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Topps Megos

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  • TRDouble
    Permanent Member
    • Jul 10, 2012
    • 2554

    So far, Topps has still been the only way to acquire these figures. Not characters, but figures. Just like ZLC Collectibles is the only way to acquire Rocky in sweats. And if I might step outside of the Mego world, just like Hasbro Pulse is the only place to purchase Marvel Legends Johnny Storm in a blue & white FF uniform and a clear Sue Storm (and Mego Ghostbusters and G.I. Joes), difference being you don’t have to pay upfront with Hasbro… unless you buy a HasLab item and some of those items are as expensive as all of the Topps figures combined.

    Re-reading the Topps announcement, nowhere does it say that this is the only way to acquire these “characters”. In fact, it says exclusive figures, *including* new characters and reimagined classics. I do remember reading about the Topps deal being a way to get characters we otherwise might not get, and that might be true. And it does make me wonder if we get more DC characters like Ra’s Al Ghul in the future; a deal like Topps probably made a character like him possible.

    But, making a pure assumption because I do not work for Mego, once these figure were guaranteed to be manufactured (funded by us, which some people have a problem with, and that’s fine) and the head molds were made and paid for, I assume it made it financially possible for Mego to release these characters to mass market; they just had to be different than the Topps figures. The Topps deal made the variants possible.

    Depending on the sales of the IP, maybe Mego figures out how to get a Worf released. Maybe we see the Shazam figures as the new Shazam and Black Adam movies get closer. But without Topps, maybe we never see a Ra’s Al Ghul, a Borg Queen, or a Sisko… or the Crushers or Deanna Troi. Time will tell on some of these IPs.

    So, I don’t understand how the goalposts were moved, especially based on the Topps announcement. If anything is wrong with the announcement, it’s that we never got any 14” figures, but the plug was pulled, so that explains that too.

    Just my opinion.


    • TRDouble
      Permanent Member
      • Jul 10, 2012
      • 2554

      Whew! That’s a long post!


      • Nostalgiabuff
        Muddling through
        • Oct 4, 2008
        • 11323

        what i don't understand is this. we were told these were figures that would not sell at mass retail. but it seems to me the variants they are now releasing as wave 15, would have been better served as the Topps exclusives. Ie Spock in ceremonial robe, zira in 1970's attire. the basic figures for each of these we are getting through Topps, in movie accurate uniforms, would seem to me to be the bigger seller than the variants in different outfits. Just my opinion. i ordered the Topps and I will likely get the Apes and Trek variants too


        • sprytel
          Talkative Member
          • Jun 26, 2009
          • 6557

          Originally posted by Nostalgiabuff
          what i don't understand is this. we were told these were figures that would not sell at mass retail. but it seems to me the variants they are now releasing as wave 15, would have been better served as the Topps exclusives. Ie Spock in ceremonial robe, zira in 1970's attire. the basic figures for each of these we are getting through Topps, in movie accurate uniforms, would seem to me to be the bigger seller than the variants in different outfits. Just my opinion. i ordered the Topps and I will likely get the Apes and Trek variants too
          It varies depending on the figure. For instance, I agree with you on Spock... but I think the retail version of Shazam and (what I assume will be) spacesuit Taylor is probably better suited for mass market.

          So, off the top of my head, explanations for Spock (and ones like that) could be:

          1) Maybe they felt they needed some heavy hitters in the Topps lineup to successfully kick off the partnership?
          2) Maybe they were already viewing this as the variant of the more popular version (TWOK Spock)?
          3) Spock isn't actually in the "movie accurate uniform", but rather in the "vintage Mego interpretation of the movie uniform". So maybe they are planning to do a more accurate version in the future?
          4) Maybe the extent of the retail release is a reaction to the backlash over the Topps rollout, and this wasn't one originally planned for a retail release?

          I agree that it is all a bit puzzling. I'd love someday to hear the straight dope behind the Topps saga.


          • The Batman Professor
            Veteran Member
            • Jul 15, 2010
            • 361

            Originally posted by LonnieFisher
            Really? You still don't get it?
            The Topps figures are not getting released by anyone except for Topps. The wave 15 figures are not the same figures as the Topps figures. If the Topps figures were being released in wave 15, then I wouldn't have to be buying the wave 15 figures. As reality is, I will need to be buying more figures because I want the wave 15 variants, which aren't the figures Topps released.
            How is it that you still don't understand the difference? The same character does not equal the same figure. Mego has released many Spock figures. Same character, not the same figures. Does that make it a little more clear for you? It seems so easy to understand to me. If you still don't understand, I can post a clearer explanation with some pictures so you can see for yourself the difference. Let me know if that would be helpful...
            Thanks, Lonnie. As an educator in the halls of academe, I sometimes need things like this explained to me.

            You know, “book smart” and all that.
            sigpicSWEAR TO ME!


            • zeedox
              Career Member
              • Aug 10, 2007
              • 701

              Folks are also forgetting we were living in a Michael Crighten novel for a bit. Glad to be able to make these able to get made whatever it takes....are they on their way?


              • Retro76
                • Aug 4, 2012
                • 54

                Originally posted by sprytel
                It varies depending on the figure. For instance, I agree with you on Spock... but I think the retail version of Shazam and (what I assume will be) spacesuit Taylor is probably better suited for mass market.

                So, off the top of my head, explanations for Spock (and ones like that) could be:

                1) Maybe they felt they needed some heavy hitters in the Topps lineup to successfully kick off the partnership?
                2) Maybe they were already viewing this as the variant of the more popular version (TWOK Spock)?
                3) Spock isn't actually in the "movie accurate uniform", but rather in the "vintage Mego interpretation of the movie uniform". So maybe they are planning to do a more accurate version in the future?
                4) Maybe the extent of the retail release is a reaction to the backlash over the Topps rollout, and this wasn't one originally planned for a retail release?

