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Bad batch of Shazams?

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  • warrenator
    New Member
    • Jul 31, 2012
    • 3

    Bad batch of Shazams?

    Hi guys,

    I've just started collecting Megos and Mego-like figures, and I can lay the praise (blame? This hobby is expensive! ) for this on the EMCE line of toys. The moment I saw pics of the EMCE universal monsters I knew I had to have them and from there it was just a hop skip and a jump to collecting some of the old Mego figures I loved as a kid. I've been building my collection slowly, and as far as the WGSH line is concerned, I've been augmenting it with the retro action heroes.

    I obviously came to this hobby late--judging by ebay Mego prices I probably should have started collecting Megos a decade or so ago--and I'm sort of playing catch-up. I've been picking up retro action figures, for example, but the line has sadly already been cancelled. Well, long-winded intro aside, I have a curious issue with the Shazam figure. I didn't like the headsculpt at all but I loved the updated uniform and decided I would buy one just for the uniform, and then I would use the old Mego head and a Doc Mego buff swivel body and voila, perfect Captain Marvel (that old Mego Shazam sculpt is a beautiful summation of 70's coolness.) But when I opened my retro action Shazam I noticed black stains, like marker stains, on the red uniform where the boots came in contact with it, and just above. Chalking it up to bad luck, I bought another one. The second one has the same problem! Both were bought on ebay, one carded, one not, from different sellers whom I'm sure weren't aware of the stains, as the stains aren't so noticeable until you take the boots off, so the sellers can't be blamed. But I'm wondering if I just had extraordinarily bad luck, or if maybe there's a bad batch of Retro Action Shazams out there?

    Anyway, I'm not picking up yet a third Shazam figure, so I'm wondering--does anyone have any advice on how to clean marker stains out of a retro action uniform? I tried soap and water; it didn't make a dent. I can sort of cover the stains with the boots, but just enough of the stains are visible above the boots to drive me batty, and the only way to completely hide them is to pull his pants down to the point where his crotch is hanging low. And Captain Marvel's too damn pretty for that.

    (By the way, as I'm new here I'm tempted to post a general "here are my general mego preferences, as well as my reviews of various megos/EMCE's/retro action figures" thread, but that promises to be very long, and possibly something that you've all seen a hundred times before, so...another time.
  • Iron Mego
    Wake Up Heavy
    • Jan 31, 2010
    • 3532

    Try oxi-clean. Also, dish soap, the liquid kind. Not at the same time, although that might work too. I've cleaned some pretty serious stains with a combination of those two things.
    Wake Up Heavy Podcast

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    • rykerw1701
      Persistent Member
      • Aug 27, 2007
      • 1027

      Welcome to the hobby! And if it helps, prices on Mego's a decade or so were considerably higher than they are now, so your timing is actually pretty good.

