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Oh My! Toyfare is out!

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  • jwyblejr
    galactic yo-yo
    • Apr 6, 2006
    • 11147

    As long as he's not singing country music. By the way,the Chekov looks pretty cool to see on the same page.


    • SUP-Ronin
      Stuck in a laundry shoot.
      • Oct 8, 2007
      • 3146

      Sweet now I can use my old sulu and chekov customs to create some redshirts. Awesome.
      "Steel-like jaws clacked away, each bite slashing flesh from my body - I used my knife and my hands, and when they were gone, my bloody stumps - and yet the turtles came."


      • Seeker
        Neptunians RULE!
        • Feb 20, 2008
        • 1954

        Originally posted by SainthoodDenied
        WOW that dude is awesome , finally someone to sit at the enterprise controls.

        AHEM! Now we need a new set of controls for Sulu to sit at. Lets hear it for bringing back the Enterprise playset.
        Last edited by Seeker; Apr 8, '08, 3:51 PM.
        Lo there do I see my Father.
        Lo there do I see my Mother and my Sisters and my Brothers.
        Lo there do I see the line of my people back to the begining.
        Lo they do call me.
        They bid me take my place among them.
        In the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever.


        • Werewolf
          • Jul 14, 2003
          • 14638

          Coolness! Can't wait to see the Gorn.
          You are a bold and courageous person, afraid of nothing. High on a hill top near your home, there stands a dilapidated old mansion. Some say the place is haunted, but you don't believe in such myths. One dark and stormy night, a light appears in the topmost window in the tower of the old house. You decide to investigate... and you never return...


          • toys2cool
            Ultimate Mego Warrior
            • Nov 27, 2006
            • 28605

            Congrats,he looks freakin' awesome!!
            "Time to nut up or shut up" -Tallahassee

            My stuff on facebook Incompatible Browser | Facebook


            • Hulk
              Mayor of Megoville
              • May 10, 2003
              • 16007

              Oh My indeed. Glad to see this, the biggest holes in the crew will now be filled, on to the smaller cracks.


              • drmego
                EMCE Toys
                • Jun 15, 2001
                • 2411

                Actually the Enterprise playset is under construction and the Gorn was not in the
                Toyfare issue because we just got the pictures taken of him.

                Next week Diamond Select Toys & Collectibles will have them on their site as the
                official release.


                • The Bat
                  Batman Fanatic
                  • Jul 14, 2002
                  • 13412

                  WOW! This is so exciting!!!!!!!! Soon We'll get to see Brady's Gorn....and We're getting an Enterprise Playset as well!! It just doesn't get any better than this!!!!!!!!!!!


                  • Meule
                    Verbose Member
                    • Nov 14, 2004
                    • 28720

                    Cool, can't wait to see the Gorn too.
                    Will the playset be an exact copy of the Mego Enterprise or will it be more show accurate?
                    "...The agony of my soul found vent in one loud, long and final scream of despair..." - Edgar Allan Poe


                    • zeedox
                      Career Member
                      • Aug 10, 2007
                      • 703

                      Mental Drizzle...

                      NOW HOW GREAT IS THAT!

                      I hate to say it, but I am starting to think that the EMCE line will easily take the lead over the original MEGO line!


                      • thunderbolt
                        Hi Ernie!!!
                        • Feb 15, 2004
                        • 34211

                        Freakin' SWEEEEEET!! So, what is the release schedule for Chekov/Cheron and Sulu/Gorn??
                        You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


                        • Captain
                          Fighting the good fight!
                          • Jun 17, 2001
                          • 6031

                          Just when I start to think life sucks...Paul swoops in and saves the day! Huzzah for the shopkeep!!!! EMCE Is the new King of toys in my book!!!!!
                          "Crayons taste like purple!"


                          • bagmonster
                            Registered Lurker
                            • Apr 13, 2002
                            • 801

                            Brilliant. Congratulations, Paul!


                            • VintageMike
                              Permanent Member
                              • Dec 16, 2004
                              • 3380

                              Nice! It's been a while since I picked anything Mego related but I'll definitely be grabbing this.
                              Last edited by VintageMike; Apr 8, '08, 10:16 PM. Reason: Spelling


                              • SlipperyLilSuckers
                                • May 14, 2003
                                • 9031

                                I think I'll be needing one of those. The thought of an Enterprise is very exciting.

