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The Future of Mego is it in jeopardy ?

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  • vietnambob
    New Member
    • Jun 4, 2007
    • 9

    The Future of Mego is it in jeopardy ?

    I want to introduce myself my name is Robert Macchia, and I am NEW to this board,but spend some time reading all the posts, and the one with HULK presenting the "NEW" Mego Star Trek line (IN MY OPINION) at the New York Toy Fair does not sit well with me, NOT the fact that he did it, but more of the fact that someone is REPRODUCING Mego's.

    Now I'm no expert on MEGO, but I do have a nice collection and just acquired my first Kid Flash from ebay (benbarb), and I have spent so much time and monies trying to complete my collection with original parts, but now what happens to that collection once I can purchase the same thing at the local toy store for $9.99

    Please don't get me wrong I love Mego, and I believe that the next generation of Kids should grow and respect certain toys. I never destroyed or hurt or shot holes in my toys, and as anyone that has bought anything from me on Ebay (vietnambob Cheap plug) know that I take care of my property.

    I am looking past the vast knowledge that people have here,BUT what if I don't know that the mego logo was 1/1000000 of an inch from the corner of the Blister, or the color of sunset magenta was the actual prototype used in mixing Ironmans's gloves on the 5th Sunday of December 1975?

    I believe that its good for the NEW, but Not for the old...Whats your OPINION?
  • toys2cool
    Ultimate Mego Warrior
    • Nov 27, 2006
    • 28605

    I think yeah it will make the originals lose value,but I think it's a great thing for those folks who can't afford the originals,not everyone could afford to spend $700+ on an Andorian moc,so this will help a lot of people.I do understand where you're coming from.I felt the same way when Hasbro started to reissue the vintage Joes,but hey that's the name of the game.If there's a market for something,there's always going to be reissues
    "Time to nut up or shut up" -Tallahassee
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    • vietnambob
      New Member
      • Jun 4, 2007
      • 9

      Okay good you feel my pain , but let me clarify if I can. WHY is the andorian worth $700? Because of its Rarity? Because of its age? There are a number of things BUT if I NEVER EVER saw a Real one and put it next to NEWBIE can I tell the difference? If I can't what does that make your $700 figure worth? $9.99

      Now I'm not saying they are not going to have dates, and marks etc, but what would stop someone in China reproducing even those after a time? If there money in it which there is someone will do it.

      Most things have sentimental value. What sentiment do the new ones bring?
      Star Trek is OVER. Paramount has stated publicly that there will never be another Star Trek Series of any shape and or movie, So why the Fake Mego's now? and not just Star Trek how about the Fake Fonzie? Where does it end?

      I believe that its all money motivated not nostalgia related. Do I spend $1000 of dollars on mego's because they are pretty? There is a conspiracy brewing, and its being played out by the same guy that tells you his Romulan is 100% Original.


      • dumbldor
        Talkative Member
        • Jun 9, 2002
        • 5418

        Bob, can you please tell us why you chose this particular forum in which to post this old argument?


        • EMCE Hammer
          Moderation Engineer
          • Aug 14, 2003
          • 25680

          Originally posted by dumbldor
          Bob, can you please tell us why you chose this particular forum in which to post this old argument?
          Bob - perhaps you didn't catch "The new book." in the forum header. This area is for discussion of the forthcoming book by Benjamin Holcomb.

          To answer your post, some of us love the idea, some of us hate the idea, and some of us just don't give a _____. On the front page of the site, there is a link to the old forum posts. Read all about it there. You'll probably be dismayed to discover that a different company, CTVT, has already reproed other Mego lines.

          I go back and forth on the issue. There would definitely be something cool about taking my kids to KayBee and watching them grab some new megoish figures from the pegs. In another 20-30 years most of this debate will be moot, as those of us who care now will mostly have moved on, become senile, or begun our eternal dirt naps.


          • vietnambob
            New Member
            • Jun 4, 2007
            • 9

            Originally posted by dumbldor
            Bob, can you please tell us why you chose this particular forum in which to post this old argument?
            I'm sorry did I not introduce myself properly? I am NEW TO THIS BOARD was the first sentence, and though I stated I read all the posts that in itself would be almost impossible. So to me this is a NEW SUBJECT. I will redirect and thank you for making me feel welcome I came here because someone sent me an email directing me to the site and the topic was Hulk putting over the New Mego's.

