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Retro action petition

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  • alex
    Permanent Member
    • Jun 15, 2009
    • 3142

    Retro action petition

    Why is the thread closed?, what happened?
  • Brown Bear
    Still Old School
    • Feb 14, 2008
    • 7058

    I may be wrong, but I suspect the intention is "read it, then sign the peptition"....not, let's talk about it.
    Check out my website: Megozine Covers - Home


    • rche
      channeling Bob Wills
      • Mar 26, 2008
      • 7390

      ^^ agreed

      a discussion of the pros and cons of this sort of thing can exist in another thread rather than distracting from the primary purpose of the petition itself.

      I might suggest to anyone who is letter writing or campaigning for another manufacturer of DC toys to take up the slack to link to both the petition result page and to the Matty forum discussion of 'save the RA' line.

      I would also suggest that anyone who wants Mattel to consider online exclusives for this line purchase the Kyle Raynor figure due out on the 15th of July.


      • alex
        Permanent Member
        • Jun 15, 2009
        • 3142

        Ok Guys we have over 600 active members please sign up, if U liked them or not, and help the rest of us out, also if possible join in the "mattycollector" forum, it will only take a few minutes. It would be a terrible shame if we just sat back, and did nothing,with all the hard work that Doc and the crew have put in. I still believe we have a slim chance, to squeeze a few more figures out of Mattel. So come on folks SIGN UP !!!!!!! Please x 100000000000


        • jwyblejr
          galactic yo-yo
          • Apr 6, 2006
          • 11147

          I was number 44. Got a long ways to go it seems.


          • Brown Bear
            Still Old School
            • Feb 14, 2008
            • 7058

            I was number 25 (AND 26)
            Check out my website: Megozine Covers - Home


            • rche
              channeling Bob Wills
              • Mar 26, 2008
              • 7390

              the second wave of Lost figures from BBP was saved due to a campaign to preorder spearheaded by our own MegoScott. His efforts to bring attention to the Lost line via his petitions and blogs stirred up enough interest to warrant BBP releasing these as a convention special.

              Unfortunately, with the RA situation, we don't have preorder numbers for Matty to see what would go into the bank for them. The only monetary/sale indicator they have is the final GL figure up for sale on 7/15 at

              So again, in addition to the letters and petitions, I suggest showing your support by purchasing that figure and finding other folks within your collecting/playing/comic enjoying influence and convincing them to purchase a figure as well.


              • megoscott
                Founding Partner
                • Nov 17, 2006
                • 8710

                Actually, while BBP loved the campaign and the support we gave didn't make a bit of difference. I probably convinced a few people to try them, but in the end it was a business decision based on their relationship with ABC.

                But taking action to counter-act the negativity that was swirling around them was a good thing to do.

                I signed the petition and support all efforts to channel our energy into something positive and who knows what can happen.
                This profile is no longer active.


                • Type3Toys
                  Home Of The Type3 Body
                  • Jan 18, 2005
                  • 627

                  Then it is settled, MegoScott should spearhead this movement as well!!!!

                  Just kidding Scott. Look, I am not even a DC fan and I dont want to see these go away. It took me all of 5 seconds to slap my name down. I am looking ahead to 'What could be" in this scale. LURKERS, please, take a second from your busy day and join this cause.
                  Action Figure Design & Prototypes
                  For Samples See Home -Type 3 Body & Spiderman
                  To Contact: [email protected]


                  • toyman
                    Just Another Collector
                    • Sep 1, 2008
                    • 937

                    I just signed it @ number 52.


                    • ScottA
                      Original Member
                      • Jun 25, 2001
                      • 12264

                      #53 here. This can't hurt at all and like Scott has said, anything positive we can focus on is a good thing for us and the museum.
                      sigpic WANTED: Boxed, Carded and Kresge Carded WGSH


                      • rche
                        channeling Bob Wills
                        • Mar 26, 2008
                        • 7390

                        Originally posted by MegoScott
                        Actually, while BBP loved the campaign and the support we gave didn't make a bit of difference. I probably convinced a few people to try them, but in the end it was a business decision based on their relationship with ABC.

                        But taking action to counter-act the negativity that was swirling around them was a good thing to do.

                        I signed the petition and support all efforts to channel our energy into something positive and who knows what can happen.

                        OK; well thanks for bursting my bubble there Scott.
                        At the least, you did organize a cool campaign that the makers of these toys saw and noted.

                        I very much appreciated your time and energy spent on the Lost project. And I also very much appreciate anyone who takes the time to put some positive energy into this RA situation. So, thank you to the folks who started the petition and the thread on Matty. One never knows who may be paying attention.

                        and once again, it is the numbers of sales that will drive any company to make or release any product. So; if Kyle is indeed the last of his kind, I intend to order up a batch of him. I admit that I have pretty much no interest in this era of GL and find it an oddly ironic way to end a 70s themed line, but I can always sell or part out the figures at a later date if I choose.

                        I suggest again that the best support for the retros is to buy the hell out of these last two offerings (John and Kyle) on Matty.


                        • Remco Monster
                          GLOWS in the Dark!
                          • May 3, 2006
                          • 2722

                          I don't collect these, only one I have is Green Arrow, I just have too many issues with them. But I still signed the petition earlier today for the people that do collect them, and the fact that I hate to see any re-Mego line die, like them or not.

                          Even though I don't collect them, I would definitely buy a Joker. I hope he gets released.
                          Last edited by Remco Monster; Jun 21, '11, 3:52 PM.


                          • Meule
                            Verbose Member
                            • Nov 14, 2004
                            • 28720

                            You are signer #61
                            "...The agony of my soul found vent in one loud, long and final scream of despair..." - Edgar Allan Poe


                            • Jerry68
                              Persistent Member
                              • Feb 12, 2008
                              • 1039

                              Signer # 62