                I agree that it is all a bit puzzling. I'd love someday to hear the straight dope behind the Topps saga.
                Here's my take on the whole Topps and Topps variant issue, trying to look at it from a business perspective and with the primary purpose of constructive criticism and not to rant.

                I think the reasoning for the Topps “variants” wave was for Mego to reuse the head sculpts and other tooling they produced for Topps with the intention of recuperating their investment and possibly making up for low sales of the Topps exclusives if you are to believe the low order "print runs" (which I do) of the exclusives that Topps reported on their website, which averaged in the range of 1k - 2k, with a few going a little over 2k per figure. My understanding is that the most expensive part of producing toys is the tooling and producing just 2k of a new head sculpt would not allow them to generate a profit or to possibly break even. I think if the Topps exclusives had sold 5k or more each then Mego would not necessarily have put out a full wave of Topps variants for regular distribution or at least not this soon. In fact had sales been good I am pretty sure they would have continued to offer exclusives via Topps but I digress.

                In terms of the preorder extended wait time, this is overall common with preorders from companies like Mezco, Super 7, Hasbro Pulse, etc. The 90 business days production-availability time frame announced by Topps is about four months, add to that the dock supply chain issues that has affected all companies, you could say the March-April arrival time is about right. That being said what stands out for me is if the purpose of the 7 day availability limit for the Topps exclusives was so they could be immediately be rushed into production then why are they collectively being shipped together instead of being shipped in batches as they were produced i.e. week 1- week 4 orders in one batch, week 4 - 8 another batch? This simply puts into question the need of having the exclusives offered on a weekly limited basis in the first place. It will be also interesting to see once Topps receives the shipments and starts fulfilling orders, will they be shipping to folks who ordered multiple week orders individually or together in one package despite customers purchasing individual shipping for each weekly order? If they ship them together in a single package, then that would seem deceptive since they charged shipping per weekly individual orders but that is just my opinion. Time will tell.

                Overall, I am Ok with Mego offering Topps variants. I purchased a couple of the exclusives and currently don't mind the wait and I also will purchase some of the variants.
                Last edited by Retro76; Mar 22, '22, 12:51 PM.


                • ToyBob
                  Museum Patron
                  • Feb 21, 2022
                  • 104

                  I can understand how this deal works for both of them and the consumer even if the distribution model is a bit screwy. There's always going to be things Mego can't make themselves while balancing out all the other things they are making and selling that it's good to have some partners.

                  That time window is just too small, objectively too tight, if I was rich and had apps to track these things I might get some Topps exclusives... maybe.

                  I always question the low production numbers, I guess it's a cost matter for the number of units one can reasonably make but you never get your tooling costs back producing too few units of anything, molds are expensive period.

                  The other questionable thing is probably which characters are picked, for example the Borg Queen which I can see being a fringe character of some interest that is good for this kind of deal, however I don't think Worf falls into this style of product being so prominent in that franchise.
                  I believe in psychics, but I also believe in charlatans and mental illness.


                  • apes3978
                    Permanent Member
                    • Nov 19, 2005
                    • 4943

                    Originally posted by ToyBob
                    I can understand how this deal works for both of them and the consumer even if the distribution model is a bit screwy.
                    The deal between Mego and Topps is done, so there's no deal to work for the both of them anymore.


                    • ToyBob
                      Museum Patron
                      • Feb 21, 2022
                      • 104

                      Originally posted by apes3978
                      The deal between Mego and Topps is done, so there's no deal to work for the both of them anymore.
                      Oh sure, I was just talking in terms of the aftermath of that, why it happened. In hindsight it seemed strange to me that Topps was even making non sports related products. Seen some listing for pre-ordering on EE an BBTS, is that what is happening now?
                      I believe in psychics, but I also believe in charlatans and mental illness.


                      • Tiberiusguy
                        Museum Patron
                        • Aug 23, 2019
                        • 149

                        So, it’s probably the same, shameless people, are selling the next wave… Topps re-releases for an amazing…$50. At first I thought that they were relenting on the huge mark up, but nooo…


                        • Heelz2315
                          New Member
                          • Apr 9, 2010
                          • 29

                          So now we've got the "exclusives" we paid for MONTHS ago, now being revamped slightly and pre sales for July, as well as the GI Joe most of us ordered last summer, and still don't have. No ballpark ETA/tracking/packaging NADDA.

                          I mean, come on......I can't ever see myself pre ordering anything mego ever again. I'll be more than happy to pay some extra and get one from ebay when I can get my hands on it.


                          • scratchy
                            Veteran Member
                            • Jul 20, 2003
                            • 256

                            Hasbro didn't charge my card, so who GAF about them being late?


                            • thunderbolt
                              Hi Ernie!!!
                              • Feb 15, 2004
                              • 34211

                              Originally posted by scratchy
                              Hasbro didn't charge my card, so who GAF about them being late?
                              Yeah I don't get the whining about the Hasbro stuff being late. Topps on the other hand has been banking on that money for months
                              You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren't happy in one place, chances are you won't be happy anyplace. -Ernie Banks


                              • TheVintageToyKid
                                Career Member
                                • Jul 23, 2019
                                • 673

                                Does anyone know the latest regarding the Topps Mego figures? Last I heard they were arriving in March and here we are mid-April and still nothing. Any updates would be greatly appreciated.
                                "I thought they didn't allow no bathin' suits in here."