            Again I apologize I am NEW.


            • dumbldor
              Talkative Member
              • Jun 9, 2002
              • 5418

              The sarcasm is not necessary, Bob. I thought your thread was odd in the book forum, but I thought it possible you were making some sort of connection. It was a legit question, not ball busting.


              • mego73
                Printed paperboard Tiger
                • Aug 1, 2003
                • 6690

                Originally posted by vietnambob
                Most things have sentimental value. What sentiment do the new ones bring?
                Star Trek is OVER. Paramount has stated publicly that there will never be another Star Trek Series of any shape and or movie, So why the Fake Mego's now? and not just Star Trek how about the Fake Fonzie? Where does it end?

                First of all, welcome, welcome, welcome

                But haven't you heard about the upcoming Star Trek movie, which will focus on the original Trek characters (with new actors playing, of course) before the events of the original show? This is the teaser poster:

                About the repro figures, it is a trade off.

                They might (temporarily, in my opinion, look at how many Aurora Monster model reissues there have been, but the originals still command high prices) interfere with the value of the original pieces and they might also fool the novice collector who might pay more then he/she should.

                But the reissues allow for a broader base of fans to develop and allows present Mego collectors who for whatever reason believe paying $800+ bucks for a Romulan is out of the question a way to have something similar that can make them happy.

                Some people collect for the nostalga, others for the value, still others for a combination of both.

                I believe repros (or reissues), in the end help all types of collectors. Those that are in it for the nostalga can get something like the old, only it's crisp, brand new and affordable. Those that are in it for the value will have to look long term but unless any of these reissues is of a much larger scale then they have been, those supplies will eventually dry up. Both the repros and the originals will only be on the secondary market with the more valueble version being, of course, be the originals.

                Any reissues also have the potential of pulling more into the hobby. Maybe younger people who like the particular Mego look, or people of our age who happen to spot a reissue Kirk and it becomes a springboard to looking at more Megos.

                Anyway, it's a balance but when it comes right down to it, I'm happy that Megos are generating enough interest for reissues.

                [email protected]


                • Meule
                  Verbose Member
                  • Nov 14, 2004
                  • 28720

                  Is the future of Mego in jeopardy? It was 25 years ago
                  But seriously, quite the contrary I would say. If there was zero intrest in repros or "new Megos" (like CTVT's second monster line, the mad clowns, I love Lucy, ...) these simply wouldn't be made. It's the love for these figures that created all these repros. Megos are very much alive. New discoveries are still being made, more and more customizers are showing off their work, MegoMeet is a succes every year, the MegoMuseum has undergone a complete transformation, EMCE Toys is releasing Trek figures and has Night of the Living Dead figures in the works. We might even see never before released Trek characters like Sulu and Chekov and maybe even others.

                  You're worried about the value of your collection? Maybe you should question your motives for collecting then. Megos as an investment is about the dumbest thing you can do. No one can predict the market or the value of a certain figure. Personally, I couldn't give a damn if all my Megos were only worth a buck suddenly, I'd still love 'em as much as I do now.

                  Hail Doc Mego, hail EMCE Toys and hail CTVT... I want more...
                  "...The agony of my soul found vent in one loud, long and final scream of despair..." - Edgar Allan Poe


                  • jwyblejr
                    galactic yo-yo
                    • Apr 6, 2006
                    • 11146

                    No kidding. I got into this line of collecting for the joy they brought me as a child. I wanted to recapture that joy as an adult. That's it. Nothing more nothing less. And that's what these lines do. They help bring that joy back as well.


                    • Hulk
                      Mayor of Megoville
                      • May 10, 2003
                      • 16007

                      And for clarification, I am just selling them, not making them.

                      Paul "Hulk" Clare (of = just a lowly dealer

                      Paul "Doc Mego" Clarke (of & EMCE toys) = maker

                      That being said, and you clearly know that this is a sensitive subject since you mentioned a particularly heated thread, these are licensed figures. if Mego were still around (so much for the future of Mego), they might have done the exact same thing, much as every other major toy company has done (Kenner, Mattel, Hasbro). It is a risk of toy collecting.

