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Wish Lists of Other Properties for Mego to Produce

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  • Mejo
    Museum Patron
    • Jun 30, 2022
    • 126

    Wish Lists of Other Properties for Mego to Produce

    Apologies, but I had replied to this without realizing it wasn't in the Mego Corp. thread but the Mego Knock Off thread, so I'm reposting it here as I want Mego to see it
    Originally posted by ScottA
    Hogan's Heroes and Gilligan's Island.

    I second this!!

    I wanted Hogan's Heroes figures so bad as a kid that I used to buy GI Joe accessory packs and redress my Star Trek Megos in those oversized caps and clothes! LOL

    Other live-action TV shows I'd like to see represented are:

    Buck Rogers in the 25th Century: Buck Rogers, Wilma Deering, Dr. Huer, and Twiki (with Dr. Theopolis around his neck)

    The Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman: Steve Austin, Jaime Sommers, Oscar Goldman, Maskatron and a Fembot (both with removable/interchangeable faces)

    The Adventures of Robin Hood (1955-59): Robin Hood (Richard Greene), Lady Marian Fitzwalter (Bernadette O'Farrell), Little John (Archie Duncan), Friar Tuck (Alexander Gauge), Will Scarlet (Ronald Howard), Derwent (Victor Woolf), and, of course, The Sheriff of Nottingham (Alan Wheatley).

    The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1954): Sherlock Holmes (Ronald Howard), Dr. John Watson (H. Marion Crawford), Inspector Lestrade (Archie Duncan)

    Red Dwarf: Lister, Rimmer, Kryten, and Cat

    For animated shows:


    He-Man (mostly I want a Skeletor figure LOL)

    Avatar the Last Airbender: I know Mego's begun this series with Aang, which I recently bought. It wasn't the best likeness (and the tiny staff was odd) but I wanted to support this line so they'll make more figures!

    Finally ...

    My Number One animated hopeful ...


    I'd heard of a Mego Convention where custom figures were made of Rocket Robin and that they were the star of the show ... so please, Mego, bring on the merry band of futuristic outlaws that rob from the cosmic rich to give to the astro poor! (I'd also buy multiple N.O.T.T. guards, which works because in the cartoon they all looked like clones!)

    Last edited by Mejo; Jul 2, '22, 9:21 PM.
  • Krypt0nite
    • Feb 13, 2010
    • 1002

    My most wanted at this point are the Six Million Dollar Man and the Green Hornet


    • PNGwynne
      Master of Fowl Play
      • Jun 5, 2008
      • 19811

      Land of the Lost!
      WANTED: Dick Grayson SI trousers; gray AJ Mustang horse; vintage RC Batman (Bruce Wayne) head; minty Wolfman tights; mint Black Knight sword; minty Launcelot boots; Lion Rock (pale) Dracula & Mummy heads; Lion Rock Franky squared boots; Wayne Foundation blue furniture; Flash Gordon/Ming (10") unbroken holsters; CHiPs gloved arms; POTA T2 tan body; CTVT/vintage Friar Tuck robes, BBP TZ Burgess Meredith glasses.


      • Brown Bear
        Still Old School
        • Feb 14, 2008
        • 7062

        Star Wars are ‘67 Spidey cartoon I think are the last two licenses I wanna see happen in Mego format before I die.
        Check out my website: Megozine Covers - Home


        • KingKickass1983
          Career Member
          • Jan 19, 2019
          • 697

          I'd like them to finish some of the lines they started... My Bundy family is missing their last member...

          Diamond select Spider-man hands. Long shot, I know...but ya never know..


          • TRDouble
            Permanent Member
            • Jul 10, 2012
            • 2662

            I’d like to see them tackle The Phantom, Lone Ranger, Green Hornet, Zorro and The Shadow. Some of these properties have been done recently by NECA and other companies.

            Archie Comics, including Archie and the gang, along with their superhero properties (if they still have them), would be fun too.


            • CrimsonGhost
              Often invisible
              • Jul 18, 2002
              • 3604

              Originally posted by KingKickass1983
              I'd like them to finish some of the lines they started... My Bundy family is missing their last member...
              Star Wars is unlikely, yet more likely than more Married With Children.
              Expectation is the death of discovery.


