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BBP: KISS 3 3/4" updates?

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  • Remco Monster
    GLOWS in the Dark!
    • May 3, 2006
    • 2722

    Got my shipped notice. Will take photos when it gets here.


    • ZebMayonaise
      • Nov 6, 2012
      • 98

      Originally posted by TCM Hitchhiker
      Got my shipped notice. Will take photos when it gets here.


      • Remco Monster
        GLOWS in the Dark!
        • May 3, 2006
        • 2722

        Got the stage playset today. The stage is awesome! The figures are hit and miss, and here is why...

        1) They have less articulation than the regular release prototypes do. No bicep swivels, and different shoulder articulation that only moves up and down. This is bad. Because the figures don't look good unless they are holding their guitars. Any other pose looks awkward. I don't know if the regular releases will be nicer, and these were just dumbed down to save costs for the SDCC exclusive or what.

        2) They are too short and skinny. They aren't so short that they are completely incompatible with other 3 3/4" figures, but should definitely be taller than the average 3 3/4" figure with their boots. They should be vintage Chewbacca height, not Princess Leia.

        3) The arm on my Peter Criss broke off right out of the package. I have e-mailed Bif Bang Pow about a replacement. Hopefully they come through.

        4) The paint is hit and miss.

        Here are just a couple quick photos I shot, as well as a height comparison to a Reaction figure (keep in mind, Gene is the tallest figure). I will shoot more when I get a chance.


        • ZebMayonaise
          • Nov 6, 2012
          • 98

          Thanks for the update!!!! I cant wait to see/hear more


          • mego
            Veteran Member
            • Sep 16, 2012
            • 429

            Super cool. Weird to hear about the articulation. More pics pretty please!


            • MEGOMAN
              Defender of the Megoverse
              • Dec 30, 2008
              • 1103

              I think that these figures are a disappointment! If they do not have swivel biceps, than their arms should just be straight and be just a classic vintage action figure! So now these figures are always going to be stuck in one pose. I'm passing on these! These would have been really cool if they just were a standard 5-points of articulation. They did not need to have to come with an instrument.


              • mego
                Veteran Member
                • Sep 16, 2012
                • 429

                I gotta disagree with you there. KISS needs guitars and BBP did an excellent job with the guitars as far as I can tell. The articulation is another story though. They've gotta be able to hold the things, that's for sure. I'm still pumped about 'em, just maybe a little less than before.


                • MEGOMAN
                  Defender of the Megoverse
                  • Dec 30, 2008
                  • 1103

                  My thing is that if they are going to come with instruments than they should have articulation. If the figure is not holding its guitar than the figure has to stay in a pose like it is doing "air guitar". That is the problem. These figures are stuck in the same pose. They are lacking the proper articulation.


                  • Remco Monster
                    GLOWS in the Dark!
                    • May 3, 2006
                    • 2722

                    "If they do not have swivel biceps, than their arms should just be straight and be just a classic vintage action figure!"

                    Totally agree. Another thing. They don't have guitar straps (even though there are holes in the back of the guitars that are obviously there for straps), and their hands don't grip the neck of the guitar, so it is a major pain to get them to hold them. Might as well be straight armed. The strumming hand elbow articulation is incredibly lame. I will take some more photos tomorrow.

                    Check out the difference in the descriptions on Entertainment Earth.

                    Regular release
                    "First-ever 3 3/4-inch scale action figures of KISS! Each has 11 points of articulation"

                    SDCC exclusives with stage
                    "This one-of-a-kind set features each of the KISS band members in 1:20 scale form. Each action figure has 9 points of articulation"

                    So are they going to be different, and the regular releases taller with swivel biceps? Or did they change them all together?

                    Would be nice if BBP would chime in and let us know what is going on here, before I/we buy the regular figures.


                    • mego
                      Veteran Member
                      • Sep 16, 2012
                      • 429

                      the plot thickens...


                      • ZebMayonaise
                        • Nov 6, 2012
                        • 98

                        I just checked out some pics over at of both sets and can confirm that the individual figures do indeed have the arm swivel and guitar straps... of course, we will have to see once these puppies ship to know for sure.


                        • mego
                          Veteran Member
                          • Sep 16, 2012
                          • 429

                          Yup! Looks like we've got some swivel arms. Check out these two different versions of the Catman Peter Criss...

                          Alive 2 set (no swivel):
                          Individual set (swivel arms):


                          • Remco Monster
                            GLOWS in the Dark!
                            • May 3, 2006
                            • 2722

                            Yeah, the prototypes always have had swivel biceps, as well as better shoulder articulation. That's the big question. Will they still have this articulation on the production versions? Very odd for them to have tooled different figures just for the exclusive.


                            • LordMudd
                              Persistent Member
                              • Aug 22, 2011
                              • 1331

                              Originally posted by TCM Hitchhiker

                              SDCC exclusives with stage
                              "This one-of-a-kind set features each of the KISS band members in 1:20 scale form. Each action figure has 9 points of articulation"

                              So are they going to be different, and the regular releases taller with swivel biceps? Or did they change them all together?
                              3 3/4 inch is 1/18 scale, so at 1/20 they are smaller than industry standard, especially with both Mattel and Hasbro going to 4" figures.



                              • Remco Monster
                                GLOWS in the Dark!
                                • May 3, 2006
                                • 2722

                                Yes, I know, if you read my previous posts, the ones with the set are rather small. They are indeed 1/20, but the regular releases are described as being 3 3/4", as well as having more articulation. So the real question is simply, have they been shrunk and had the articulation reduced all together, or will the regular released figures be different. And if they are all going to be 1/20, what in the HELL were BBP thinking?
                                Last edited by Remco Monster; Jul 24, '15, 5:49 PM.

