investigate... and you never return...


      • Brown Bear
        Still Old School
        • Feb 14, 2008
        • 7058

        Worth the wait....awesome
        Check out my website: Megozine Covers - Home


        • noelani72
          • Jun 25, 2002
          • 4609

          Glad to finally see it...As much as I love the Gorn I got from James...I guess I was being naive and got anxious with high expectations...I expected to see some sort of new Hulk-body hybrid instead of a skinny T2 green body.
          As I look at the pic more, his calves look bigger than a T2 leg. Are the lower legs closer to what James conjured up?


          • The Bat
            Batman Fanatic
            • Jul 14, 2002
            • 13412

            Oh No!! He's skinny!!!!!!!! The Head looks FANTASTIC....but He's on a T2 Body!???? Why!!!! I really didn't think, I'd regret selling My Custom Gorn...but now! And why are His Eyes yellow...and not silver?? Oh Man...this is such a dissapointment.

            Please David Lee...tell Me Your going to make a green Body, so I can switch the Arms!


            • Mr Havoc
              Veteran Member
              • Mar 27, 2008
              • 331

              Well I have to say he looks better but I still like the custom off hulk body.....Eyes need to be silver, did they not see the show?


              • Captain
                Fighting the good fight!
                • Jun 17, 2001
                • 6031

                Looks fine to me. A nice compromise between Captain Dunsels figure and the realities of EMCE/Diamonds need to keep these figures profitable. A completely new body mold for one character would probably drive the cost of the Gorn through the roof, or require Diamond to move a lot more product. I can live with this Gorn quite nicely. Make a fine squad of troops to be commanded by my Dunsel Gorn.
                "Crayons taste like purple!"


                • megoscott
                  Founding Partner
                  • Nov 17, 2006
                  • 8710

                  I really have to agree. It's a lot to expect an entirely new body mold for one figure. Unless you actually have the Hulk license it's hard to justify. That head is fantastic, the figure will look great with the set.
                  This profile is no longer active.


                  • Mikey
                    Verbose Member
                    • Aug 9, 2001
                    • 47253

                    I think it looks FANTASTIC !!!!!!!!!

                    BRAVO to EMCE !!!!!!!!!!

                    About using a T-2 body ------
                    The real gorn himself wasn't really all that ripped.
                    I think a T-2 is fine
                    Last edited by Mikey; May 10, '08, 2:00 AM.


                    • Meule
                      Verbose Member
                      • Nov 14, 2004
                      • 28720

                      Yeah, I love it too, well worth the wait
                      "...The agony of my soul found vent in one loud, long and final scream of despair..." - Edgar Allan Poe


                      • huedell
                        Museum Ball Eater
                        • Dec 31, 2003
                        • 11069

                        Originally posted by The Bat
                        Oh No!! He's skinny!!!!!!!! The Head looks FANTASTIC....but He's on a T2 Body!???? Why!!!! I really didn't think, I'd regret selling My Custom Gorn...but now! And why are His Eyes yellow...and not silver?? Oh Man...this is such a dissapointment.
                        That's odd.

                        You already had a GORN in your possession that you really liked...
                        why would you get rid of it?
                        "No. No no no no no no. You done got me talkin' politics. I didn't wanna'. Like I said y'all, I'm just happy to be alive. I think I'll scoot over here right by this winda', let this beautiful carriage rock me to sleep, and dream about how lucky I am." - Chris Mannix


                        • Hulk
                          Mayor of Megoville
                          • May 10, 2003
                          • 16007

                          Hopefully we will get to see more pix soon. I'd like to see the legs more closely. I really didn't expect a Hulk body, although it would have been cool. The sculpt definitely goes a long way towards correcting a Mego mistake. Hopefully the Chinese can find a better uniform material for the production run. Great pattern, but I'd love to see more shine and pattern in the outfit.

                          Bravo to James and Doc (and anyone else who contributed) on making this figure the right way instead of the easy way.

                          Combine this with Sulu, and you have definitely made this the most anticipated release for me, even more than the Rommie. Two "new" figures at once is great. I can only hope you keep them coming in 2009. Mirror Mirror, anyone?

                          FYI - I'm claiming first dibs on making a Lizard custom with this figure, just to make the circle complete.


                          • thunderbolt
                            Hi Ernie!!!
                            • Feb 15, 2004
                            • 34211

                            Man, that looks great. I can live with the type two body. Its more like what mego would have done for a more accurate Gorn, instead of the fake Lizard poser they made.
                            You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


                            • jemboy2004
                              Persistent Member
                              • Aug 14, 2005
                              • 1703

                              it looks really great to me!