                      If you mean the future of the Mego-like format, ie 8 inch clothed action figures, then the fact that there are companies trying to revive the format, even in a limited fashion, is a good thing.

                      I do not begrudge anyone who resents these figures being made. But I personally am happy they are, and that has nothing to do with my selling them. I do that because I would like to see them succeed.


                      • Lynn TXP 0369
                        Career Member
                        • Jun 10, 2007
                        • 804

                        I like the repros and reissues, because # 1... affordabilty... With two kids under 5 and a house two help support it is tough to get big $$$ items.

                        It is not too hard a decision to make when given the choice of spending $700 on one figure or spending the same amount of $$$ and getting 5,10, 20 figures..... It is not rocket science to me...

                        The new Evel Knievel toys is a perfact example of reissues, sure you can get a reissue stunt cycle set or vehical set for $15-$99 depending on what sets you get, but I still went out and hunted down and bought the origonal sets for a fair amount of $$$ so that I could have them and I got the reissues too.

                        There is and always will be room for both.

                        Also, If anyone buys this stuff for it's value or preceived value, your a fool, the bottom could drop out of this stuff yesterday. Do I gotta bring up baseball cards????


                        Originally posted by Meule
                        You're worried about the value of your collection? Maybe you should question your motives for collecting then. Megos as an investment is about the dumbest thing you can do. No one can predict the market or the value of a certain figure. Personally, I couldn't give a damn if all my Megos were only worth a buck suddenly, I'd still love 'em as much as I do now.
                        No truer words of wisdom have been spoken then that right there folks. Let those words soak in and collect with your heart...

                        Last edited by Lynn TXP 0369; Jun 21, '07, 8:28 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                        • ctc
                          Fear the monkeybat!
                          • Aug 16, 2001
                          • 11183

                          >WHY is the andorian worth $700?

                          Simple; 'cos that's what someone is willing to pay for it.

                          >now what happens to that collection once I can purchase the same thing at the local toy store for $9.99

                          It drops rapidly in value. For a while; anyhoo. Lots of circumstance affects what a collector is willing to pay. That's the main reason a collectible is a really, REALLY bad investment. Nostalgia fuels high prices, but it also fuels reissues. And support for a collectible can disappear overnight for other reasons. Prices will inflate when a film remake is announced, but once the hype is gone, the prices drop. Collectibles are excruciatingly cyclic.

                          AND the price of most collectibles is extremely inflated. There's no "real" reason an andorian has a value of $700; it's sort of a consensus amongst high end collectors. But the bottom can fall out in a hurry.

                          >I believe that its good for the NEW, but Not for the old...

                          Depends on your definition of "good." Repros and reissues are good for the hobby as a whole, 'cos they increase exposure, allow more folks to amass stuff, and increase interest. They're really bad for investors; since yeah, nobody'll pay $700 bucks for something they can get the equivalent of at $15.

                          Well.... not NOBODY; but few people. Some will jealously seek out originals; but there may not be enough of them to support a high price. (Not for very long, at any rate.) You'll get more buyers for the figure, but mostly 'cos of the affordability of a reissue. More interest overall, lower value overall.

                          Don C.


                          • thunderbolt
                            Hi Ernie!!!
                            • Feb 15, 2004
                            • 34211

                            there is no future for mego, they've been out of business for years.
                            You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


                            • dumbldor
                              Talkative Member
                              • Jun 9, 2002
                              • 5418

                              Originally posted by Type3Toys
                              Repro stuff is what is keeping mego alive.

                              What do you think todays kids will be shelling out big $$ for if they start collecting as adults? Mego? Not a chance.
                              It will be stuff the played with as kids, just like us.
                              I have to disagree with you on a couple of points above.

                              Whether people spend big bucks for legit vintage Megos has nothing to do with repro stuff. I guess it depends how you define 'alive'. Repros fuel the customizing sub-culture in this hobby, but I do not see how they keep Mego alive. Many customs do not even resemble Megos. Your customs are top notch, but I would hesitate from saying that they resemble Megos or have anything to do with Megos.

                              I firmly believe that future generations will be interested in Megos as long as franchises like Star Trek, Marvel, and DC remain a part of pop culture. If they die, then Megos will die with them.
                              Last edited by dumbldor; Jun 22, '07, 10:22 AM.