              • Barnabas Collins
                Veteran Member
                • Feb 15, 2010
                • 389

                Originally posted by PNGwynne
                Land of the Lost!
                I'd be all over a "best of" Sid and Marty Krofft series--HR Pufnstuf, Witchiepoo, HooDoo (Lidsville), Sigmund the SeaMonster, and Land of the Lost.

                Barnabas Collins


                • sprytel
                  Talkative Member
                  • Jun 26, 2009
                  • 6624

                  Originally posted by CrimsonGhost
                  Star Wars is unlikely, yet more likely than more Married With Children.
                  Sorry, Bud.


                  • sprytel
                    Talkative Member
                    • Jun 26, 2009
                    • 6624

                    I've never seen anything done with Quantum Leap. I would be all over those. You would just need to make Sam and Al. My "dream" way to do it would be to take advantage of the cloth format and include several changes of outfits for the different leaps. Sort of like that one Spock gift set with the alternate outfits.


                    • PNGwynne
                      Master of Fowl Play
                      • Jun 5, 2008
                      • 19811

                      Originally posted by Barnabas Collins
                      I'd be all over a "best of" Sid and Marty Krofft series--HR Pufnstuf, Witchiepoo, HooDoo (Lidsville), Sigmund the SeaMonster, and Land of the Lost.

                      Barnabas Collins
                      Gad, yes. Mego please--go do that HooDoo you'd do so well.
                      WANTED: Dick Grayson SI trousers; gray AJ Mustang horse; vintage RC Batman (Bruce Wayne) head; minty Wolfman tights; mint Black Knight sword; minty Launcelot boots; Lion Rock (pale) Dracula & Mummy heads; Lion Rock Franky squared boots; Wayne Foundation blue furniture; Flash Gordon/Ming (10") unbroken holsters; CHiPs gloved arms; POTA T2 tan body; CTVT/vintage Friar Tuck robes, BBP TZ Burgess Meredith glasses.


                      • KingKickass1983
                        Career Member
                        • Jan 19, 2019
                        • 697

                        Originally posted by TRDouble
                        I’d like to see them tackle The Phantom, Lone Ranger, Green Hornet, Zorro and The Shadow. Some of these properties have been done recently by NECA and other companies.

                        Archie Comics, including Archie and the gang, along with their superhero properties (if they still have them), would be fun too.
                        Jughead in Mego form would be a must get for me! I thought about trying to make a custom using the head from the older doll line but it wasn't the same scale..

                        Diamond select Spider-man hands. Long shot, I know...but ya never know..


                        • thunderbolt
                          Hi Ernie!!!
                          • Feb 15, 2004
                          • 34211

                          Comic style Hellboy, all the monsters and stuff in this line would be a hit. Older Hellboy figures based on Mignola's art pull in big money on the 'Bay so the demand is there. The Goon, same kind of thing lots of creeps and there has not been a ton of stuff for this book. More Kaiju fighters, Redman, Fireman, Go Godman and so on.
                          You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


                          • thunderbolt
                            Hi Ernie!!!
                            • Feb 15, 2004
                            • 34211

                            Ohh another one Popeye!!
                            You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


                            • PNGwynne
                              Master of Fowl Play
                              • Jun 5, 2008
                              • 19811

                              Originally posted by thunderbolt
                              Ohh another one Popeye!!
                              How this has not happened is beyond me--seems perfect for the Mego treatment on the various classic bodies: Popeye, Olive Oyl, Bluto, and Wimpy.
                              WANTED: Dick Grayson SI trousers; gray AJ Mustang horse; vintage RC Batman (Bruce Wayne) head; minty Wolfman tights; mint Black Knight sword; minty Launcelot boots; Lion Rock (pale) Dracula & Mummy heads; Lion Rock Franky squared boots; Wayne Foundation blue furniture; Flash Gordon/Ming (10") unbroken holsters; CHiPs gloved arms; POTA T2 tan body; CTVT/vintage Friar Tuck robes, BBP TZ Burgess Meredith glasses.

